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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Forgotten Nation and the Price People Pay to Be Recognized.

The Forgotten Nation and the Price People Pay to Be Recognized.

"Remember those walls I built well, baby they're tumbling down and they didn't even put up a fight, they didn't even make a sound" ...Beyonce Knowles, Halo

The worst earthquake to hit Haiti in over 200 years, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rocked the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on Tuesday. This no doubt brings back memories of its difficult past. January 12 has been in the past able to attract the attention of the world on conditions within Haiti but never was this attention able to

impress upon the world the wanton suffering and total disregard to the human plight of basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, education and self governance - at least up until now.

For far too long the world has turned a blind eye to Haiti and now we see the hypocrisy of these nations coming forward to help. What wrong has Haiti done? One would ask; probably it is the sins of the people, the turning away from God's way (and by this I mean major sins); associating partners with God and punishable by an act such as this or a warning offering respite to those who would take heed, or could it be a trial and test for all of us to see how much we are willing to sacrifice for our ‘brothers and sisters’. However, most important is the fact that the world would once more focus its attention on this impoverished nation... a nation that has given so much to the world but which has received so little in return.

Haiti, having put Chicago, Illinois on the map and securing victory to the American colonial troops against the British in the Siege of Savannah was one of the most significant foreign contributions to the American Revolutionary War. In addition they were also instrumental in Latin America's struggle for independence from Spain, by offering military and financial assistance to Simon Bolivar, which were critical in enabling him to liberate New Granada (now Colombia), Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and Peru. Also much appreciation must be given to Haiti's Diaspora which had made vital contributions to the establishment of Africa’s university professors, medical doctors, administrators and development specialists.

It’s very unfair to see Haiti suffer like this today. The best day in Haiti is like Katrina in America. So why has the world turned its back on Haiti? Is it that there is no material wealth in Haiti? – No oil, gas, gold or diamond? Or is it that she has outlived her purpose? Now that all whom she has helped as moved on, which nation in the world can even come close to her contribution to the political landscape that exists today?

Haiti’s contribution to the world came on the heels of years of transgression perpetrated against her by France and a 90 million gold Francs payout to same oppressor to recognize her independence, an amount equivalent to 21 billion U.S. dollars which must be repaid as restitution to Haiti. Would France now come forward and admit her guilt and repay the 21 billion dollars owed to Haiti? And apologise to her for the transgression perpetrated against her, or would the world stand still and see this injustice go unabated?

Another disparity was when Barack Obama pledged 30 billion dollars to the rough state of Israel over the next ten years in addition to over 3 Billion dollars in accessible loans. What has Israel ever done for this world? What have they ever done for America? Other than to help maim and destroy. They have committed more acts of terrorism against America than any other nation on the planet. America is aiding Israel with billions of dollars to kill innocent human beings; men, women, and children and to compound the injustice they are spending billions to fight two unjust wars killing innocent men, women and children, while they would stand by and do nothing and spend nothing in comparison to save one child in Haiti.

The world stands by and does nothing; that is the hypocrisy. They help now only out of shame and after all is forgotten, they will all return to their same old ways.

Also note worthy is the way we Trinbagonians behave. A lot is being said about how much we feel for our ‘brothers and sisters’ and how much we love them. Our prayers go out to the earthquake victims. What would be nice is if we can translate all that love into action; and instead of putting taxpayers' billions into frivolous and fraudulent enterprises, invest our wealth into a nation's health.

"Now s the time for each nation to make its 'halo' visible."

Umar Abdullah
Head of:
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
Fax: 1 (868) 631-8597 (Please address to Umar Abdullah)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Weighing the Two Evils

Weighing the Two Evils

‘Life’s a stage’ – At least that’s what some believe – and even if that’s not true what is certain is that we are always before an audience, apart from God Almighty, someone is always watching... and what great performance we put on sometimes! This is especially so when situations are presented to us which inevitably reveals our strengths and weaknesses. A startling revelation of how gullible a people we have become.

