Afghanistan - Kabul
Germany - Berlin (Berlin)
Guyana - Georgetown
Morocco - Rabat
Pakistan - Islamabad
Trinidad - Port of Spain
U.K - London (England)
U.S.A - Washington DC (District of Columbia)
Saudi Arabia - Makkah
Saudi Arabia - Medina
Monday, December 16, 2019
Media Release: The Negative Portrayal of Imam Hassan Ali on the Newsday Newspaper.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Media Release: Legalization of Cannabis and the stability of our Nation
Media Release:
Re: Legalization of Cannabis and the stability of our Nation
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) warns, that the Nation is facing an epic opening of a social floodgate by the government of the day and most of the citizenry is oblivious of the impending potential catastrophe which may come to their homes and places of comfort.
The true value of a democratic government is epitomized in its ability to make decisions which will enhance the lives and interest of the population in a manner that is morally, ethically and socially progressive.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is asking the question, Will the legalization of Cannabis bring such a standard to our beloved nation? Will it add value to the culture of peace, harmony and safety which we aspire to create and develop for our generations to come?
To bring you to answering this question honestly, you must be made aware of what Cannabis is verses what “Marijuana” or “ganja” or “weed” or “the blunt” is.
An aromatic herb, with origins from the South Asian continent.
Marijuana or Weed or Ganga or The Blunt.
“In Colorado, which made marijuana legal in November 2012, the latest results show that the pot lining store shelves is much more potent than the weed of 30 years ago. But the boost in power comes at a cost—modern marijuana mostly lacks the components touted as beneficial by medical marijuana advocates, and it is often contaminated with fungi, pesticides and heavymetals.
“There's a stereotype, a hippy kind of mentality, that leads people to assume that growers are using natural cultivation methods and growing organically," says Andy LaFrate, founder of Charas Scientific, one of eight Colorado labs certified to test cannabis.
His group has tested more than 600 strains of marijuana from dozens of producers. Potency tests, the only ones Colorado currently requires, looked at tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound that produces the plant's famous high. They found that modern weed contains THC levels of 18 to 30 percent—double to triple the levels that were common in buds from the 1980s. That's because growers have cross-bred plants over the years to create more powerful strains, which today tout colorful names like Bruce Banner, Skunk berry and Blue Cookies. Those thinking that stronger pot is always better pot might think again. Breeding for more powerful marijuana has led to the virtual absence of cannabinol (CBD), a compound being investigated for treatments to a range of ills, from anxiety and depression to schizophrenia, Huntington's disease and Alzheimer's.
Reports from the countries who have legalized Cannabis indicate that the new struggle is the impact it is having on the users of the drug. The now legal producers are finding ways to create addicts.
Drive along the streets of any average village or community and what do you see? A bar or liquor mart almost every hundred meters.
“Over 60% of households (HHs) in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) consume alcohol. These HHs were more likely to report illnesses, relationship problems, and behavioral problems with children.”
We have been found to be ranked among the highest in the world for porn viewership and downloads according to a local newspaper report:
How many school children end up with cigarettes because of careless parents and irresponsible retailers?
According to the World Health Organization:
“Trinidad and Tobago has the highest population of smokers in the English-speaking Caribbean (27%), with second-hand smoke posing a threat to public health. The 2007 Global School-based Health Survey of 2,969 students (10–18 years old) at 32 secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago revealed that 9.9% of students (11.2% of males and 8.5% of females) had smoked cigarettes on one or more days during the previous 30 days. Of students who smoked, 80.9% had tried their first cigarette at age 13 years or younger. The rate in the 16- to 18-year age group was 17.9% (22.5% males and 13.4% females).”
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is asking the question, can Trinidad and Tobago really handle more “addicts”?
The Government is touting this legalization as being a benefit to the nation but the track record of the state to properly regulate anything that can be abused in this country is evidence enough to support the statement that this nation may be facing a social catastrophe.
We need to have a channeled system for this to be of any real benefit to the persons whose choice it is to use the herb. Cannabis use should not become lateral and equal to the use of cigarettes or alcohol.
Allowing the entire population to have the right to growing it, even in a small quantity, is a recipe for chaos. The negative impact from abuse or misuse of this herb cannot be overstated. According to:
Marijuana’s effects vary, depending upon the strength and amount consumed, the setting in which it is taken, and the experience of the user. Psychological effects tend to predominate, with the user commonly experiencing a mild euphoria. Alterations in vision and judgment result in distortions of time and space. Acute intoxication may occasionally induce visual hallucinations, anxiety, depression, extreme variability of mood, paranoid reactions, and psychoses lasting four to six hours. Marijuana’s physical effects include reddening of the eyes, dryness of the mouth and throat, moderate increase in the rapidity of the heartbeat, tightness of the chest (if the drug is smoked), drowsiness, unsteadiness, and muscular incoordination.
Chronic use does not establish physical dependence, nor does the regular user suffer extreme physical discomfort after withdrawal. However, the use of marijuana may be psychologically habituating. Research indicates that marijuana use during the teenage years is associated with an increased risk of depression in young adulthood.
Instead the discussion should be about creating a structure where the commercial planting, process and distribution is controlled and recorded.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is advocating:
1) The Government should consider having one (1) national authority for testing and processing the plant for use or consumption.
2) The growing of the plant should be limited to registered and licensed farmers who must be able to show that they can secure and protect their crop from easy access. This will create the environment for proper business amongst the farming community.
3) There should be an established list that defines what variety of Cannabis plants will be allowed. This will prevent the tampering of the genetic makeup of the plant, thus protecting the end – user.
4) These farmers must then trade their produce at a government-approved rate to the authority that is established for distribution to authorized users. This will allow an even field for the small farmer vs the large farmer.
5) Persons who want to purchase the processed plant can then be categorized into genres such as research, health or recreation.
6) All customers to the authority should be made to register with a minimal registration fee and be given a specific registration number so that the state can account for all persons who have legal access to the plant at any time.
7) Persons found to be using or in possession can then be easily identified by the police as either legitimate or illegitimate.
8) The product should be branded and specific markers attached so that the batches and production date can be identified. This will prevent unauthorized products from entering the market.
This system will benefit the entire nation by way of the state gaining revenue streams through regulation and sale of the products. It will create entrepreneurs in the farming community and the illegal drug trade in this sector will die as a consequence of the operational cost and loss of customers.
