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Friday, September 14, 2012

Rights of the Home

السلام عليكم
The sunnah with regards to entry of  one's home is to say: bismillaah and then to greet one's family and the occupants of the home with the greetings of Islam that is: Assalaamu Alaikum...
There is a narration reported by imam Abu Dawood in his sunnan (hadeeth number:5096) that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned that if anyone enters their home to say: 
اللهم إني أسألك خير المولج وخير المخرج بسم الله ولجنا وبسم الله خرجنا وعلى الله ربنا توكلنا ثم ليسلم على اهله... الحديث
Oh Allah I ask you the best of entry and the best exit in the name of Allah we enter, in His name we exit, and upon Allah our lord we rely... Then one should greet their family.
However this narration is a weak narration due to a break in the chain between Shurayh Bin Ubayd Al-Hadrami Al-Himsee and Abi Maalik Al-Ash'ree.  And as Abu Haatim (as is in "Al-Maraaseel" by Ibn Abi Haatim) mentions that his narration from Abi Maalik is mursal (he didi not hear from Abu Maalik) as this is also mentioned by Ibn hajar in At-Tahtheeb.  Al-Albani at first graded it authentic as is found in his chain of authentic narrations hadeeth number:225 and then later graded it weak when he discovered this break in the chain. It is found in the chain of weak narrations of Al-Albani hadeeth number:5832.  What is correct is that a person upon entering  their home say: Bismillaah due to the generality of the narration of Jaabir found in saheeh Muslim hadeeth number 2018.  And to then greet the occupants of the home if they are present.  Furthermore the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to greet the people who were present if they were sleeping in a low voice which would not disturb the sleeping, yet the awake would hear as is in the book of foods in saheeh Muslim.  Yet I don't know of an evidence to say the salaam if there is no one in the home or if they are not in hearing distance, and Allah knows best.
(this is a broadcasted message)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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