Afghanistan - Kabul

Germany - Berlin (Berlin)

Guyana - Georgetown

Morocco - Rabat

Pakistan - Islamabad

Trinidad - Port of Spain

U.K - London (England)

U.S.A - Washington DC (District of Columbia)

Saudi Arabia - Makkah

Saudi Arabia - Medina

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Teacher to pupil 'love letter' sparks concern at TML

Where is the TML Board in all of this? Our investigation reveals the principal of the School has a personal vendetta against the Male teacher; he has been the subject of unfair treatment from the start of his teaching Career; both TUTTA and TML is aware of this. The principal was cautioned on this issue on more than one occasion... If the TML board had applied the Islamic Principle from the very start we would not have had a situation now where the character of a Muslim Brother is being tarnished. It has now shown clear where the TML Board has failed miserably with respect to this and possible other issues... It is about time the TML board awakes from its sleep and pay articular attention to what is happening around them and fix what needs to be fixed and promote what needs to be promoted...


Re: Immigrations’ refusal to allow Entry to Muslim Scholar in Tobago.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is demanding a full explanation as to why Shaykh Abu ‘Umar Usamah ibn ‘Atiyah al-‘Utaybi was flagged at the ANR Robinson International Airport after walking off a Virgin Atlantic flight on Thursday, December 8 2011. We were informed by immigration that after checking with Interpol he was flagged as an Orange alert.
We believe this information to be fabricated in light of the fact Shaykh Abu ‘Umar Usamah traveled from Medina to Dubai then on to Gatwick where he stayed in transit for 14 hours and then to Tobago. Are we to believe that Gatwick, England made an error and allowed a man flagged as orange alert to pass security?
Muwahhideen Publications in co-ordination with Islam.TT are the organisations responsible for bringing the Shaykh and teacher. The Shaykh was scheduled to spend two weeks during which time would have covering several small books during the week and doing general lectures on the weekend throughout several masaajid in Trinidad & Tobago. The topics would have covered a wide spectrum of issues including, magic & jinns, a warning against extremism and terrorism, the impermissibility of revolting against the government and much more. The Shaykh is well known for his classes, lectures and dawah efforts.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is asking for a written apology to Shaykh Abu ‘Umar Usamah ibn ‘Atiyah al-‘Utaybi for the embarrassment and the inconvenienced faced. We view this as a continued form of aggression on Islam and Muslims, especially in light of what transpired recently with the SoE and the detention orders.
We are not satisfied with the manner in which Immigration; National Security and certain Government Ministers whom included the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister handled the matter regarding the Shaykh. Muwahhideen Publications was reliable informed two months ago by Ms. Bola at Immigrations that the Shaykhs’ entry was approved. So why was he flagged?
We demand to know from where and whom did the objection came.
We are asking in addition to a written apology that the Government compensate both the Shaykh and Muwahhideen Publications for the money and effort spent in arranging this auspicious visit.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) would also be seeking an audience with the Prime Minister, The Minister of Foreign Affairs, The National Security Minister, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Justice to discuss these matters and other matters of interest that will forge new and improve relations between the Government and Muslims; socially, economically, and politically. Carded for discussions would be:  
1.  The facilitating of Visa application to the Holy Land.
2.  The setting up off an Islamic Court to deal with domestic, property and other minor offences.
3.  Islamic education.
4.  Crime Prevention.
If our efforts are ignored I am afraid this will create a climate bordering on national anarchy and a mind-set in which all Muslims will feel offended.  In a country where crime is at its highest and morality is at its lowest, ignoring us would not be a good idea.  Under these present circumstances, what moral authority will this democracy have in calling for peace, justice, Sincerity, Honesty, transparency and integrity?

For Immediate Release: December 15, 2011
Umar Abdullah
Head of: WaajihatulIslaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
1 (868) 365-6253
1 (868) 631-8597


Friday, December 9, 2011

That's Not Our Culture!

