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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah’s (The Islamic Front’s) Objections to The Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020. Scrap This Bill and Repatriate our Citizens Now Before It’s too late.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah’s (The Islamic Front’s) Objections to The Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020. Scrap This Bill and 
Repatriate our Citizens Now Before It’s too late.

Date: February, 13th 2020
Prepared by: Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is appalled by the incessant reluctance by this government to repatriate our women and children trapped in Syria and Iraq. We view the new proposed Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020 as another attempt to delay the process. It's repulsive, unconstitutional and repressive. Other countries; Britain, Denmark, Australia, Canada, America, Chechnya, France; who were one of the first countries to ban the wearing of the Hijab, and Nigeria all have started to repatriate their citizens. None of these countries instituted laws to facilitate this. Netherlands and Germany both were ordered by their courts to repatriate their women and children. Again, no new legislation was enacted in these countries. Why then does this government feel the need to enact new laws to facilitate the return of its citizens? 

The UN investigators called for thousands of children of jihadists who fought for the Islamic State group to be repatriated from Syria. The UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria said in a report that the children were in a “particularly precarious” situation since they often lacked official papers.

“This, in turn, jeopardizes their rights to a nationality, hinders family reunification processes and puts them at a higher risk of exploitation and abuse,” the report said. Commission chair Paulo Pinheiro said the detention of children with adults was “a terrible violation”, urging the relevant governments to take action to stop this.

“All this delay and not taking these children from these prisons is outrageous. It’s a scandal,” he said.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is questioning the motives of this government, whether or not they have fallen prey to the American rhetoric as was amplified by Col. Claudia Carrizales, chief of the U.S. Embassy’s Military Liaison Office when she said in July of 2019; nationals of the country who are in detention in Syria and Iraq are expected to return in a year.

Carrizales questioned if the country, government, and citizens are “ready to deal with that kind of threat.”

She made the comment while delivering the keynote address at a business forum hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago at the Hilton Hotel, Port-of-Spain.

Carrizales first spoke about the attempted 2018 Carnival terror plot, which she said was not a hoax.

“If there is anyone in this room that does not believe that the Carnival threat of 2018 was real, then you are hiding under a rock,” she said.

The police arrested 13 individuals for the terror plot, who were later released with­out charge.

Prior to this, the stage was already being set and our security apparatus was already being prepped when on the heels of the 2005 dustbin bomb outside Maraj and Sons Jewellers on Frederick Street, POS, for which a Mossad Agent, was responsible. Like a knee-jerk reaction, a voice echoed, "Agitate the Muslims to react" This was the mandate given to our law enforcement officers, by the United States' Anti-terrorism Assistance Program (ATA) as training for our officers began. This later formed the bases for the creation of 'the Terrorism Interdiction Unit'.

In light of all this, there can only be one objective and that is to set apart the government and the Muslim Community and to create division amongst the Muslims. Clearly, from this new proposed Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020 one can see the American agenda at play. This bill is riddled with vague and broad parameters, obvious discrimination and abuse of power. It’s a key to fully opening the doors for a foreign power to come in and interfere with our sovereignty and international affairs.

The bill starts off by saying "this Act shall have an effect even though inconsistent with sections 4 and 5 of the Constitution." Immediately it attacks: 

• Our Right to life and liberty
• Our Right to equality before the law
• Our Right to respect for private and family life
• Our Right to equal treatment from state institutions
• Our Right to the expression of political views
• Our Right to education 
• Our Right to freedom of movement
• Our Right to freedom of religion
• Our Right to freedom of expression
• Our Right to freedom of assembly
• Our Right to freedom of the press

Except as otherwise stated in the Chapter, and Section 54 of the Constitution, no law may 'abrogate, abridge or infringe or authorize the abrogation, abridgement or infringement of any of the rights and freedoms hereinbefore recognized and declared'.
Under Section 5(2), Parliament may not impose 'cruel and unusual treatment or punishment' or authorize or effect the 'arbitrary detention, imprisonment or exile' of any person. 
Citizens also have the right to be 'promptly' informed of the reason for being arrested or detained (S5(2)(c)(i), and the right to a legal adviser of his/her own choice (S5(2)(c)(ii)).
Citizens have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. 
If the person does not speak English, he has the right to the assistance of an interpreter in any proceedings in which he is involved (S5(2)(g).