Off course, like everything typical Trini-styled, persons will try to beat the system and off course persons will continue to end up before the courts. We cannot become a society where, due to the high frequency of persons breaking the law, we opt to change the law to accommodate law-breakers. We have seen this stance being taken time and time again, with the Private Cars working as taxis, the speed limit etc. There must remain a level of control.
We also cannot allow politicians to use our divided stance, subjected to what affects us or how we feel personally and directly, to coerce us into voting or supporting them. After they attain office where they are paid exorbitant salaries, which they determine for themselves, it is us, you and I, the regular citizens who are left to live, day in day out, with the ills of the social fallout that come with rash decision-making and laws passing.
Murder, rape, robbery, assault, organized crime, domestic violence, broken homes, destroyed lives of loved ones and the list goes on.
To the sober-minded citizens of this nation, if you do not come out and have a say on this matter, Marijuana will be coming to the shops and street corners near you, courtesy the political ambitions of a government desperate for five more years of authoritarian rule under the guise of democracy.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the entire population to say NO to Legalization and Yes to Legislative Regulation!
For Immediate Release:
Date: Monday 25th November 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Media Release: In Response to the Miscellaneous Provisions (Law Enforcement Officers) Bill 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Media Release: Plea to this administration to step up efforts to repatriate women and children who are being held in Syria.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Media Release: Renewed Call to Shut Down TTT Limited.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Media Release: Shutting Down of TTT Limited.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Media Release: Response to Newsday's Article - "Criminologist: Jail ISIS Moms."dated, Wednesday 16th October 2019, by Newsday's Journalist, Azard Ali.
Media Release:
Re: Response to Newsday's Article - "Criminologist: Jail ISIS Moms."dated, Wednesday 16th October 2019, by Newsday's Journalist, Azard Ali.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is shocked and amazed with yesterday's, Wednesday 16th October 2019 article by Newsday's Journalist, Azard Ali which headline's read "Criminologist: Jail ISIS Moms." Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is making the revelation, the article is slanderous and misleading. "I didn't say jail. I said investigated. The case I made is that if the govt is to bring back the women and children, some of the women will have to be investigated and face justice in return."
"I'm for repatriation of women and children- but there has to be a reckoning with some of the women who knowingly took their kids to a war zone."
"They're not victims, the kids are, but not the parents, " said Simon Cottee when interviewed today by Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front's) head Umar Abdullah.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) holds the view that absolute care must be taken after the repatriation process is completed, in that mechanisms must be installed to assess and determine the intent of those who have gone and what were the circumstances that would have influenced their decision to leave. In the interest of security and safety for all and the promotion of proper growth and development in achieving the maximum benefit of actions taken, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) suggests the commissioning of a specialist unit comprising of all stakeholders inclusive of, military, police, the judiciary, government, academia and civil society.
It is quite clear the newsday's editor prostituted the reputation of the Newsday paper for the "Almighty Dollar" in coining the headline in the manner it was worded, when obviously an alternative such as "Concerns for ISIS women when they return" would have drawn just as much attention as did the chosen headline did.
This was a grave compromise of the journalist's values and oath of duty were they testify the belief, that clear thinking and clear statement, accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism. - they further state the belief that a journalist should write only what he holds in his heart to be true. - and the belief that suppression of the news, for any consideration other than the welfare of society, is indefensible.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Newsday editors to retract this story in like manner it appeared in the public and we call on the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago's, Dr Sheila Rampersad to immediately launch an investigation into the matter. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) views this as indulging in anti-Islamic sentiment rhetoric in an effort to spew hate and division within the Islamic community.
Link to article:
For Immediate Release:
Date: October, 17th 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Media Release: United Prison Movement, Meeting and Hunger Strike.
Media Release:
Re: United Prison Movement, Meeting and Hunger Strike.
Umar Abdullah for the United Prison Movement: Interview With PSA TV - 2nd October 2019
United Prison Movement held its second meeting at The Mandela Hall, Centre of Excellence, 17A Macoya Road, Tunapuna on Wednesday 2nd October 2019. We covered a number of pertinent issues facing the prison, the prisoners and their families. Present at the meeting were family and friends of both remanded and convicted inmates, Attorney at Law Fareed Ali, Deputy Commissioner of Prisons, Mohammed and his entourage and His Worship, Magistrate Nikolas Ali.
On a separate note, contrary to a report in the Guardian by RADHICA DE SILVA, dated Sunday 6th October 2019. The United Prison Movement was the body responsible for the immediate end to the the five day Hunger Strike and not the prison authorities as was alluded to in the article.
For Immediate Release:
Date: October 7th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of United Prison Movement and Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Monday, September 9, 2019
The commemoration 10th day of the Islamic month called Muharram; Ashura
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) joins Muslims here and across the world in observing the significance of the day of Ashura; 10th of the Muharram, or more specifically the 10th day of the Islamic month called Muharram, which incidentally falls on the 10th of September. This day is considered to be the holiest month after Ramadhan and one of the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar.
This day also bears significance to the Jews and Christians as it commemorates the day Noah left the Ark, and more significantly, the day that Moses and the Israelites were saved from Pharaoh by Almighty God creating a path in the Sea. For Shia Muslims, Ashura is a solemn day of mourning the martyrdom of Hussein in 680 AD at Karbala in modern-day Iraq. It must be noted that this day of mourning bears no real significance and does not represent the authentic traditions in Islam.
This day is marked by Muslims all over the world with two voluntary days of fasting. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged Muslims to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram because it is an expiation of sins of the preceding year.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is offering supplications on this auspicious day of Muharram, for Almighty God to deliver us as He has delivered Noah and Moses (May the Almighty God be pleased with them). May Almighty God save us from the grip of the heartless, gutless, criminals and the evil of our wretched rulers. May Almighty God bless us with health, wealth, peace and happiness, and abundance of all that is good and pure. Aameen.
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253
Friday, August 30, 2019
Media Release: Rogue Head of The Prison's High-Risk Management Unit.
Media Release:
Re; Rogue Head of The Prison's High-Risk Management Unit.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on Prisons Commissioner Gerard Wilson to answer why to date; 5 Muslim inmates; in particular Roget Boucher and Sheldon Reid (an elderly Diabetic person) and others which includes Michael Finley, Olatunji Denbow and Brent Johnson, is still being housed at Building 13; the "Muslim Dungeon" located at the Maximum Security Prison.