The barring of the Cuban President from the Trinidad Hilton does not reflect the true culture of our people. We are a warm, friendly and accommodating  people that spells 'Fun'. Why should we allow a foreign culture to dictate the way we represent our country?... And treat our guest… Why? I think it's disrespectful and a total disregard of our rights...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Truth About The SoE and the Assassination Plot

Media Release:
Re: The Truth About The SoE and the Assassination Plot
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (the Islamic Front) affirms that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere;
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) in no way supports any plot to assassinate the Prime Minister and some of her Ministers.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) in no way supports any plot to destabilize or overthrow the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is sending a clear message to all who have such intentions that it is without doubt Haram (un-Islamic) to do such at this point in time.
With reference to the Newsday article dated December 6, 2011 in which Nalinee Seelal contended it was Assistant Commissioner of Police Ann Marie Alleyne who unearthed the plot and advised and recommended a heightened security alert to protect the Prime Minister and three Cabinet ministers, identified as targets.

Nalinee Seelalin her article went on to give particulars of the confidential report dated November 18 but what she was unable to state is from where Assistant Commissioner of Police Ann Marie Alleyne unearthed this plot?
My dear people of this Twin Island Republic, Information has come to hand that certain members of a political party not necessarily its leader concocted an assassination plot with the aim of destabilizing the present government and to cause panic amongst the population, with the hope of a calling of an early general election. This plot was created and passed on by a senior member of the police service named Mr. B. An investigation was launched and certain members of the public were approached; whom we know, to assist in the information gathering process. The Kamla administration being gullible, hastily implemented the state of emergency. Acting without proper information and motive the Government plagued themselves with inconsistences as they continued to make mistakes of bad judgment. It appears as though they were trying to achieve a means to an end of something conceived some time ago. What is this ‘something’? One may ask.

If we are to be guided by the events of recent times, we would recall that when the AG took office he immediately fired the legal team that was prosecuting the extradition case of Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson , even though they had a 100% success rate before the courts. He hired a new legal team and as we know it, argued the case improperly before Justice Ronnie Boodoosingh that caused the extradition to be thrown out. Even though the AG pronounced on many occasions his intention to extradite the two he never entered an appeal. From this we think it is clear the AG had no purposeful intention to extradite the two but rather to have them freed. One would have expected some fallout between the two countries as a result but not if America would have been promised something better in return.
On November 15, US Attorney General Eric Holder arrived in our country for private discussions with the Government and to attend a meeting with Caribbean security heads. Soon after he left this assassination plot was revealed and individuals mainly Muslims was picked up and placed in detention. According to Seelal's article why wasn’t these men picked up at the start?
My dear people of this Twin Island Republic, information has also come to hand that a deal was brokered with America to cause the extradition case of Ish and Steve to collapse in exchange for the arrest, detention and possible extradition of these men.
We view this act by our Government as vile and repulsive, a breach of our constitution and a stark violation of human rights. If the Government denies these allegations, it’s only fitting that the AG gives this nation an explanation as to why the original legal team was fired and why no appeal was made.
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) continues to stand by its statement that this Administration took an uncalculated risk in detaining the 17 men whom they accused of being part of this elaborate plot to assassinate the prime Minister and some of her Ministers. We are satisfied and relieved that all of the 17 men were released but nevertheless still maintains that the PP Government complicated matters for themselves.
There was no absolute truth to this claim and we call on you the people of these beautiful Islands to join with us in demanding the PP Government stop trying to convince us that the SoE was a success and to apologize to this Nation. It is we the people to decide whether or not the SoE was a success.
We intend to continue to pursue these matters until it is made absolutely clear by our Government if they clam these allegations to be untrue, the real reason behind the SoE and the detention orders.
Copies of this release will be sent to a number of international bodies, including Amnesty International and Transparency International.
For Immediate Release: December 6, 2011
Umar Abdullah
Head of: Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
1 (868) 365-6253
1 (868) 631-8597

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Media release: Re: The SoE & the Assassination Plot of Kamla Persad-Bissessar & her Ministers

