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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Media Release:

Re: The Discovery of Weapons at a Masjid in Central Trinidad, Linked to a War Between Unruly ISIS and Rasta City.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is dismissing Claims by the police
that they received intelligence that members of the Central-based gang Unruly ISIS were in Port of Spain preparing for a war with the Rasta City gang over the recent murders of men affiliated with Unruly ISIS. We have made it absolutely clear in a press conference of April 2017 that there is no such gang existing. That name was coined by the police to form an association with the group ISIL from Syria and Iraq. Now the police is somewhat linking the discovery of five weapons in the ceiling at a Masjid in Central Trinidad to this war. The weapons was found by members of the Masjid doing cleaning preparations for the Eid celebrations, who then alerted the police.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is saying the police can interpret it how they want but this has the signature of a false flag operation. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) have always held the view that the Anti-Gang Bill and the Anti-Terrorism Bill are two legislation crafted to target Muslims in this country.

Before the Anti-Gang Bill became law the Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi already had made claims, the existence of Muslim gangs in Trinidad. In April of 2018 a news story by Sean Douglas of the Newsday reported; in an interjection in Senate debate on the Anti-Gang Bill, April 4th 2018, Faris Al-Rawi said gang recruitment is taking place at the nation’s schools and places of worship, which definition he said included mosques and associated schools known as madrassas. This build up, together with yesterday's claim by Senior officers of the Port of Spain Division confirming that members of the Chaguanas-based gang, Unruly ISIS are in Port of Spain to exact revenge on members of their rivals, Rasta City after a series of killings in East Port of Spain, Beetham and Laventille and that members of the gang were awaiting the passing of Eid celebrations to resume a war with Rasta City gangs, all points in the direction of a covert Anti-Gang operation targeting Muslims.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) recalls a report by TV6's Rynessa Cutting in November of 2017 where Attorney General, Faris Al-Rawi confirmed the existence of 2,459 gang members in Trinidad and Tobago, indicating also that government has their names and locations. Why then, now that the Anti-Gang Bill has been made law, there is still no arrest of these known gang members?

It is only by the mercy of Allah that those weapons were found by members of the Masjid and not a planned raid executed by the police. The police would now have to come up with a different strategy which would again come to zero. Allah says in Quran, “They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners.” – [Quran, 8:30]

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is warning the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service whom it believes to be an affiliate of Rasta City to redirect their attention to the perpetrators of crime and not the law abiding citizens of this country. Their relentless efforts in gathering intelligence on Muslims is a waste of manpower and resources that can be used in their fight against our record breaking murder rate.

For Immediate Release:
Date: 7th June 2018

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253

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