Media Release:
Re: Muslims Detained in Venezuela.
No government! no country! should allow its citizens to be used as a pawns in another country's political turmoil; especially when there exist a strained relationship with this group and its government.
Such action has already led to the infringement of rights of our brothers and sisters and it is therefore prudent at this time that Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) calls on the government of this twin island State to act swiftly and effectively in resolving this matter regarding our brothers held/detained in Venezuela.
The urgency to act by this People's Partnership administration must be seen and felt by all as this government must ensure our brothers safe journey back home to Trinidad...
For Immediate Release:
Wednesday 2nd April 2014
Umar Abdullah Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front )
Tel: 1 (868) 365-6253/787-0765