Further, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is demanding answers into the false accusations purported throughout the prison, that both men Boucher and Reid had some involvement into criminal acts at the prison; an accusation, they know nothing about. Additionally, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) understands that this was the handy work of chief advisor to the Prisons Commissioner, Wilson, who also happens to head of the High-risk management unit. This advisor is also responsible for banning Arabic books coming into the prison.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) understands that this same trusted advisor has been demanding dates with female visitors and is behind the unfounded allegations pertaining to this case. We understand, that this High-Risk Management Head, mere months ago, got into a verbal spat with Roget Boucher and has since made attempts to undermine the reform and rehabilitation of Boucher.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is asking, can the prisons commissioner state, whether this information is true, and answer why is his chief advisor at the center of this controversy? And thus by default placing himself; Gereld Wilson in a very compromising position. These lies and Innuendos on the part of this rogue officer who has disguised himself as a trusted advisor has tarnished and is destroying the relationship between the Prisons Service and Muslim groups in this country. Why is the Prisons Commissioner allowing himself to be manipulated like this? Again, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on all Independent media personnel to investigate this 'so called' advisor to Commissioner Wilson, his background and his sexually predatory nature.
For Immediate Release:
Date: August., 30th 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253
Media Release: Rogue Head of The Prison's High-Risk Management Unit.
Media Release:
Re; Rogue Head of The Prison's High-Risk Management Unit.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on Prisons Commissioner Gerard Wilson to answer why to date; 5 Muslim inmates; in particular Roget Boucher and Sheldon Reid (an elderly Diabetic person) and others which includes Michael Finley, Olatunji Denbow and Brent Johnson, is still being housed at Building 13; the "Muslim Dungeon" located at the Maximum Security Prison.
Further, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is demanding answers into the false accusations purported throughout the prison, that both men Boucher and Reid had some involvement into criminal acts at the prison; an accusation, they know nothing about. Additionally, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) understands that this was the handy work of chief advisor to the Prisons Commissioner, Wilson, who also happens to head of the High-risk management unit. This advisor is also responsible for banning Arabic books coming into the prison.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) understands that this same trusted advisor has been demanding dates with female visitors and is behind the unfounded allegations pertaining to this case. We understand, that this High-Risk Management Head, mere months ago, got into a verbal spat with Roget Boucher and has since made attempts to undermine the reform and rehabilitation of Boucher.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is asking, can the prisons commissioner state, whether this information is true, and answer why is his chief advisor at the center of this controversy? And thus by default placing himself; Gereld Wilson in a very compromising position. These lies and Innuendos on the part of this rogue officer who has disguised himself as a trusted advisor has tarnished and is destroying the relationship between the Prisons Service and Muslim groups in this country. Why is the Prisons Commissioner allowing himself to be manipulated like this? Again, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on all Independent media personnel to investigate this 'so called' advisor to Commissioner Wilson, his background and his sexually predatory nature.
For Immediate Release:
Date: August., 30th 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253
#UmarAbdullah #WaajihatulIslaamiyyah #TheIslamicFront #TrinidadAndTobago #MuslimInmates
#MuslimDungeon #ArabicBooks #UnfoundedAllegations #liesAndInnuendos #RogueOfficer #PrisonCommissionerGereldWilson
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Media Release: Questions as to Why Government is Condoning Outrageous Acts Against Prisoners.
Media Release:
Re: Questions as to Why Government is Condoning Outrageous Acts Against Prisoners.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is again re-iterating it’s call to the Citizenry to distance themselves from the PNM and turn support away on the ground from the PNM as campaigning is ongoing for Local Government elections. This; on the premise that this present administration continues to turn a blind eye and condone the actions of Commissioner of Prisons; Gerald Wilson, under his "NEW BOSS" Gary Griffith, in carrying out outrageous acts against prisoners and sitting on it as if nothing has ever happened.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the commissioner to answer why Arabic books are not accepted in the prison and why the two (2) Muslim inmates Roget Boucher and Sheldon Reid are continuing to be housed at the dungeon, that is Building 13 or should it be referred to as the "Muslim Dungeon"? Because this building is the preferred choice by the state and by extension the commissioner and his associates when they feel to maliciously punish Muslims. Michael Finley, Olatunji Denbow, Darryl Bissoon, Brent Johnson and Stephon Whitehall are the other inmates who are being maliciously punished. All are Muslims with the exception of Darryl Bissoon and Stephon Whitehall.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is questioning whether or not fair play was involved in the selection process or was it a clear case of nepotism on the part of the prison commissioner in hiring the head the High-risk management unit. A question to the commissioner and to all investigative journalists in this country; who is this person who heads this unit? What is his track record? Where any charges brought against him?
Further, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the National Security Minister and by extension the Prime Minister to investigate whether the Prison commissioner has become "politically exposed" based on the relationship he shares with a certain ex high ranking international official. If this is, in fact, true, it puts him at risk for potential involvement in bribery and corruption by virtue of his position and the influence that he holds.
In light of all this Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on all investigative journalists in this country to dig deeper into the real operations of prison Commissioner Gerald Wilson and his associates. Whether or not they are creating monsters and boogiemen, further contributing to violent crimes or putting a dent into our crime splurge.
For Immediate Release:
Date: August., 27th 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253
Friday, August 2, 2019
The day of ‘Arafah
Praise be to Allaah.
The day of ‘Arafah and the fast thereon is the ninth day of the month of Dhu’l-Hijjah, which is defined for each country according to their sighting of the new moon of Dhu’l-Hijjah. So it may be on Thursday for the people of Makkah, and for others it may be on Wednesday or Saturday. It is not essential to follow the people of Makkah when there are differences in the sighting of the new moon. This is the most correct of the scholarly views, that each country has its own sighting when there is a difference concerning that.
If the Muslims in Britain have sighted the new moon, then the Muslims in that country should follow their sighting, otherwise they should follow the sighting of the country closest to them. See the topic after this entitled "Moon Sightings at it relates to The Day of 'Arafat".
There is a great deal of virtue in offering supplication (du‘aa’) on the day of ‘Arafah, because of the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him), according to which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The best of supplication is supplication of the day of Arafat, and the best of what I and the Prophets before me said is: Laa ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu, laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no god but Allah alone, with no partner or associate; His is the Dominion, to Him be praise, and He has power over all things).”
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3585) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1536.
Does this virtue apply only to those who are in ‘Arafat, or does it include other places too?
Concerning that there is a difference of opinion among the scholars, which is discussed in the topic at the end, entitled "Du’aa’ offered on the day of ‘Arafah".
