Afghanistan - Kabul

Germany - Berlin (Berlin)

Guyana - Georgetown

Morocco - Rabat

Pakistan - Islamabad

Trinidad - Port of Spain

U.K - London (England)

U.S.A - Washington DC (District of Columbia)

Saudi Arabia - Makkah

Saudi Arabia - Medina

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How do you clean up an oil spill?

How do you clean up an oil spill?

Response Techniques | Emergency Management | US EPA

Manufacturer of oil spill recovery and cleanup equipment including grooved drum skimmers, vacuum trailers, aluminum boats, containment boom, fire boom and portable tanks.

Friday, December 20, 2013

British government says it will help destroy Syria weapons stockpile?

British government says it will help destroy Syria weapons stockpile -
I don't trust this! How are we to know all of these weapons will be destroyed? Besides this was never part of the agreement; Syria under the watchful eyes of the UN is responsible for destroying those weapons; how did the British government get involved? And what a coincidence? A French company? I am going to pay very close attention to this because somewhere in the near future some 'so called' terrorist group would be blamed for possession and use of chemical weapons on the 'so called' free world...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


If the Jews have ever enjoyed any measure of peace and security anywhere in the world they owe it to the goodwill and benevolence of others rather than to their own power and strength. At times Muslim governments granted them refuge while at others non-Muslim powers extended protection. Similarly, if the Jews ever emerged as a power it was due not to their intrinsic strength but to the strength of others.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Nelson Mandela's Greatest Feat

It is truly amazing how even after his death Nelson Mandela was able to accomplish his greatest feat ever which was to bring all of the world's leaders together under one canopy and to touch their hearts in a manner never so done before; causing them to break down barriers they and all their political  tanks were never before able to do...

Thursday, December 12, 2013


To all those gay people out there who are advocating 'Love is not a crime' in response to the recent ruling in India and Australia banning gay sex; I say to them lets all hit the streets and advocate the same for those individuals who love there dogs and have sex with them. The point is, there is no difference! It is the same VILE and evil DESIRE that in no way can be considered normal rather it's a disease that is prompted by an inner desire that was never addressed while they were young; now it has become additive... This can be cured if the proper treatment is administered.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela: As I stand here waiting to board the ferry service to Tobago, I'm wondering what exactly was Mandela's last words... Hmmm... it will surely be Interesting to know...

How about we take a moment to Reflect...

Out of the night that covers me,Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank God Almighty For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the
Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Keyanna Cumberbatch and Jacob Monroe; the Bloody Hands of Government.


Re: Keyanna Cumberbatch and Jacob Monroe; the Bloody Hands of Government.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is appalled by the findings of the autopsy on six-year-old Keyanna Cumberbatch who were found dead in a barrel at her home.

The blood of six-year-old Keyanna Cumberbatch and one-year-old Jacob Monroe is on the hands of this government.

State agencies have failed and continue to fail with their intervention programmes and as such lead to the decay of these two beautiful gems (Islands) of the Caribbean.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) calls on the government to act now before the tears of our nation's children dry.

These children did not die today; they died the day government refused to recognize the red flag when they saw it...

As regards the individuals guilty of committing these gruesome acts; an apology is in order from the present administration for their lack of foresight and their inability to intervene in a timely manner but with every crime there are consequences and may God Almighty have mercy on both of you.

For Immediate Release:
Friday 29th November 2013

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 365-6253/787-0765

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Something to think about...

If you live long enough you'll have regrets and the ones that nag at you the most is the ones where you knew you had a choice, the ones where you knew you could have stopped yourself, the ones where you looked into the mirror and dissected yourself...

Don't do the things you know you are going to regret...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Media Release : Faaiq Mohammed


Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front ) is warning all political parties in particular Jack Warner and his ILP's party to stop and desist from using Islam and Muslims as pawns in their fight to gain political domanance.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front ) has been observing the behavior of this country's politicians in particular those of the ILP and UNC and is not impressed.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front ) has always maintained a neutral position when it comes to politics and has vowed to work along lines of righteousness and sincerity with which ever party holding the reigns of power, with the honest intent to bring about justice, fairness, peace and lawfulness in this Twin Island State of ours.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front ) warns If these parties continue along this path; the face of politics as we know it would change... A change we are not not prepared to endure.