TSTT is presenting ‘singing sensation’ Beyonce Knowles on a silver platter to this country and one would think she – as was the case with other artist - would have been received with open arms, but on the contrary this is not so. There has been mounting criticism from all corners levelled against TSTT for bringing the ‘international superstar’. Early objections came from the Communication Workers Union who at the moment is engaged in negotiations for better pay packages. Also expressing great concern

are the country’s’ promoters and entertainers, citing it as an insult to the various artforms, especially since TSTT took the decision not to sponsor some Carnival shows. Of course, there are those from amongst the general public who believe this is totally unacceptable and surely there are those who would stop at nothing to get a glimpse of the diva, as was evident on the opening day sale of tickets where all VVIP tickets priced at $1600.00 were sold out.

Now what exactly is the big deal? I think we will would all agree, that if a company other than TSTT was responsible for bringing this “international icon” these very same Communication Workers would have been scrambling for tickets and it would not have mattered to them weather 10 million was spent or 30 million. To add to the joke, these very same workers would either stay away from work or go into relax mode for Carnival thus causing a decrease in production, losing thousands of dollars in revenue. These very same workers would spend hundreds of dollars on Carnival tickets and alcohol and possibly drugs. It forces one to ask what positive use they would have put their money to if they had received that increase. Of course, when it comes to the promoters and entertainers it’s a totally different fight, but is it a fight for the art form or a fight for the hefty returns. Why is it only around Carnival time there is all this hullabaloo surrounding promoters and entertainers? Why not all year through? It is a well known fact that foreign content dominates the airwaves in this country, so why not make a fuss about this throughout the year? I guess the real big question here is who is insulting who?

To those who think that spending 10 to 30 million dollars to have a semi-nude woman entertain us is immoral and a total waste of time and money, hats off to you; but wait... are you not the same group of people in company of your children who would line the streets for Carnival and glue yourself to the television set to be immorally entertained?

Is it not a well known fact that Trinidad and Tobago Carnival is one of the worst immoral shows on earth; it attracts the most amount of drugs and lewd acts; spiralling the spread of communicable diseases and unwanted babies? It really amazes me how we think sometimes.

Now for the ones who think its ok; you are part of the reason why this country is in the mess it is today. You turn a blind eye to what would potentially affect us in the future. You eat, drink and merry yourselves at the expense of the less fortunate and vulnerable in society. You think a demoralized society is cool. What is so cool about a woman thinking the only way she can get people like you to appreciate her is to deliver her message in a semi-nude state? How sick can we ever become? Where is the voice of the women liberalising movement? It is clear by these accounts neither the coming of Beyonce nor Carnival would benefit our twin island state but would rather bankrupt our already dwindling sense of morality. Whatever good therein would be overpowered and drowned by evil. This is not a question of which is the lesser of the two evils but a question of what is right and wrong, what pleases God Almighty and what doesn’t. This type of negative behaviour breeds contempt of God's Law, which is an indication of how gullible our society have become; sick and unaware of the consequences... in reality, the natural course of our actions.

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Don’t Travel To America!
Don’t Buy American Products!
Don’t Support America!
If You Do, You Are a Supporter of:

• State Terrorism.
• Targeted Killing.
• Collective Punishment on Entire Families, Neighbours and Entire Towns.
• Disproportionate Revenge.
• Obstructing Movement of People and Trade and Taking Away Ones’ Freedom.
• Destroying the Economy, Culture and Religious Beliefs. Thereby Creating a Dependency upon America for All Your Necessities.
• A Police State.
• Secularism by Force upon all Countries which is Certainly Not Democracy but Colonization and Tyranny.
• Torture.
• Blackmail.
• A Racist State.
• The Evil Game of Semantics.
• A Hate campaign.
• Paganism of Patriotism.
• Unremitting Injustice.
• Arrogance.
• Barbarism and
• The Formation of a Godless Capitalist World Government and One World Currency That’s Not Worth the Paper It’s Printed on.

Umar Abdullah
Head of:

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
Fax: 1 (868) 631-8597 (Please address to Umar Abdullah)