However, Section 6 of the Constitution says nothing in Section 4 and 5 will invalidate an existing law, any enactment to existing law, or enactment which alters an existing law but does not detract from any of the fundamental rights listed above. 

This bill has to be presented and debated in both the lower and upper houses. It may go before a Joint Select Committee. It will need no less than a three-fifths majority to have it passed and then ascended by the President. this could take weeks or even months. In the meanwhile, what is going to happen to our women and children who are trapped under horrible conditions in camps run by Militias? don't be fooled! The YPG, PYD and the SDF are all reincarnations of the PKK, a group that has been listed as a terrorist organization and recognized as such by the UN and the US. The US-funded these terrorist militia groups to fight against the Syrian Army and ISIS. Now they are running the camps. One of the militias who was second in command at one of the camps was asked by a visiting official to look the other way and allow for some of the children to be taken out. His response was what would they be given in return or what guarantees would they be promised. These militias ask for and accept hefty fines for the release of persons without travel documents. It is as though these persons have been kidnapped and held for ransom. Some of the latest reports reaching Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) speaks of extreme torture and beatings. There are cases of acute allergies, diarrhea, dehydration, and diseases every day. Children are being separated from their mothers and forced to fight on the battlefield and when the mothers resist, they are badly beaten while blindfolded. It is without doubt that the inhabitants of these camps are being used as shield to satisfy the political and economic agenda of these militia groups, while the world remains silent.

In 22P(2)(a) of the Bill, it refers to expediting the permit to return in cases where the Minister in consideration of the urgency of the situation may do so. The urgency is now! We can't afford to delay much longer. We need to extract these persons now before it’s too late. We don't need new legislation to do that.

In Part IIIB under the heading "RETURNEES AND FOREIGN TERRORIST FIGHTERS" It states "returnee" "means a person who is returning to Trinidad and Tobago from a geographical area where terrorist acts have occurred or are occurring and who is not charged for an offence." Are we to believe that due process was applied in the apprehension, arrest, and charging of these persons? What would you expect if a terrorist militia group is running the operations of these countries?

As we move on, we see where in S22H (a, b and c) the Minister of National Security is being given full autonomy in decisions to suspend or revoke travel documents. On who's advice? is this person or these persons qualified in giving such advice? On what grounds or by who's standards would this advice be given? These are questions that must be answered. S22H (1-5) seeks to usurp the authority of the Chief Immigration Officer and place the Minister of National Security in total control. In S22(3-5); where it says a person can apply to the Chief Immigration Officer for a cancellation of the suspension, it still has to be referred back to the Minister. Let us be reminded that the Minister of National Security is not independent and could very well be biased in his judgment and decision making. 

In cases where persons have to travel on legitimate business, study or for medical purposes, what would happen if their documents are suspended? They will now have to wait six (6) months to have it reviewed by the Chief Immigration Officer, where again it will have to be referred to the Minister. What if according to S22J (1) the person's travel documents are revoked? and now has to wait every twelve months according to S22J (2) to have it reviewed? This person's business may suffer a serious financial blow, a student's quest for knowledge will be crushed or if the person is suffering from some ailment, may die (May God Forbid). Under this New Amendment people so affected would not be able to reapply unless 5 years have passed. The Minister will find himself tied up in litigation for a very long time.

It has also been noted that persons whose travel documents have been suspended or revoked under this New Law, S22J (5); at the time of the suspension, maybe granted temporary journey - specific travel documents in order to return to Trinidad and Tobago.
This is not guaranteed and the person would become stateless. This too would subject those persons to the immigration laws of that country which would cause them to violate those laws. Under international law, it is illegal to deprive nationals of citizenship if to do so would leave them stateless.  

According to S22K (1) - (2) (a-d) even though a person is in possession of their travel documents, the person can receive Temporary Exclusion Orders. Unless a person is in possession of a permit to return or is deported, the Court may order that a temporary exclusion order be imposed on a person or a returnee, if the Minister "has reasonable grounds " to believe the person has committed a terrorist act. How is the Minister going to determine this? What are reasonable grounds? Where would the evidence come from? That the person poses a risk to the public. Again, what are reasonable grounds? This is purely an assumption that would not be based on facts. 