November 8th 2013

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front )
Tel: 1 ( 868 ) 365 - 6253 / 787 - 0765.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Quran quote out of context

The leader of the People's Partnership Madam Kamla Persad Bessesser in her Homecoming speach tonight; Saturday 19th October 2013, quoted an Ayah from the Quran; Ayah 3:103. This Ayah was indeed taken out of context. Following is a proper explanation of the Ayah in context with today's َpolitical landscape.َ

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Quran), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided." (Quran 3:103).

Meaning; they should remain steadfast in their obedience and loyalty to God Almighty.

The expression 'cable of Allah', in this verse, refers to the 'religion of God Almighty'. The reason for use of the word 'cable' (habl) is that it both establishes a bond between man and God Almighty and joins all believers together. To take a firm hold on this cable means that the believers should attach profound importance to their religion (Islam): This should always be the centre of their concerns; they should continually strive to establish it; and the common desire to serve it should make them co-operate with each other.

As soon as Muslims turn their attentions away from the fundamental teachings of their religion and lose sight of establishing its hegemony in life they begin to concern themselves with matters of secondary importance. And, just as they rent the communities of the former Prophets, enticing people away from their true objective in life, so schisms and dissensions are bound to plague their lives. If Muslims do this they are bound to suffer indignity and disgrace both in this world and the Next as happened with the followers of the previous Prophets.

This refers to the state of the Arabs on the eve of the advent of Islam. There were animosities among the tribes which regularly broke out into fighting; every now and then there was much bloodshed. Things had reached a point that the entire Arabian nation seemed to be on the verge of destroying itself. It was due to the blessings of Islam alone that it was saved from being consumed by the fire to which this verse alludes. The people of Madina had embraced Islam some three or four years before these verses were revealed. They had witnessed the blessing of Islam as it unified into one brotherhood the Aws and Khazraj, two tribes which had long been sworn enemies. Moreover, both tribes treated the migrants from Makka in a spirit of sacrifice and love seldom seen even among members of the same family.

If they had eyes to see they could conclude for themselves whether their salvation lay in adhering firmly to this religion or in abandoning it and reverting to their former state; i.e. decide whether their true well-wishers were God Almighty and His Messenger or those Jews, polytheists and hypocrites who strove to plunge them back into their former state.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I believe the police response was very uncalculated; they behaved as though they were just out of the academy; Miriam Carey was unarmed; 17 shots! Not even the terrorist who are armed are treated this way. We all need to know what transpired before at the check point! Someone has to take responsibility for this! This is Murder in cold blood!

 'Terrorphobia'! That is what it is. America has sold and marketed terrorism so much that now the unsuspected becomes prey to their vicious rampage.

Washington Lock Down

Washington D.C. was put on edge Thursday afternoon when a woman rammed the gate to the White House before leading police officers on a high-speed chase. Witnesses taped chilling footage as about 20 police cars chased the driver towards Capitol Hill before shooting her dead; she was later identified as a 34-year-old from Connecticut, Miriam Carey. Two police officers were hurt in the chase, but Carey’s one-year-old daughter came away without a scratch even though she was in the backseat the entire time. It’s not clear what caused Carey’s erratic behavior, but authorities say it was not an accident. The incident has stirred up plenty of debate, with some wondering if police needed to fire 17 shots at an unarmed woman.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

MARIJUANA? The BIG Question!