Media release:
Re: The SoE & the Assassination Plot of
Kamla Persad-Bissessar & her Ministers
An Uncalculated Risk
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) strongly condemns the decisions and actions of the PP Government within resent times in relation to our freedoms and is sending a clear message to this Kamla Administration that they took an uncalculated risk in detaining the 14 men whom they accused of being part of an elaborate plot to assassinate the prime Minister and some of her Ministers. We are now calling on the immediate release of all 14 brothers including those against whom detention orders were made: Ashmeed Choate; Selwyn "Robocop" Alexis; Chionesu Luqman also called "Asim Cuffie" and "Salim Luqman"; and Shane "Asadullah" Crawford. If our demands are not addressed it’s only obvious that the PP Government would make matters more complicated for themselves.
In addition we are seeking answers to the following questions:
·         On August 21, on the heels of a 48-hour killing spree that left 11 dead in various parts of the country, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar declared a "limited" State of Emergency (SoE).
The PM, who had called a late evening press conference at her home in Phillipine, South Trinidad, attributed the move to the need to avert a specific threat to national security but said the SoE, was also expected to manage the country's growing crime problem, which stemmed in part from heavily armed street gangs. My question is; was it to protect their seat of power or was it to protect the people? Days later, National Security Minister, John Sandy, said the crisis that had been averted would have made the 1990 coup attempt by the Jamaat al-Muslimeen "look like a garden party". Where is your crisis Mr. Sandy? The 1990 coup still does not look like a “Garden Party” to us.

·         When Minister Sandy was asked why he had remained “mum” on the issue of the assassination plot, he said, “Because the head of the National Security Council has spoken, she has said all that needed to be said, I have nothing to add.” Our question to you Minister Sandy; are you a puppet? Your position as a the Minister of National Security is an electoral one; when the people of this Twin Island State voted, they voted for a credible and competent person to fill the post of National Security Minister whom they expect to properly represent. The Security Council and its chair had nothing to do with the electorate. Why allow the chair of this council who happens to be your boss, speak on this issue?

·         On November 15, US Attorney General Eric Holder arrived in our country for private discussions with the Government and to attend a meeting with Caribbean security heads. Isn’t it ironic that soon after he left this plot was revealed? What were those private discussions about? Is it because they know this plot is a lie concocted by them that they haven’t issued a travel advisory like Britain and Australia did? And why would Britain class it as an “alleged assassination plot.”?  And the Australian Foreign Ministry as a “non-specific security threat”?

·         Persad-Bissessar said there was no evidence that would warrant an extension to the SoE. She said, she is being advised on a day to day basis and should an extension be warranted, it will have to be done before Parliament. She also said on the 26 November, "As I stand today there is no evidence before us, there is no advice from the security forces that we should extend the State of Emergency." We think that these statements are absolutely clear that she could be advised on the 13, December to extend. Is this not true Honorable Prime Minister? So as it stands we still do not and would not know if the argument of this alleged plot would be used to extend the SoE. Is this correct Honorable Prime Minister?

·         In the first instance when Robocop was held and was freed because of the false evidence of a State's star witness, who was in the Witness Protection Programme, who claimed he was coerced by police officers into giving the damning evidence implicating Alexis. Is it not natural that the police would try to frame him again in light of the many failed cases brought against him? These matters were certainly an embarrassment to the State hence why they will try to implicate him again.

·         Apart from being swell headed with the statement of US Attorney General Eric Holder when he said Persad-Bissessar was a leader not only in this hemisphere but around the world. "She is a person who is admired greatly in my country and deservedly so," she has also displayed qualities showing were women don’t have the caliber to lead but rather to make bacchanal and in this twin Island state she has represented herself as an embarrassment to our women.

·         Persad-Bissessar said; “why should we fabricate something when it came to us from the police officers. What is my motive or our motive for fabrication? And there can be none," Our question to the Honorable Prime Minister is what would anyone gain by assassinating her and her Ministers? Behind every assignation plot there is something to be gained, weather politically, economically or socially there must be something to gain.

PLEASE be advised we are prepared to do whatever it takes to properly deal with these matters. These are the issues that will stand on the threshold between this PP government and Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front). These are the issues that will determine our relationship in the coming months. These are the issues that will either make or break the PP Government.
We are open for dialog on these and other issues.