According to the opinion that it includes other countries and places too, the same may be said concerning it as is said above. So each person should offer supplication on the ninth day of Dhu’l-Hijjah, according to the sighting of the new moon in his country, even if the pilgrims stood in ‘Arafat on the previous day or will do so on the following day.
And Allah knows best.
Moon Sightings at it relates to The Day of 'Arafat.
Praise be to Allaah.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: what if the day of ‘Arafah is different because of the moon being sighted at different times in different countries? Should we fast according to the moon sighting in the country where we are or according to the moon sighting in al-Haramayn (the two Holy Sanctuaries)?
He replied: This is based on a difference of opinion among the scholars: Is there only one moon sighting for the whole world or does it vary according to when the moon rises in different places?
The correct view is that it varies according to when the moon rises in different places. For example, if the moon is sighted in Makkah, and today is the ninth, and it is sighted elsewhere one day before Makkah, and the day of ‘Arafah in Makkah is the tenth for them, it is not permissible for them to fast on this day because it is Eid. Similarly if it so happens that they sight the moon after Makkah, and the 9th in Makkah is the 8th for them, then they should fast the day that is the 9th for them, which is the 10th in Makkah. This is the correct view, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When you see it (the new moon) fast and when you see it break your fast.” Those who did not see the moon in their own location have not seen it. Just as people are unanimously agreed that the times for dawn and sunset vary according to their own location, so too the months are also worked out by location, just like the daily timings.
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 20.
And he (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about some people who worked in the Saudi embassy in a foreign country, who said that they were having a problem concerning the fast of Ramadaan and the fast on the day of ‘Arafah. The brothers there had split into three groups:
One group said: we will fast with Saudi and break the fast with Saudi.
Another group said: we will fast with the country where we are living and break the fast with them.
The last group said: we will fast Ramadaan with the country where we are living, but we will fast the day of ‘Arafah with Saudi.
They asked the Shaykh to provide them with a detailed answer concerning the Ramadaan fast and fasting the day of ‘Arafah, whilst noting that for the past five years, in the country where they were living neither Ramadaan nor the day of ‘Arafah had been observed on the same days as in Saudi; their Ramadaan started one or two days after it had been announced in Saudi, and sometimes three days after.
He replied:
In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them) differed concerning the issue when the moon is sighted in one part of the Muslim world and not in another: do all the Muslims have to act on the basis of that, or only those who sighted it and the people who live in the same region, or only those who sighted it and the people who live under the same government? There are many different points of view.
The most correct view is that the matter should be referred to those who have knowledge of it. If the moon rises at the same point for two countries they become like one country, so if it is sighted in one of them that ruling applies to the other. But if the rising points differ, then each country has its own ruling. This is the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him); this is the apparent meaning of the texts of the Qur’aan and Sunnah and what is implied by analogy.
In the Qur’aan it says (interpretation of the meaning):
“So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Sawm (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Sawm (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allaah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allaah [i.e. to say Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar: Allaah is the Most Great)] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him”
[al-Baqarah 2:185]
What is implied by this verse is that whoever does not see it is not obliged to fast.
In the Sunnah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When you see it (the new moon) then fast, and when you see it, break your fast.” What is implied by this hadeeth is that if we did not see it we are not obliged to fast or to break the fast.
With regard to analogy, the times for starting and ending the fast each day should be worked out in each country on its own, according to the local times of sunrise and sunset. This is a point on which there is scholarly consensus. So you see the people in east Asia starting their fast before the people of west Asia, and breaking their fast before them, because dawn breaks for the former before the latter, and the sun sets for the former before the latter.
Once this is established with regard to the times for starting and ending the daily fast, it also applies to the start and end of the monthly fast. There is no difference between them.
But if many regions come under the same government, and the ruler gives the command for the fast to start or end, then his command must be followed, because this is a matter of scholarly dispute but the command of the ruler dispels that dispute.
Based on the above, you should fast and break your fast along with the people of the country where you are living, whether that is in accordance with your country of origin or not. Similarly on the day of ‘Arafah you should follow the country where you are living.
Written by Muhammad al-Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, 28/8/1420 AH.
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 19.
Du’aa’ offered on the day of ‘Arafah.
Praise be to Allaah.
It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no day on which Allaah ransoms more of His slaves from the Fire than the day of ‘Arafah. He draws close then He boasts about them before the angels and says, ‘What do these people want?’” Narrated by Muslim (1348).
It was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of du’aa’ is du’aa’ on the day of ‘Arafah, and the best that I and the Prophets before me said is ‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no god but Allaah alone, with no partner or associate; His is the dominion, to Him be praise, and He has power over all things).” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3585)’ classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb (1536).
It was narrated from Talhah ibn ‘Ubayd ibn Kurayz in a mursal report: “The best of du’aa’ is du’aa’ on the day of ‘Arafah.” Narrated by Maalik in al-Muwatta’ (500); classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (1102).
The scholars differed concerning this virtue of du’aa’ on the day of ‘Arafah, whether it applies only to those who are in ‘Arafah or it includes other places. The more correct view is that it is general and that the virtue is connected to the day, but undoubtedly those who are in ‘Arafah have combined the virtue of the place with the virtue of the time.
Al-Baaji (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The words “The best of du’aa’ is on the day of ‘Arafah” mean the dhikr with the greatest blessing, the greatest reward and that which is most likely to be answered. It may be interpreted as referring to pilgrims only, because the meaning of du’aa’ on the day of ‘Arafah is very true in their case, and applies especially to them. But if the day of ‘Arafah is regarded in general terms, it is described as such because of the pilgrims being there. And Allaah knows best. End quote.
Al-Muntaqa Sharh al-Muwatta’ (1/358).
It is proven that some of the salaf regarded “al-ta’reef” as permissible, which means gathering in the mosques to offer du’aa’ and remember Allaah (dhikr) on the day of ‘Arafah. Among those who did that was Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him). Imam Ahmad also regarded it as permissible although he did not do it himself.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Al-Qaadi said: There is nothing wrong with ta’reef, gathering in the afternoon of the day of ‘Arafah in the regions (i.e., other than ‘Arafah). Al-Athram said: I asked Abu ‘Abd-Allaah (i.e., Imam Ahmad) about ta’reef in the regions, where they gather in the mosques on the day of ‘Arafah, and he said: I hope that there is nothing wrong with it, as more than one did it. Al-Athram narrated that al-Hasan said: The first one who did ta’reef in Basra was Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah have mercy on him). Ahmad said: The first ones who did it were Ibn ‘Abbaas and ‘Amr ibn Hurayth.
