It is evidently clear that the entire democratic and secular world is bent on destroying Islam and Muslims. It appears as though when the current President of Turkey in 1989 said, “the Mosques are our barracks, the domes are our helmets, the minarets are our bayonets and the faithful are our soldiers..." It struck a fear in the heart of those who sit in power, but for a country with 95% Muslims whose population is just over 8 million; something or someone had to have had influenced such a decision.
Human rights and religious freedom shall not be the subject of a referendum. Tajikistan has failed to give a clear signal for diversity, freedom of religion and human rights.
The Tajikistan administration as is with others in the west have done nothing more than fan the flames of discord between Islam and the godless democratic/secular world.
Our message to you and your government is: you can shave off our beards, ban the hijaab and even destroy our culture but you would never be able to destroy the pure heart of a believer. He that fuels us is Allaah through the Quran and the way of our prophet Muhammad (SAW). This course of action will serve you no good as this would seek to harm none other than your citizen and your country.
You cannot change an ideology except through proper education; an education program that is well structured, targeted, specific and conceptualized.
We beseech the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to distance itself and never adopt this Western-type Islamophobia and to reject all and any such influence and suggestion in the strongest possible way.
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Trinidad and Tobago - Senator the Honourable Dennis Moses
Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago - Dr. The Honourable Keith Rowley
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