According to S22L (1) once the Minister believes that these conditions exist, he can make an application to the court for an order to impose a temporary exclusion order on the person or returnee. Again, here the Minister is given full autonomy without allowing persons legal counsel and an opportunity to defend themselves. This is evident in S22L (2) (a-c) where the court would consider the application in their absence, without being notified and without the opportunity to seek legal counsel and defend themselves. This is unfair and strikes at the very core of human rights. 

As we continue further, S22M (1) speaks of, once a person is served the exclusion order, it stays in effect for two (2) years and according to S22M (4) can go beyond two (2) years. What's alarming though is only when notice of its revocation is served, only then the order is revoked, (See SM (7)) unlike in the case of revocation of travel documents in S22L (2) (a-c) where the order is made without informing them and in their absence. This is indeed unconstitutional and unfair. Here again, persons can find themselves stranded and stateless. 

If persons are desirous of returning to Trinidad and Tobago according to S22N (1) would be required to fill out a form. We are curious as to how would these forms be acquired. Since the 31st of December 2019 when the Marijuana legislation went into effect, to date the Police has yet to get scales and ticket books for ganja offences. Are we to believe these forms would be made available to persons in Syria and Iraq? What is also baffling is according to SN (6) (a-c) must state the date and time of arrival, How and by what means would they journey to Trinidad and in what place would they arrive. Can one imagine the length of time all this information would take to sort out? 

All this can be avoided if the government could just simply provide travel documents and allow for the families here in Trinidad to purchase their tickets. Why the need for the long and drawn-out process?

According to SQ (2) (C), the Minister may revoke a permit if he no longer considers that the situation is Urgent. Just the mere fact these persons are in a hostile foreign land living under those horrible and treacherous conditions is urgent enough. Since 2017 the Minister was made aware of this situation. What type of government would use such delay tactics and excuses not to repatriate their citizens and rescue them from such inhumane conditions? What possibly could cause the Minister to draw such conclusions, that a matter of urgency no longer exists?

Again, in S22Q(2)(e), another oversight was made. Here it states the Minister may revoke a permit to return if he considers it to have been obtained by misrepresentation. Having to undergo such ordeal wouldn't these people do what is necessary to get back home even if it means they have to lie? How difficult are we making this process? wouldn't these people withhold information especially if they are of the belief what they revel would be held against them?

As we highlight these issues regarding Information and misrepresentation, we'd like to take a look at S22R (2) (a-c) (i-xvii), Here it refers to Obligations after returning to Trinidad and Tobago. "The Minister may, by notice, impose any or all of the permitted obligations on a person or returnee." The requirements listed under SS(2)SS(c)SS(vii, xv, xvii, and xx), begs the question who would this information be shared with and what guarantees are there that the information shared would remain confidential and the information given regarding those persons or entities would not lead to them be profiled and investigated which may lead to a number of complications, as have been reported to this organization, where one none Muslim national whilst attempting to renew her passport, she received a call from special branch asking why is she applying for a passport and to which country does she intends to travel. Since when in this country, you are not allowed to apply for a passport? without being intimidated by our National Security apparatus? This is an attempt to profile every person and or organization these returnees are in association with. 

Subject to S22T (1-7), persons returning to Trinidad and Tobago, "...shall be detained at a residence designated by the Minister by order...." ".... not exceeding two years." are these designated residences Jails, Homes or rehabilitative institutions? How would these persons be kept and monitored? and by whom? It goes on to state even though these detentions are subject for review after every six months by the Minister it can be lengthened for a further one year. Already our institutions are overwhelmed by a number of challenging cases. Who is going to be given the task of managing all of this? Are the one per cent fanciers going to be given these lucrative contracts like we have seen happen with the prison transport and the IDC?

Under S22W (2) a person can challenge the Minister and apply to the court to review his decision, as stated in SS (2) SS(a)SS(i-iv). How are these applications going to be made? by especially those outside of Trinidad and Tobago? through whom would this application be made? and who is going to fit the cost of this expense? Do these persons have any means of income? Why doesn't this Bill give the responsibility to the court in the first instance? or a body specially selected by the President of our Republic and task them with that responsibility? Why the Minister whom we all know to be partisan, biased and not impartial? Why not an independent body with no affiliations nor obligations, with no other mandate except to act in the best interest of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago?