Al-Hasan, Bakr, Thaabit and Muhammad ibn Waasi’ used to attend the mosque on the day of ‘Arafah. Ahmad said: There is nothing wrong with it, it is only du’aa’ and remembrance of Allaah (dhikr). It was said to him: Do you do it? He said: As for me, no. And it was narrated that Yahya ibn Ma’een attended (the mosque) with the people on the afternoon of ‘Arafah. End quote.
Al-Mughni (2/129).
This indicates that they thought that the virtue of the day of ‘Arafah did not apply only to the pilgrims only, although gathering to remember Allaah and say du’aa’ in the mosques on the day of ‘Arafah was not narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Hence Imam Ahmad did not do it, but he allowed it and did not forbid it, because it was narrated that some of the Sahaabah did it, such as Ibn ‘Abbaas and ‘Amr ibn Hurayth (may Allaah be pleased with them).
And Allaah knows best.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Media Release: The Killing of Businessmen Haniff Mohammed
Media Release:
Re: The Killing of Businessmen Haniff Mohammed
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) mourns the death of our brother Haniff Mohammed, who was murdered in cold blood, at the Junon Street, Masjid in Couva. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un... "Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return". May he rest in peace! May Allah bless and comfort his family and relatives during this time of grief. In this holy month of Ramadhan in which the gates of Paradise are opened, may he enter it with ease, and may he be forbidden to enter the gates of Hell which are closed in this month. May Allah give him eternal rest and his love-ones the strength to bear the great pain. May the care and love of those around them provide comfort and peace to get them through the days ahead. Aameen.
As much as we are disgusted and are not going to tolerate nor accept this dastardly act perpetrated within the sanctity of our holy places. We recall within the last four years other killings of similar nature and circumstances; all within the holy month of Ramadhan.
Daniel Bostic, 35, of Drayton Street, San Fernando, was murdered on the compound of the Jama Masjid, Mucarapo Street, San Fernando on Wed 1st July 2015.
Cornelius “Tractor” Peters, 34, of Maturita Village, Arima, was murdered on the compound of Masjid al Falah, Arima on Sat 9th June 2018.
All these murders bore some resemblance which alludes to the character and lifestyle of some of these individuals; both the victims and the perpetrators of these crimes.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) calls on Muslims to return to their religion and to adhere to the teachings of the Qur'an and the practices of our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The same goes for all persons; return to your religion! How can we expect for others to respect our spaces of worship when we ourselves are disrespectful in them? We violate the teaching of the scriptures, calling the displeasure and wrath of the Almighty God and present ourselves within our places of worship and use it as a cover for our indifferent ways. Our religious leaders who are aware of these individuals should be held accountable for their actions. In most cases, they turn a blind eye to what's happening under their watch. They refuse to call out the wrongs of these individuals because they perhaps benefit from them. Imagine Hours after businessman Haniff Mohammed was gunned down after offering midday prayers at the Junon Street, Masjid in Couva on Friday, four Muslim men between the ages of 18 and 35, were held for an alleged kidnapping at a Masjid in Longdenville Chaguanas.
The comparison made by Concerned Muslims of TT PRO Imtiaz Mohammed said the murder of Mohammed has made him reflect on the mass killings in New Zealand.
After the New Zealand massacre, the media asked him, if he felt the same thing can happen here, he said, "don't rule it out". "And today we have the brutal and violent murder in the Junon Street Masjid,” he said. This is exactly the type of rhetoric used by some of our leaders as a cover for what's, in fact, an indictment against us. It is this shallow thinking of our leaders without in debt thought and analysis that gives rise to rancor within our communities.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) contends that these brazen acts of violence are in ways linked to the support and involvement of corrupt police officers and corrupt politicians. Returning to our religion is in no way turning the other cheek its, in fact, the direct opposite. By so doing we'll push back the criminals in a place unfamiliar to them thereby forcing them to change their ways. This will certainly help stamp out the corruption both within the police and amongst the politicians.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) states with conviction, we have no one else to blame but ourselves. We hold the keys to bridge those gaps and reconnect with the society, but because of our lack of leadership and lack of vision we have once again found ourselves at the mercy of evil.
For Immediate Release:
Date: May 13th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Monday, April 22, 2019
Media Release: Sri Lanka Easter bombings.
Media Release:
Re: Sri Lanka Easter bombings.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) joins the rest of the international community in condemning in the strongest possible terms, the unprecedented terrorist attack which saw carnage within two vital institutions of Sri Lanka's symbol of hope; namely the institution of faith and the state's institution of tourism.
These events prematurely bring an end to the 10th year anniversary toast of peace within Sri Lanka's borders. The 18th of May which marks the 10th year anniversary of Sri Lanka's decades of civil war, will not be as joyful as was hoped.
It has been reported, 24 suspects was arrested after the series of church and hotel bombings on Easter Sunday which killed 290 people and wounded 500. A so called local "Islamist group" known as National Towheed Jamath is believed to be behind the attack. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to deliver swift justice, bringing those responsible to account.
Real ugly truth has raised its head in Sri Lanka. Truth that highlights Prime Minister Ranil's incompetence in safeguarding his people and the possibility of someone or something trying desperately to oust him from power. As for those who are associating this attack with Muslims and Islam - This is not Islam - Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is distancing itself from any reference that "National Towheed Jamath" is an "Islamist group" or associated with Muslims or Islam. That's a different way of life to what we know and practice. That there is not a religion, it's a product of a failed response, a failed social structure, a failed education system, and a failed state. It's an end product that cuts through the fabric of integration, inclusion and religious tolerance.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on everyone to condemn this vile and heinous act of terror and to demand swift justice. Let us send a clear message to these dastardly bastards that their kind are not welcomed in this world.
For Immediate Release:
Date: April 22th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Media Release: The Reinstatement of ASP Roger Alexander.
Media Release:
Re: The Reinstatement of ASP Roger Alexander.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is certainly not amused nor does it find solace in the reinstatement of ASP Roger Alexander. This is one error Gary Griffith should not be making so early in holding this office of Commissioner of Police. And as if reinstatement was not enough, Gary Griffith is adding insult to injury by appearing alongside with ASP Roger Alexander on his return debut on TV6’s Beyond the Tape. This ill-gotten fame would definitely go to Alexander's head. Can you imagine a "rogue police officer" boasting of having a debut with the Commissioner of Police, as one of his credentials?