Prime Minister Bissessar is correct!  It's not just about decriminalizing, more research needs to be done. We must keep in mind that if Marijuana is decriminalized it will open the flood gates for many of our youths to use and experiment with it. The brain is not fully developed until age 21; think about it with all the different strains of Marijuana existing with its different levels of THCs and CBDs who is to say and how will we be able to manage and control the distribution of the strains high in CBDs. At all cost what ever decision is made; it must be the intent to preserve the wellbeing of our citizens.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Message from Prison

Peace and Guidance;
I just got this message from prison :
"There is some thing you must high light it your boy the muslim brother who got the retrial
They just search by him and I am hearing they real beat him
Lots of blood
Its a officer from point name shaka
He feel he is iron man coming with a squad of them and he just busting people head."
"Which brother Bobby?
"Yes bobby"
Bobby is from MSP
Bobby's correct name is Fizul Rahman 31yrs old. He was changed for Murder in Dec., 2003. His trial ended with a hung jury. He is still awaiting a re-trial.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Miss New York is first Indian-American to win Miss America?

Miss New York is first Indian-American to win Miss America - Nina Davuluri won the 2014 Miss America pageant on Sunday, becoming the first Indian-American to wear the crown, which went to Miss New York for the second year in a row...

This is not something India or Indians should be proud of... The west (America) won yet another round in its fight for domination of an ethnic race... What it signals to us is how easy it is for an ethnic minority; in a foreign country (America) to be devoured by an evil and Godless society...

This should be a wakeup call to all other ethnic groups such as the Muslims...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Media Release - Re: The US military intervention in Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons

Media Release:

Re: The US military intervention in Syria
for its alleged use of chemical weapons

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) cautions and rejects any form of US military intervention in Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons. We call on the PP Government and the citizens of this twin Island State to adopt the same stance.

Keeping in mind the following:

The people in countries regarded as allies of the US are also opposed to military force.

The UN investigative team has not yet completed its investigation and President
Obama should wait until such time the investigation is completed and its    findings made public, before any action is taken with the full support of the UN.
President Obama should be careful not to show arrogant superiority against the  
UN. Former US President George W. Bush was also guilty of such arrogance when he ignored the UN in his decision to wage war on Iraq in 2003.

An attack on Syria would also be a violation of international law since Syria has not attacked the US. As a matter of fact in the last 30 years the US has invaded other sovereign states without going through the United Nations Security Council.

It is highly illogical to think that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attack. Why would he do such a thing in the presence of the UN investigation team that he himself invited? What does he have to gain especially after being successful on the battle- ground in recent months?

The armed opposition in Syria has more motives to use chemical weapons. It would not serve Bashar any good to draw the US and its allies into a direct military conflict especially since Obama had declared repeatedly that the use of chemical weapons would provoke a US response. However there have been instances in the past where the opposition forces manipulated situations to engage responses from other countries and the UN. The August 21st chemical attack has all the writings of a well orchestrated false flag operation.

Certainly the US is guilty of fabricating various false flag operations; the battleship Maine incident in Havana in 1898, the Gulf of Tonkin episode in 1964, the Kuwait incubator event in 1990, the weapons of Mass Destruction myth in Iraq in 2003 to name a few; All in an effort to undermine ‘the enemy’.

And how hypocritical! When it comes to the use of chemical weapons, the US contradicts itself; who used Agent Orange in Vietnam which lead to the death of thousands? Who supplied mustard gas to Saddam Hussein in his aggression against Iran in 1988 killing 5000 defenseless people? And what about the depleted Uranium used in the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003? Hundreds of babies continue to be born deformed as a result of this. The US has no moral authority to talk about chemical weapons.

This so called act of morality is a cover to what can also be viewed as an assertion of power against Russia in light of their strained relations. Through the Syrian conflict, the US would have the opportunity to show President Vladimir Putin that the US is still the world’s only superpower and should not be taken for granted.

This conflict raises yet another question of morality and power. The US and its allies, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel, are funding, arming, providing intelligence and offering logistical assistance to groups totally committed to violence and terror as a method of achieving their goal of ousting the Bashar government. On the one hand, the US and the others proclaim that they are all opposed to violence and terrorism and yet on the other hand they unscrupulously use terror outfits in pursuit of their power.

This Syrian conflict has also reinforced longstanding sectarian and tribal divisions in West Asia and North Africa. Actors within and outside are exploiting the Sunni-Shia split in particular as a way of playing the majority sect in Islam against the minority with the aim of weakening Muslim solidarity. Sectarian violence is now rearing its ugly head not just in Syria but also and for a much longer while in Lebanon, Bahrain and Iraq.