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) has reviewed the proposed Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2020. We have unanimously concluded the following: 

• This bill seeks to strip away our Freedom, Fundamental Rights, and privileges.
• This Bill is another attempt to delay the process of repatriation.
• This is an attempt to divide the Muslim Community.
• This is an attempt to anger some sectors of the Muslim Community and to agitate them to act against the government.
• There has been a huge oversight by the crafters of this Bill.
• Very little consideration was given to the negative fallout of this Bill and its implication.
• This administration continues to allow the sufferings of these persons who are being detained under very inhumane conditions, who are being beaten on a daily basis, who are being tortured and whose children are being snatched away and made into child soldiers.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) therefore calls on the opposition not to support this bill in its present form. We are calling on all of civil society to join our rallying call to oppose this Bill and to remind the government they work for us we don't work for them. They are accountable to the people. We are advocating that this Bill be scrapped and is asking the government to act with haste and repatriate our citizens who have been trapped in Syria and Iraq, already we are getting reports of our citizens suffering extreme cold temperatures, immense hardship and unbearable torture. The government must act now and bring home to our citizens before it’s too late.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Media Release: Columbian Drug Cartel Link to Trinidad.

Media Release:

Re: Columbian Drug Cartel Link to Trinidad.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) was reliably informed that a Joint Military Unit On Oct 4th, 2005 sent a Confidential Summary of Intelligence Information to the intelligence agency in Venezuela. The contents of this confidential document were as follows:





Highlighted Under the heading "DEGREE OF SOURCE RELIABILITY" was the words "COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY" and highlighted under the heading "DEGREE OF VERACITY OF INFORMATION" were the words "PROBABLY TRUE"

The dispatching of this document came on the heels of 2005; August 25th Cocaine drug bust on Monos Island, valued 700 million TT dollars, an episode that would go down as a very dark day in our criminal history. It also triggered a series of events that would tarnish the wealthy Syrian community, expose the corrupt nature of the police and Judiciary and the injustice and failure of our justice system.

Five (5) Venezuelan; Darwin Gonzales, Cesar Perrera, Alonzo Valera, Freddy Garcia and Mayer Alirio Escobar Orozco, Two (2) Trinidadian; Shaheed Ali and Victor Sylvester, and One (1) Antiguan; Ramon Jarvis, were all arrested in connection with the find. This also led to the Discovery in the caretaker’s cabin, adjacent to the main house, Seven firearms; Two rifles, Three pistols, One revolver, One sub-machine gun and 247 rounds of assorted ammunition.

Darwin Gonzales, Cesar Perrera, Alonzo Valera and Freddy Garcia were found bound in chains locked up in a room. Police had to actually break open the locks to gain access inside. According to the men they were taken hostage from Venezuela and brought to the island on a Pirogue.

Mayer Alirio Escobar Orozco who according to the document captioned above and was found to be carrying a fake name was held on a boat together with Victor Sylvester, and Ramon Jarvis. Shadeed Mohammed was found loitering around the house.

According to the communique captioned above, Mayer Orozco was released after a 200,000,000 million Bolivia bribe was paid to a high ranking Trinidad official. This sum at that time was equivalent to 1,614,000 USD or 10,087,500 TTD.

Ramon Jarvis; the Antiguan, was released during the preliminary enquiry after his attorney threatened the Magistrate to make public the document captioned above.

Unfortunately, as faith would have it the remaining six men paid the ultimate price even though a lot of questions went unanswered. The police were sloppy in their investigations and lacked the capacity and the intelligence to probe deeper.

The then DPP Geoffrey Henderson and state attorney Roger Gaspard need to answer who was in receipt of the bribe according to the document captioned above?

Roger Gaspard, needs to answer and state clearly if it is true that the position of DPP was an enticement offered to him in return for winning this matter at all cost.

Were the circumstances surrounding the release of Mayer Orozco the same with the matters involving, Colombian George Mason and Glenmoore Matthew? Who was similarly charged under similar circumstances? They were PARDONED IN 2013.