It is quite apparent this matter before the courts are not over. The ugly truth is, this endorsement by Commissioner Gary Griffith would go horribly wrong.
Alexander was on suspension after he was charged with assault but was freed earlier this month. Alexander and his co-accused constable Sheldon Mires were charged with assaulting Christopher Charles in Santa Cruz in July 2016. After two years and 44 days, they were freed. Alexander said then that he was eager to work with Griffith.
According to one of our prominent attorneys; Fareed Ali, in a release said, "...the officers were acquitted and can now resume active duty within the TTPS. The truth is as it stands they are both free from convictions but as we say in Trinidad on a ‘technicality’. What happened was not one shred of evidence was allowed to be read against either officer..."
"...In reality, what the extract of the court will in fact say is that the case was not dismissed on its merits by way of evidence. In fact, it was dismissed when the Magistrate threw it out inter alia because of the tardiness and inefficiency of the state in piloting yet another matter through the judicial system. This result as a result of the state is another blot on the criminal justice system in the democracy of Trinidad and Tobago. It will serve to undermine public confidence in the already ailing criminal justice system..."
"...Whilst the newspaper editorials tell a story invariably of the innocence of both officers the truth is they were not proven to be innocent at trial because the trial was not allowed to take place because of the actions of Magistrate Nizam Khan. The state by appealing against the decision of the Magistrate seeks to have leave of the Court of Appeal to relay the charges against Alexander and Mieres..."
This is exactly why Commissioner Gary Griffith should keep his distance from Roger Alexander and not reinstate him. This action of the Commissioner may appear to have been made in haste with the possibility of being influenced or persuaded. This definitely would erode public confidence causing serious, possibly delivering an irreparable blow to the Office of the Commissioner.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith to seriously reconsider his decision to re-enstate ASP Roger Alexander and further advises that he keeps his distance from Alexander until the appeal is heard and Roger Alexander is exonerated by the courts.
For Immediate Release:
Date: April 2nd, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Media Release: Response to Government's Proposed National Security Council Meeting With The Muslim Community
Media Release:
Re: Response to Government's Proposed National Security Council Meeting With The Muslim Community
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) feels insulated and aggrieved
by government's reaction in answering the call of the Muslim community to address their security concerns and to give them an assurance of comfort and peace of mind. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) holds the view, the National Security Council's meeting carded for Wednesday 21st March 2019, at the Diplomatic Center, with various selected heads from the Muslim community, is a knee jerk reaction to our recent call for the Commissioner of Police to provide a sense of security for the various Masajid throughout the country and more in particular the recent meeting held by the opposition with various heads of the Muslim community following last Friday's terrorist attack on two Masajid in Christchurch, New Zealand, causing multiple deaths and other serious casualties.
Given the uncaring and insensitive response by Prime Minister the Honorable Dr. Keith Christopher Rowley, when he said in June of 2018; "raids on mosques over the Carnival period were justified after lethal weapons, arms and ammunition were found at the Masjid-ul-Muttaqeen Mosque in Cunupia", (It was discovered that the guns and ammunition was planted and a raid on the Masjid was already planned, before it was discovered by worshipers whilst conducting maintenance work). All this, after a call was made requesting an apology for the treatment meted out to the Muslims following the announcement of a "Fake Carnival Plot" in 2018, when the human rights and freedoms of 19 Muslim families where violated and abused and our sovereignty compromised, claiming he had credible information about the so called "plot". As if this was not justification enough, they needed another false flag to justify the lie. This begs the question what possibly could the government offer or what assurance can the government give to the Muslim community pending an apology still owing to the Muslim community? Especially now, against the backdrop of the white supremacists attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, which gives a clear indication of the Islamophobic agenda of the West.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) understands that Minister of Local Government, Senator the Honorable Kazim Hosein, was asked to locate a venue for the meeting event and so it was advertised to take place at the ASJA Compound in Charlieville. This venue was then cancelled and the meeting was moved to the Diplomatic Center in order that only specially invited persons can attend. Those persons excluded are often the ones who are very critical of government policies and would disrupt government' s plan to craftily deceive and mislead the Muslims. This type of "Box Drain Politics" would not be tolerated by this organization.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is of the opinion that Prime Minister, the Honorable Dr. Keith Rowley, insulted and disrespected Local Government Minister, Senator the Honorable Kazim Hosein, in his attempt to reach out and connect with the Muslim community, always placing him in a compromising position. Unlike ex-legal adviser to Prime Minister Keith Rowley, Attorney Nafeesa Mohammed, Mr. Hosein's blind loyalty is costing him a tarnished reputation with the Muslim community, a position he will live to regret.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) considers this meeting to be another Public Relations stunt by this present administration with an aim to attract votes from the unsuspecting Muslim community, a group which by all accounts holds the balance of power in Trinidad and Tobago. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is advocating a sincere apology from the Prime Minister the Honorable Dr. Keith Rowley, for the 2018 Carnival fiasco and a policy program that will allow for the training and equipping of all religious groups to counter the threat of an invasion and violent extremism in their respective communities.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) already has a such a program ready and waiting to be rolled out in all religious communities. It's an "Armed Intruder Program" aimed at recognizing and preventing security and disaster threats and to identify individuals who may perhaps have violent extremist tendencies and to offer them proper education, guidance and support.
For Immediate Release:
Date: March 19th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Calling Out President Donald J Trump as Co-Conspirator Along Side Brenton Tarrant
Media Release:
Re: Calling Out President Donald J Trump as Co-Conspirator Along Side Brenton Tarrant For The Gruesome Murder of 49 Innocent Worshippers and The Wounding of 48 Others.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago not to be cowards and call out President Donald J Trump for what he is and the part he played in the Christchurch's terrorist attack, which amounted to the brutal murder of 49 Innocent Worshippers and the Wounding of 48 Others. According to the words of our Prime Minister in his statement in the aftermath of this horrific attack he said “we who live by the doctrine that every creed and race have an equal place in our nation, unreservedly condemn all words and deeds from whatsoever source, that would have the effect of initiating, encouraging or sustaining hatred in any and all its manifestations.” Who is this "source" he is referring to? He went on further to state; “We call for the widest possible condemnation of this debasing of humanity by those who fail to accept the oneness of the human race.”
