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Monday, November 27, 2017

Media Release: The Rate at Which Crime Has Spiraled in this Country and Taken on a New Face.

Media Release:

Re: The Rate at Which Crime Has Spiraled in this Country and
Taken on a New Face.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is very much alarmed by the rate at which crime has spiraled in this country and taken on a new face, this as the attacks and murder of key personalities; entertainers, media personnel and religious leaders makes the headlines in our news. When personalities like these are attacked and murdered in some cases it points to not only a state of lawlessness but also a state of disrespect and a state that has no regard for life.

The Recent despicable attack on Father Clyde Harvey, the attacks on the Guardian and Express reporters by officers attached to our protective arm, whose main purpose is to protect and serve with pride, the senseless attack on our brother "Skippy" and that despicable act of cowardice against Nikki Crosby and the sacrilegious murder of Pundit Sunil Ragbirsingh has casted a dark cloud over this Nation's Flag predicting a shameful annihilation.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is Calling on the government and its agency responsible for crime and policing to tranquilize this beast that has been devouring this country from within. Building more police station and putting more boots on the ground is not going to do it but would Infuriate it even more. The first step in stopping this beast is to weed out the corruption and the rogue faces from within the government and the TTPS.

We are calling on the NGO’s, FBO’s and corporate Trinidad and Tobago to step-up where government has failed and to make good on your existence by fulfilling your true purpose.

Government's policy towards the poor black people in this country must change. The Government needs to listen and deliver on a silver platter "hope" to the people of this country, they need to work closely with and empower the FBO’s, NGO’s and corporate TnT. It's the only way they'll be able to start the conversation and end with implementation.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is Calling on the perpetrators of these crimes to stop and be cognizant of your actions as this will eventually destroy you and your future generation; the old is burying the young. There are those who has their eyes fixed on that real-estate on which you stand. They see you as a hindrance in their way of profit and control, and as financiers to the government; whom do you think will have the final say? You need to empower yourselves and create opportunities to become conglomerates in your own communities so that no one would be able to take from you, your right to live and enjoy your space. The citizens of this country are not your enemy, it is those that holds the seat of power. It is those that’s responsible for policy. It is those that decide who gets and who does not get. It is those who busy themselves with satisfying their financiers by ignoring your cries. The only way this enemy can be tamed is to first distance yourself from the life of crime and hate. To unite and speak with one voice. To properly structure your communities by establishing leadership. To create programs that will educate and empower the youth. To “Be Better Not Bitter”.
For Immediate Release:
Date: November 27, 2017
Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253

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