Was it the same with the matters involving, Colom­bians Al­fre­do Men­doza and Fred­dy Alexan­der Rue­d who were ar­rest­ed on board the ves­sel Levi Char­i­ot, off Cha­cachacare in March of 2010. They are charged with hav­ing in their pos­ses­sion 148.4 kilo­grammes of com­pressed mar­i­jua­na, 5.2 kilo­grammes of co­caine and three igua­nas. They were released sometime during the period 2012.

And was it also the same with the matter involving, Colum­bians Sanchez and Raul Henao who were also held for drug trafficking and released in 2013. Raul Henao was using a fake name; Luis Castillo, at the time of his arrest.

Referring back to the Monos Island Drug bust. Why did it take the police 20 days after to take photos of the guns and ammunition at the station and not at the scene of the crime?

Why was no Justice of the Peace present while their statements were taken?

Who or what changed the decision of a prominent attorney to no longer represent the Venezuelans even after already receiving 50,000  USD? This was equivalent to 312,500 TTD at the time. This money was never returned.

According to an article published in the Express Newspaper, JUSTICE Alice Yorke Soo-Hon questioned why the main house at Passy Bay, Monos Island, was not searched following the August 25, 2005 drug bust which netted $700 million in cocaine.

She said she was puzzled as to why the owners of the house, co-owned by Hue Patrick, Grace Rosemarie Fitzwilliam and Helen Forbes, “never appeared to be interviewed” by the police and “why the ownership of the drugs was never ascertained.

Apart from the questions, Justice Yorke Soo-Hon noted that “investigations fell short and it was astonishing to note that the main house at Passy Bay was not searched…”

It must be noted here that the DEA had visited the four Venezuelan Nationals; Darwin Gonzales, Cesar Perrera, Alonzo Valera and Freddy Garcia on more than one occasion, offering them new identities and relocation to the United States of America if they can only identify Columbian National; Mayer Alirio Escobar Orozco and Ramon Jarvis; the Antiguan. In response, the DEA was informed of their circumstances and was told they can't identify someone they don't know and have never seen.

From all accounts, it appears that Venezuelan Nationals, Darwin Gonzales, Cesar Perrera, Alonzo Valera and Freddy Garcia are innocent of the crime they were convicted of.

An application for transfer was made by the Venezuelan Embassy on behalf of the four Venezuelan Nationals in 2016, all the necessary transfer documents together with all requirements were submitted to the Ministry of National Security, to date there has been no response. 

Why the delay? These men were found bound by chains in what can only be described as a prison, unlike Columbian Nationals, Mayer Orozco, George Mason, Glenmoore Matthew, Al­fre­do Men­doza, Fred­dy Alexan­der Rue­d, Sanchez and Raul Henao who were all found in possession of drugs and released; not transferred but released. 

This is a travesty of Justice and it begs the question, is there a Columbian Cartel link here in Trinidad? In all the matters involving the release of these foreign nationals, the name of one attorney and one senior official stands out.

Why aren't the other foreign nationals given the same opportunity allowing them to return to their country? It cost the taxpayers on average $25,000.00 to house one prisoner in the nation's prison. The crime culture in these countries is much different than the crime culture here in Trinidad and Tobago. These foreign criminals are much more advanced and superior. Remaining in our prisons will allow for the expansion of their networks. This by default will facilitate opportunities to establish links with the local criminals and crime bosses, engaging in discussions on furthering their agendas.

These foreign prisoners contribute to a lot to the violence in the country and the crime on the streets. It is contributing negatively to our prison system and by extension our communities.

This increase in violence and crimes that are now prevalent in our country and on our streets owes a lot to the corrupted officials of the state and the failure mechanisms of the Ministry of National Security.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on Minister of National Security the Honourable Stuart R. Young M.P. to allow for the transfer of Venezuelan Nationals, Darwin Gonzales, Cesar Perrera, Alonzo Valera and Freddy Garcia to the Venezuelan authorities to serve the remaining of their sentences. These men were never given the opportunity of a fair trial. They were never given the opportunity to contact their families back home since there are no provisions for outside calls to that country. These men were robbed of their money by a very prominent attorney. These men are the victims of a state-sponsored criminal offence. A gross violation of fundamental rights and human dignity. The only guilty party here is the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. 

For Immediate Release:
Date: February 11th 2020

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765/+18683656253