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) agrees that this is a manifestation of a growing and globalized ideology of white right-wing extremist hate, racism, nationalism and supremacy, that must be addressed at its source, which includes the mainstream politicians and media personalities who nurture, promote and excuse it.
The gunman’s 74-page manifesto by all accounts was inspired by the ideology that radicalizes persons to save “Western civilization” from a foreign “invasion.”
We see a resemblance in similar acts of terrorism outlined in the manifesto of the Norwegian Anders Breivik who killed 77 people in 2011. Breivik wanted to punish Europe because she had opened her doors to Muslim immigrants. His manifesto and attacks was inspired by the white nationalist Christopher Hasson, who was arrested for stockpiling weapons with the desire to commit mass murder, against Muslims.
When President Donald J Trump was putting forward arguments for his wall, he spoke of “Middle Easterners” being part of a “caravan” coming into the US. On Trump's visit to Britain he warned Theresa May that Britain was losing its “culture” and that immigration had “changed the fabric of Europe and unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was.”
Trump's travel ban was aimed at mostly Muslim countries. Trump's rhetoric spewed hate and violence, some of which included - “I think Islam hates us,” Trump's nod of approval when a supporter exclaimed - “we have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims.” the supporter then asked - “when can we get rid of them?” In response, Trump said: “We’re going to be looking at a lot of different things.” Trump was praised in Brenton Tarrant's manifesto as “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
As news of the attack was unfolding, President Trump tweeted a link to Breitbart; a far-right “news” site. Known for its vile anti-Muslim hatred, It’s a site where Muslim-hating white supremacists like, Brenton Tarrant would find writers who would give them rhetorical ammunition for their ideologies of hate. (Trump has since deleted the tweet.)
Trump is an Islamophobic bigot. As president, his words matter. He is using them to spread hatred and to influence violence. And these people have been inspired by those words to target the very people that Trump targets in his speeches and his tweets. Since his coming into power, "hate crimes" has risen to a record high.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling out President Donald J Trump, a Co-Conspirator in this ghastly attack and is calling Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and his government to do the same. It's time to put a stop to this bigotry and call to account the actions of those responsible.
For Immediate Release:
Date: March 16th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Friday, March 15, 2019
Media Release: The terrorist attack at two Masjids in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Media Release:
Re: The terrorist attack, in which Forty-nine people were killed and 20 plus others wounded, at two Masjids in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) Condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attack, in which Forty-nine people were killed and 20 plus others wounded, at two Masjids in Christchurch, New Zealand. The attack, which came around the time Muslims were attending the Masjid for Friday prayers, was the deadliest in New Zealand's history.
Our heartfelt condolences and prayers are with the victims of this horrific terrorist attack that onfolded in Christchurch, New Zealand. Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian who perpetrated these terror attacks, described himself as an “ordinary white man” who was inspired by Norway mass killer Anders Behring Breivik. He Is not a Christian as some mainstream media puts it. His choice of music during his drive to commit this massacre entitled "Remove Kebab" was a propaganda music video made by Serb Army Soldiers as a tribute to war criminal Radovan Karadzic; the Bosnian Serb responsible for genocide against Muslims in Sarajavo 1995.
It's no doubt a dark and painfull day for Muslims and humidity at large. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front), first and foremost is calling on all communities, politicians, media outlets and commentators to call this out for what it is. This is a terrorist attack on innocent and defenseless Muslims in their own Masjid which serves as the heart of the community. This is white supremacy, this is a right-wing extremist hate, this is racism.
To make matters worst it is sickening to see even in this time of mourning many senseless individuals have taken to their keyboards to further foster hatred against the Muslim community. Why is mainstream media calling this a Christian terrorist attack? Is it an intent to spew hate and disgust amongst Muslims and Christians? Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on all Muslims to reject this and show love and compassion to all our Christians brothers and sisters.
It's about time to take a stance against extremism and drive it out of all communities. Therefore Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is urging the government to apply the same resolve and dedication it showed in "addressing extreme radical islam" in condemning this attack, in like manner, our Attorney General, Faris al Rawi condemned the Manhattan Attack in October of 2017.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Commissioner of Police; Gary Griffith to consider the call of all Muslims to be safe in their places of worship and to not rule out the the possiblity of "copy cats" in carrying out similar attacks here in Trinidad and Tobago, especially against the backdrop of an already out of control "war" between the so called "Rasta City and Muslim City". Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is requesting that Gary Griffith dispatch at least two police officers in marked police vehicles; today, Friday at Masjids across the country for the Jumuah Prayers, especially the Masjids that are heavily populated in order to give a sense of security and protection.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is reminding Muslims to remain vigilant and alert at all times. Islamophobia is real and hate-filled individuals such as the one we saw in this attack do exist. Allah mentions in the Qur'an; 3:118 "...Enmity has been revealed from their speech, and what they hide in their breasts is greater..."
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is also cautioning the sharing of the video depicting this horrific terrorist attack. It was videotaped with a background theme song with an intended purpose. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is asking everyone to desist from sharing this video as it signals the threat of right wing violent extremism. Do not play into the hands of these murderous individuals by circulating their propaganda. It will only serve to empower the Islamophobic sentiments already ablazed in the Western World.
It is perhaps time Masajids start investing in security and protection to ensure that they are well guarded and protected from such Acts. Lastly Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) would like to remind all Muslims who are still struggling to comprehend the Madness of this attack, to stay strong, as hard as it is to bear the calamity of what took place. Always remember that Allah the Almighty is with us. As difficult this situation is Allah is always with us. Remember that these people died on a Friday in a Masjid; in the most beloved place of Allah the Almighty. We ask Allah the Almighty to accept all the victims as maytrs, spear them from the trials of the grave and grant them a swift entry into paradise. May Allah grant us peace in this world and restore sanity to our communities.
For Immediate Release:
Date: March 15th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Media Release: No returns on $628 million spent on Carnival for the last four years.
Media Release:
Re: No returns on $628 million spent on Carnival for the last four years.
This is an article in the 2019 March issue of the National Geographic Magazine. Notice there were no mention of our Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. So the $628 million dollars spent over the past 4 years; which just came shy of our budget allocation for Agriculture this year, did nothing to show case our "art and culture" on the world stage. What then were government and it's agencies promoting? It's clear our drunken, lascivious and reckless behavior Superceded our "Talented Festival". Off course this is of no surprise, when one takes into consideration governments million dollar pay out for a song that has no meaning and no substance... Governments support and promotion for a meaningless presentation of what many criticize as being worthless would certainly go a long way to embarrass us as a Caribbean Island under the Sun...