For Immediate Release: December 1, 2011
Umar Abdullah
Head of: Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
1 (868) 365-6253
1 (868) 631-8597

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Flood-Gates of American/Israeli Imperialism

The Flood-Gates of American/Israeli Imperialism
By: Umar Abdullah

The hypocrisy, lies and unlawfulness surrounding the execution of Gaddafi have gone too far, it points to a brutal, corrupt, despotic, vicious and murderous abuse of power. I find it hard to stomach the statements of Western leaders about Gaddafi’s “crimes” as they gloat over the televised brutal murder of some man in Libya.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said that day was:

a day to remember all of Gaddafi’s victims, from those who died in connection with the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie, to Yvonne Fletcher in a London Street, and obviously all of the victims of IRA terrorism who died through their use of Libyan Semtex. We should also remember the many Libyans who died at the hands of this brutal dictator and his regime.”

Omitted from the end of Cameron’s statement was “and we should also remember that I’m lying through my teeth.”

The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland was clearly a false-flag operation designed to demonize Libya. It must be noted that Libya has never accepted responsibility for the bombing of Flight 103, but instead paid compensation to the families to “buy peace” in order to allow for the reintegration into the Western elite.

The murder of Police Constable Yvonne Fletcher in St. James’ Sq. London, April 1984; Blamed on Libya, was in fact as was supported by a wealth of evidence shot by a CIA/MI6 operative in an effort to, again, demonize Libya.

The “victims of IRA terrorism” through the use of Libyan Semtex is baseless because  on a few occasions, the IRA leadership did successfully bought Libyan weapons and also all major IRA attacks that involved the death of civilians were allegedly the work of British intelligence.

This just gives you a small insight into the lengths to which Western governments and “intelligence agencies’ have gone (and are prepared to go) to “protect their interests’. With the mainstream media bought and paid for; global corporate, fascist domination is a done deal unless we all wake up to the reality of the situation and start calling it for what it is - bullshit, through and through.

Libya, which was producing 1.6 to 1.7 million barrels of oil daily before the conflict, is a coveted market for many countries that are also eyeing potentially massive contracts for rebuilding its infrastructure. One such country is the United States of America who has already indicated its interest in setting up businesses there, pointing to the fact that the new government would be Pro-American.

France also will be seek a leading role in post-war Libya, Defense Minister Gerard Longuet said in an interview, arguing that Libya’s new leaders “owe” Paris for leading the campaign to oust Muammar Gaddafi. As a matter of fact everyone will throw their hat into the ring.

