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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Media release: Re: The SoE & the Assassination Plot of Kamla Persad-Bissessar & her Ministers

Media release:
Re: The SoE & the Assassination Plot of
Kamla Persad-Bissessar & her Ministers
An Uncalculated Risk
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) strongly condemns the decisions and actions of the PP Government within resent times in relation to our freedoms and is sending a clear message to this Kamla Administration that they took an uncalculated risk in detaining the 14 men whom they accused of being part of an elaborate plot to assassinate the prime Minister and some of her Ministers. We are now calling on the immediate release of all 14 brothers including those against whom detention orders were made: Ashmeed Choate; Selwyn "Robocop" Alexis; Chionesu Luqman also called "Asim Cuffie" and "Salim Luqman"; and Shane "Asadullah" Crawford. If our demands are not addressed it’s only obvious that the PP Government would make matters more complicated for themselves.
In addition we are seeking answers to the following questions:
·         On August 21, on the heels of a 48-hour killing spree that left 11 dead in various parts of the country, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar declared a "limited" State of Emergency (SoE).
The PM, who had called a late evening press conference at her home in Phillipine, South Trinidad, attributed the move to the need to avert a specific threat to national security but said the SoE, was also expected to manage the country's growing crime problem, which stemmed in part from heavily armed street gangs. My question is; was it to protect their seat of power or was it to protect the people? Days later, National Security Minister, John Sandy, said the crisis that had been averted would have made the 1990 coup attempt by the Jamaat al-Muslimeen "look like a garden party". Where is your crisis Mr. Sandy? The 1990 coup still does not look like a “Garden Party” to us.

·         When Minister Sandy was asked why he had remained “mum” on the issue of the assassination plot, he said, “Because the head of the National Security Council has spoken, she has said all that needed to be said, I have nothing to add.” Our question to you Minister Sandy; are you a puppet? Your position as a the Minister of National Security is an electoral one; when the people of this Twin Island State voted, they voted for a credible and competent person to fill the post of National Security Minister whom they expect to properly represent. The Security Council and its chair had nothing to do with the electorate. Why allow the chair of this council who happens to be your boss, speak on this issue?

·         On November 15, US Attorney General Eric Holder arrived in our country for private discussions with the Government and to attend a meeting with Caribbean security heads. Isn’t it ironic that soon after he left this plot was revealed? What were those private discussions about? Is it because they know this plot is a lie concocted by them that they haven’t issued a travel advisory like Britain and Australia did? And why would Britain class it as an “alleged assassination plot.”?  And the Australian Foreign Ministry as a “non-specific security threat”?

·         Persad-Bissessar said there was no evidence that would warrant an extension to the SoE. She said, she is being advised on a day to day basis and should an extension be warranted, it will have to be done before Parliament. She also said on the 26 November, "As I stand today there is no evidence before us, there is no advice from the security forces that we should extend the State of Emergency." We think that these statements are absolutely clear that she could be advised on the 13, December to extend. Is this not true Honorable Prime Minister? So as it stands we still do not and would not know if the argument of this alleged plot would be used to extend the SoE. Is this correct Honorable Prime Minister?

·         In the first instance when Robocop was held and was freed because of the false evidence of a State's star witness, who was in the Witness Protection Programme, who claimed he was coerced by police officers into giving the damning evidence implicating Alexis. Is it not natural that the police would try to frame him again in light of the many failed cases brought against him? These matters were certainly an embarrassment to the State hence why they will try to implicate him again.

·         Apart from being swell headed with the statement of US Attorney General Eric Holder when he said Persad-Bissessar was a leader not only in this hemisphere but around the world. "She is a person who is admired greatly in my country and deservedly so," she has also displayed qualities showing were women don’t have the caliber to lead but rather to make bacchanal and in this twin Island state she has represented herself as an embarrassment to our women.

·         Persad-Bissessar said; “why should we fabricate something when it came to us from the police officers. What is my motive or our motive for fabrication? And there can be none," Our question to the Honorable Prime Minister is what would anyone gain by assassinating her and her Ministers? Behind every assignation plot there is something to be gained, weather politically, economically or socially there must be something to gain.

PLEASE be advised we are prepared to do whatever it takes to properly deal with these matters. These are the issues that will stand on the threshold between this PP government and Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front). These are the issues that will determine our relationship in the coming months. These are the issues that will either make or break the PP Government.
We are open for dialog on these and other issues.

For Immediate Release: December 1, 2011
Umar Abdullah
Head of: Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
1 (868) 365-6253
1 (868) 631-8597

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