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) laments the reckless spending and wasteful employment of our resources by government and it's agencies and the their inability to preserve and showcase our heritage. Instead what we see being promoted is a display of drunkenness, violence and vulgarity. Government needs to come full circle and access this deficiency in it's role and function and correct it now before it gets even worst.
For Immediate Release:
Date: March 5th, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Media Release: Judges Decision in the Soca Monarch 2019 Finals and Its Implications.
Media Release:
Re: Judges Decision in the Soca Monarch 2019 Finals and Its Implications.
Whenever the words; “He tell meh pick up something! Anything! Rum tell meh to grab something! Anything! I just want to pick up something! Anything! Watch how I go grab something! Anything! Rum tell me to run (run wid it!), run (run wid it!)…….” can attract the attention and the respect of Judges to the point of declaring Grenadian Soca artist and song writer Hollice "Mr. Killa" Mapp the winner of Trinidad and Tobago's Soca Monarch Competition, especially against the backdrop of the bad and reckless behavior of patrons upon hearing the song, signals a deficiency in our people when it comes right thinking and rational behavior; hence our inability to deal with the social decay in our country. There now seem to exist a cognitive bias amongst our people in particular those in leadership. This cognitive bias has nurtured in us, an acute sense of perceptual distortions, inaccurate judgments and illogical interpretations.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on government and all its stakeholders to stop promoting elements of our art form and events that encourages irrational behavior, by filtering and baring out those constituents that has the tendency to threaten our progressive growth. If not, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) predicts, practical implications for areas including social behavior, efficacy, clinical judgment, entrepreneurship, finance, and management.
For Immediate Release:
Date: March 2, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Friday, February 8, 2019
Media Release: Who is more Important? South Americans or Our Very Own
Media Release:
Re:19 South American Girls Freed From a Drug and Prostitution Ring and Government's Reluctance to Deal With Our Own About to Face the Very Same Fate in Syria and Iraq.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) applaus the efforts and the stance this administration's National Security Minister; Mr. Stuart Richard Young and it's foreign Ministry, has taken in relation to the 19 South American girls freed from a drug and prostitution ring, uncovered by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. “They will be treated with humanity,” Young assured.
And as much as we commend these initiatives, we are very much concerned and is paying close attention to the plight of our own Nationals imprisoned in Syria and Iraq; facing the very Fate.
Abdul Hamid al-Muhabash who is co-chair of Democratic Autonomous Administration, based in north-eastern Syria, has called on respective governments to repatriate their nationals from war-torn areas of Syria and Iraq.
Muhabash said, “The administration and the Syrian people demand of the states from which ISIS fighters belong – more than 50 nationalities in all – to judge them according to their constitutions.”
These Kurdish forces are Shia Muslims and maintains a very close relationship with Iran. There have been rumors circulating that those held in prisons and camps across Syria and Iraq would be sold as slaves to Iran because of the inability to continue caring and providing for them. May God Almighty forbids this from happening as these persons will disappear forever never to found again.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on this administration's relevant authorities to address this matter with a greater sense urgency than what is being afforded to these 19 South American women, being just the fact that these are our own citizens. The Government does have a responsibility first to our citizens and then to others.
For Immediate Release:
Date: February 8, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Media Release: Political Crisis In Venezuela
Media Release:
Re: Political Crisis In Venezuela
The United States, Russia and the rest of the international community are now weighing in on Venezuela's vulnerability. This as a result of this region's failure to address Nicolas Maduro's hegemony and his chronically inept handling of his country’s worsening social and economic crisis which provided no support for his tenuous hold on power. He quickly Rose to what can be called an international pariah, referred to as a dictator by his opponents and also by the heads of numerous foreign governments.
Owing to the fact that Maduro prevented the country’s two most popular opposition politicians; Henrique Capriles and Leopoldo López, from participating in the election, with a voter turnout of only 46%, receiving one and half million votes fewer than he did in 2013 does very little to boost his credibility.
Maduro hascommitted many crimes against humanity. This is evident in a 400 page report sent to the International Criminal Court by Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States.
The report documents 131 alleged murders perpetrated by security forces or pro-government armed civilian groups — known as “colectivos” — during street protests in 2014 and 2017. It identified 8,292 executions outside of the judicial process since 2015 and more than 12,000 people arbitrarily detained since the presidential elections of 2013, including more than 1,300 political prisoners.
The report states, “The widespread and systematic targeting of opponents of the regime or suspected ‘enemies of the state,’ constitute the crime against humanity,” and that “These acts, for which there is no legal basis, did not take place spontaneously or in isolation, but instead reflect a policy put in place by the Government of Venezuela through acts directed by the highest State authorities.”
Luisa Ortega, who was fired after breaking with the Maduro's government, also appeared at The Hague where she filed a complaint, based on the 8,290 deaths she says took place between 2015 and 2017 at the hands of officials who received instructions from the government.
“They happened under the orders of the executive branch, as part of a social cleansing plan carried out by the government,” she told reporters.
“Nicolas Maduro and his government should pay for these crimes against humanity just as they must also pay for the hunger, misery and hardship they’ve inflicted on the Venezuelan people.”
She added: “We have been forced to turn to an international organisation, because there is no justice in Venezuela.”
Against this backdrop and looking at Trinidad and Tobago's policy position on treating with criminals, it's difficult to understand why this present administration continues to recognize, support and sign deals with this criminal. Never were there checks and balances put in place to keep Maduro in line, and Trinidad and Tobago being Venezuela's closest neighbor should have been the one leading this charge.
Contrary to Prime Minister Rowley, we have no sovereign position. As was the case when the Jordanian authorities bypassed us and shared information with the United States regarding our citizens imprisoned in that country.
The blood and the suffering of the Venezuelan people are on the hands of this country's elite politicians and Stuart Young was correct when he said "sovereign states should respect sovereign states but what he failed to point out was that and is absolutely necessary that sovereign states should earn that respect.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is urging all world leaders to intervene and bring to an end the political crisis in Venezuela by encouraging Maduro to agree to fresh, free and fair elections and to allow for the Venezuelan people to decide their own fate, under the watchful eyes of a special elections observer team, selected by the United Nations. Venezuela's sovereignty has been compromised and as such the only and best way to regain the confidence of a sovereign state is to allow for free and fair elections.
For Immediate Release:
Date: January 29, 2019
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765