The US had hoped that the deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi will either be killed or taken prisoner. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made this point clear during an unannounced visit to Tripoli. This was in complete contradiction to the policy of US officials who had made calls only to bring Gaddafi to justice for his crimes.
Gaddafi’s body was photographed with a bullet hole in the head as the countrymen he allegedly oppressed for 42 years rejoiced at their hard-won freedom.
The 69-year-old former leader’s last day on earth began with a migration from his home city of Sirte as rebel forces closed in on him.
But as he and his supporters fled across the desert in a massive convoy of about 80 vehicles, they were caught by a devastating strike from the air.
First a precision guided missile fired from a US unmanned drone slammed into the convoy.
Then French Mirage fighter jets — part of the Nato force protecting Libyan civilians — swooped to pound the loyalist supporters with bombs.
British Tornado planes were also overhead, providing reconnaissance back-up.
Gaddafi was protected in a special heavily-armoured truck packed with communications equipment.
But he was wounded in both legs in the onslaught and up to 50 of his men were killed.
Gaddafi and a handful of survivors turned back towards Sirte and were said to have run towards some huge drainage pipes. Rebel Saleem Bakeer was among a group of rebels hot on Gaddafi’s trail.
He said: “At first we fired at them with anti-aircraft guns, but it was no use. Then we went in on foot. One of Gaddafi’s men came out waving his rifle in the air and shouting ‘surrender’ — but as soon as he saw my face he started shooting. Then I think Gaddafi must have told them to stop”.
My master is here, my master is here. Muammar Gaddafi is here and he is wounded”.
“We went in and brought Gaddafi out. He was saying, ‘What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s going on? Then we took him and put him in the car.”
Another fighter, Ahmed Al Sahti, 27, said: “Gaddafi called us rats, but look where we found him — in a stinking drainage pipe.”
The dramatic minutes leading up to Gaddafi’s death were chaotic, violent and gruesome - as testified by the grainy mobile phone footage seen by the world of the former leader, bloodied and dazed, being dragged along by NTC fighters.
Gaddafi was still alive when he was captured but he already had blood streaming down the side of his face and a wound close to his left ear very shortly after he had been seized.
Government fighters hauled him onto the bonnet of a Toyota pick-up truck with the intention of getting him through the crowd of fellow fighters and to an ambulance parked about 500 meters away.
Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying “God forbids this” several times as slaps from the crowd rain down on his head.
“This is for Misrata, you dog,” said one man slapping him.
“Do you know right from wrong?” Gaddafi says.
“Shut up! you dog,” someone replies as more blows rain down.
Another video shows Gaddafi being heaved off the bonnet of the truck and dragged towards a car, then pulled down by his hair. “Keep him alive, keep him alive!” someone shouts.
Another man in the crowd lets out a high-pitched hysterical scream. Gaddafi then goes out of view and gunshots ring out. One of the fighters present said Gaddafi was in a bad way but alive when he was put in the ambulance.
Yet the ambulance driver, Ali Jaghdoun, said Gaddafi was dead when he picked him up and he then drove the body to the city of Misrata.
“I didn’t try to revive him because he was already dead,” Jaghdoun said.
In other video footage obtained by Reuters a convoy of vehicles is seen speeding along a desert road, horns blaring and men shouting “We have Muammar! It’s Muammar!”
In later footage the convoy slows to a halt. Fighters rush to an ambulance shouting that Gaddafi is dead.
A young man appears beside the ambulance, a bearded man beside him shouts out:
“He’s the killer. And I am the witness who saw him.”
The young fighter exclaims excitedly:
“We found him in a hole. He had somebody with him inside it.”
Grinning and brandishing a handgun, there was jubilation around him while being embraced by the fighters.
“This is the guy who killed Gaddafi. Using this, you see,” the man with the beard shouts, holding up the young man’s hand in which he has a gun.
“He did it in front of me. I saw it in front of me.”
A dramatic climax to a series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa which has become known as the “Arab Spring”; in my opinion it should be relabeled “The American Green Pasture”.
Libya like the rest was feed to the vicious dog (America) and her pairs by her own people and at the point of being devoured she would have uttered a very profound and thought provoking statement; “I was not devoured today, I was devoured the very day Iraq was consumed within the bowels of this vicious beast”. This; my dear brothers and sisters would be our fate if we give-up, betray and kill our brothers and sisters.
In some of Gaddafi’s last words he was saying “God forbids this” and was asking the NTC rebels the question “Do you know right from wrong?” a statement and a question no one paid much attention to but would you believe it is the two most important set of words to come from the lips of Gaddafi in this whole brutal affair? Let us now from an Islamic point of view take a deeper look at these two utterances.
Allah mentions in the Quran; chapter 18 103-105: “Say: ‘Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds? They are those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?’ They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall we, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.”
Here Allah makes mention of a group of misguided, ignorant criminals who would call themselves Muslim; the term used in Arabic to describe them is Khawaarij which means to go out or leave something. This label of theirs may be translated as separatists, insurgents, rebels, nonconformist, etc. They are called this because of their leaving the (fundamentals of the) religion and for their opposing the Muslims  and it is also said that they were called this due to their leaving the path of the Muslim Community. They were the first people to go against Imam Ali in the war of Siffin, they distanced themselves from Uthman and Ali (May Allah be pleased with them). They called people with major sins kuffar and they said that it is legitimate and compulsory to rebel against an Imam if he differs or opposes a Sunnah (according to their opinion).
The ideology of Khawaarij was the first innovation to appear in Islam and the first opposition and insurgency from them occurred against the leader of the believers, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) when the issue of who has the right to pass rulings was debated. The Khawaarij gathered at a place called Harura near Kufah in Iraq. It must be noted here that the people of the land of Iraq have a history of upheaval and chaos and groups that cause strife. They are so infamous for it that they are referred to the “People of division and hypocrisy.”
Let us now direct our attention to what the Prophet of Islam said about this affair by first focusing on where it all began; Iraq.
The Prophet of Islam said the following: “O Allah, put barakah (blessing) on our Sham (Syria)! O Allah put barakah on our Yemen. The people said, and on our Najd as well? I think the third time he (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, There (Najd) is a place of earthquakes and afflictions and from it the horn of Shaitan (Satan) will come out.” (The Najd is in the direction of the east and is in the city of the highlands of the Iraqi steppe/desert. Its direction is east of the people of Madinah, so Najd is with regard to the land of Iraq.)