These sectarian clashes in West Asia and North Africa benefit Israel’s goal of remaining the dominant force in the region. The ability of Israel to perpetuate its dominance is a prerequisite for the security of the state which is their primary obsession. Taking military action against Syria with the objective of overthrowing Bashar is what Israel wants because Bashar is an important link in the axis of resistance to Israeli dominance which includes Iran and Hezbollah. Israel has conducted three air strikes within Syria in the last six months and its commandos have been training segments of the armed opposition. It is believed that the so-called ‘independent’ intelligence on the 21 August chemical weapons incident that is being spread around by the US and Britain is actually from Israel. In this regard, it is worth reiterating that Israel is the hidden hand in much of the politics of other states such as Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Sudan.

This military action against Syria partly on the advice of Israel; the US will bring nothing but misery and suffering to the people. The classic example is of course Iraq; 10 years after its conquest by the US and Britain, Iraq is a totally devastated nation, wrecked by perpetual sectarian violence, first ignited by the invasion itself in 2003. There is the other tragic case of Afghanistan which 12 years after the US-NATO occupation is still mired in the agony of chaos. Why should Syria be any different?

Instead of travelling further down the military route, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the American Ambassador Deputy Chief of Mission, Margaret B. Diop to communicate this release to the US House of Representatives and the Senate advising them to urge President Obama to lend his weight to the proposed US-Russia meeting on Syria and to allow all the other regional and international actors connected to the Syrian conflict to attend. Securing an immediate ceasefire should be the meeting’s principal goal. The US and its allies should cease providing military, monetary and all other forms of assistance to the armed opposition on the ground. When this is done, so too would Bashar’s Russian and Iranian supporters. The ceasefire should be supervised by the UN and would set the stage for the establishment of an interim national unity government comprising representatives from Bashar’s Baath Party, the legitimate Syrian opposition and independent individuals. The unity government should then draft a new constitution which will provide for a parliamentary election to be followed immediately by a presidential election. Both elections, and the referendum on the constitution, should be conducted and monitored by the UN.

For Immediate Release:
September 9, 2013
Umar Abdullah Head of: Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
Fax: 1 (868) 631-8597

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hezbollah hints at possible Syria intervention

Hezbollah hints at possible Syria intervention

A venomous mix of Ignorance, Nationalism and idolatry; a treasonous affair against Allah and treachery against the Muslims. May Allah save us from the likes of this... Aameen...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


At least 82 killed as Bangladesh building collapses
Makes me wonder how much of this exist in our own Country... Let's all take a lesson from this. My condolences goes out to all those afflicted by this tragedy.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lecture Series : " From Darkness Into Light ”.

Bismillah wa -Alhamdulillah wa Salaatu wa Salaam 'alaa Rasulillah 'amma ba'd

Muwahhideen Publications and in conjunction with several Masaajid throughout Trinidad are pleased to present a six-day lecture series with Abu ‘Abdur Rahmaan ‘Ali al-Filistinee entitled, “From Darkness Into Light”. The lectures begin on Wednesday 24th April and end on Monday 29th April 2013. Allah says in the Qur’aan,“It is He Who sends down manifest Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to His slave (Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful.” [Al-Hadid: 9]

Our brother (hafidhahullah) will lecture to us on a number of essential topics in the life of a Muslim and so remind us of our duty to our Lord (Subhaanah) and by the Permission of Allah, we will all benefit from these sittings of knowledge. As the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,"Verily! The world is accursed and what it contains is accursed, except remembrance of Allah and those who associate themselves with Allah; and a learned man, and a learning person.''Thus, we encourage our brothers and sisters in Islaam to make an effort to attend.

Detailed schedule of topics with corresponding venues will be released in the next few days Inshaa Allah ta'alaaWa Billahi TawfeeqWa SallAllahu wa Sallama wa Barak 'alaa Nabiyanna Muhammad wa 'alaa 'Alyhi wa Sahbyhi wa Sallam.

For more information call : Umar Abdullah 1 868 365 - 6253 / 787 - 0765.