In other narrations he (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “In there (Iraq) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations and there will appear the horn of Satan.” In another narration he (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said “from there (Iraq) will arise the horn of Satan and the trials and tribulations would come like mounting waves.” There is another saying which is similar where he (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “indeed there is the Horn of Satan, and the trials and tribulations will come like mounting waves, and indeed harshness/coarseness is in the east.”
The Prophet of Islam (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then goes on to describe these people as was narrated by Abu Sa’ed al-Khudri; he said that the Prophet of Islam (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made a mention of a sect that would be among his Ummah which would emerge out of the dissension of the people. Their distinctive mark would be shaven heads. Now what is understood from this narration is that they would shave the hair on their heads in the later era. This has become a principal for all the Khawaarij. However the only thing that distinguishes the Khawaarij is not only shaving their heads. Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had shaved the hair on his head also and some among the companions. Some Muslims among the Ummah had continuously shaved their heads also. For this reason the narration here does not carry a meaning that it is restricted to shave the heads. Therefore there is a possibility that this matter referrers to the Khawaarij who shave their beards as well. There is a possibility that there are Khawaarij who would rise in some eras who would shave their beards and cut their hair.
So my dear reader, have you seen the leaders of the revolution? Do they have beards? Something you should ponder upon. 
So as we continue the Prophet of Islam (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said they would be the worst creatures or the worst of the creatures. In another narration he (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said while pointing his hand towards Iraq. ‘There will appear in it (i.e., Iraq) some people who will recite the Qur’an but it will not go beyond their throats, and they will go out from (leave) Islam as an arrow darts through the game’s body’.”

It can be deduced from the above sayings that Najd is neither blessed nor a good place but a place of upheaval and chaos and Evil. Najd has been deprived of the blessings of Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and therefore Najd has the seal of misery and misfortune and hoping for any good from there is going against the Will of Allah. According to the narration; it is a place that so many upheaval and chaos had occurred and will be occurred.
It is exactly what we are witnessing today, the removal of Saddam Hussein and the chaos and anarchy that followed was the door that opened up that lead to the path of the “Arab Springs” or as I would put it “The American Green Pasture”
Let us continue “Once the Prophet of Islam (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was distributing booties (Spoils of War) when a person named Thul-Khuwaysara, who was from the tribe of Bani Tamim addressed him (saw) ‘Oh Muhammad Be Just!’. The Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: ‘A Great pity that you have doubts, if I am unjust then who will be just, you are a loser and a failure.’ Thul-Khuwaysara's attitude infuriated Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) and he pleaded with the Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to permit him to slay Thul-Khuwaysara. Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) remarked: ‘Leave him, as his slaying will serve no good purpose, as he is not the only individual but there are a host of others like him and if you compare their prayers and fasting to that of yours, you yourself will feel ashamed. These are the people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats, with all these apparent virtues they will leave the fold of Islam just like the arrow leaves the bow’.”

It is said that these people of Khawaarij are the off springs of Thul Khuwaisarah at-Tamemee and he was among the tribe of Tamemee. During the era of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) the people of tribe of Tamemee were behind the false prophets such as Sajah and Musailamah.

The Khawaarij collectively agreed that both the 3rd and 4th caliphs of Islam; Uthman and later Ali (May Allah be pleased with them) were in fact disbelievers as were the other companions... And they think revolting against the leaders and governments is permissible. They also believe that any major sin is an act of disbelief…
It must be noted here that After the Khawaarij was defeated by Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), two of them fled to Oman, two to Karmaan (near Khorasan in Iran and Sijistaan), two to Sijistaan(Seistan), two to the Arabian Peninsula, and one fled to Yemen. The innovated beliefs and methods of the Khawaarij appeared in these places from them (the nine people who were defeated and fled) and they’ve remained ever since up until today.
The Prophet of Islam (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) condemned them saying “The Khawaarij are wicked people, and I don’t know of any people on earth more evil than they.”

Now to further understand the gravity of this affair one must know there are many Sects of Khawaarij that are classified as sitters and revolutionaries. There is the sect who revolts and fights against. Then there are the sitters who are revolutionary in nature; they prefer to sit and provoke common-folks against the ruler without actually revolting themselves. They are those who incite the people, stir up hatred within the hearts against the rulers and issue fatwas making lawful what Allah has declared unlawful in the name of changing the evil. They are, in most cases, more dangerous than the Khawaarij themselves. Since, speech, inciting hatred within the hearts and provoking the common-folks against the rulers has the most profound effect upon the souls; especially when it comes from a man who is an eloquent speaker who dupes the people with his tongue and disguises it with the Sunnah. And then there is the sect of the Khawaarij who declares those who don’t agree with their views to be disbelievers, and they consider their blood lawful for shedding. They also permit the killing of the women and children that oppose them; sounds familiar?

They (the Khawaarij) were the first ones who split away from the unified body of the Muslims declaring them disbelievers due to (their committing of) sins. They will kill the People of Islam, while leaving alone the people idol worship.
It was reported that Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The most evil of people to be killed beneath the sky/on the face of the earth, and those whom they kill are the best of people, are the dogs of the hellfire. They used to be Muslims and became kuffar.”
There is a great reward for he who kills them. Ali bin Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) said: “If the army that encounters them knew what was ordained for them upon the tongue of their prophet, they would only rely on that action.”
So from the analyst given above It is not permissible for the one who sees the uprising of a khariji who has revolted against the leader, whether he is just or oppressive, to be deceived by this persons recitation of the Qur’an, the length of his standing in the prayer, nor his constant fasting, nor his good and excellent words in knowledge when it is clear to him that this persons way and methodology is that of the Khawaarij.”
So Alas! The American/Israeli Imperialist had gotten themselves an important ally in the war against Islam and Muslims, an agenda in part to completely destroy the Islamic culture and to plunder the wealth of the Muslim lands and now that Gaddafi is gone, makes this more achievable but would it be an easy task? Keeping in mind that the country’s new leaders; the National Transitional Council, must do all they can to avoid the country falling into the same state of chaos and anarchy which hit Iraq in 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein.
The National Transitional Council has now an obligation to put an end to the ragtag bands of rebels, to protect the Libyan residents, to forbid any wild behavior; in short it must ensure the spirit of justice and reconciliation prevails over that of revenge.

Off course this might be all wish full thinking for we all know The National Transitional Council has been plagued by infighting and the emergence of factions. Those rifts include sharp divisions among rebel groups, such as leaders in the western city of Misrata who have refused to recognize the eastern-based National Transitional Council as the country’s new government, And with Gaddafi dead, the primary unifying force that held the rebels together is gone.

Off course with that accomplished, the question for the rebels becomes whether they will be able to stick together and not descend into a situation of chaos and civil war.
We must also understand the divisions have taken on an increasingly ideological tone. It is the same old story: Liberals and so called Islamists come together during the revolution, only to split afterward, often in acrimony.
Above all else, a government needs to govern. It has to have a monopoly on the use of force, and this is a challenge in one of the world's most heavily armed countries. The various militias that helped bring down Gaddafi now represents competing centers of power and influence. Disarming them, or integrating them into the national army, is a key task ahead for Libya’s new leaders.

As for what could happen to Libya after Gaddafi, we need not look no farther than Egypt. The world celebrated with that nation’s people in February when intense demonstrations against the rule of longtime leader Hosni Mubarak forced him to relinquish power. Several months later, the country is ruled by a military council, and fierce political struggles dominate.
The same thing applies to Libya; In fact, Libya is much more divided than Egypt or even Yemen.

In conclusion, it is an absolute fact that if you begin wrong you are going to end wrong and these uprising are a perfect case in point. From an Islamic point of view none of these rebellions was in accordance with Islamic law and whenever and wherever there is any attempt to usurp the authority of the Muslim leaders in the Muslim lands only one thing will inevitably follow; total anarchy.

Umar Abdullah
Head of: Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
1 (868) 631-8597
