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Monday, September 9, 2013

Media Release - Re: The US military intervention in Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons

Media Release:

Re: The US military intervention in Syria
for its alleged use of chemical weapons

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) cautions and rejects any form of US military intervention in Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons. We call on the PP Government and the citizens of this twin Island State to adopt the same stance.

Keeping in mind the following:

The people in countries regarded as allies of the US are also opposed to military force.

The UN investigative team has not yet completed its investigation and President
Obama should wait until such time the investigation is completed and its    findings made public, before any action is taken with the full support of the UN.
President Obama should be careful not to show arrogant superiority against the  
UN. Former US President George W. Bush was also guilty of such arrogance when he ignored the UN in his decision to wage war on Iraq in 2003.

An attack on Syria would also be a violation of international law since Syria has not attacked the US. As a matter of fact in the last 30 years the US has invaded other sovereign states without going through the United Nations Security Council.

It is highly illogical to think that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attack. Why would he do such a thing in the presence of the UN investigation team that he himself invited? What does he have to gain especially after being successful on the battle- ground in recent months?

The armed opposition in Syria has more motives to use chemical weapons. It would not serve Bashar any good to draw the US and its allies into a direct military conflict especially since Obama had declared repeatedly that the use of chemical weapons would provoke a US response. However there have been instances in the past where the opposition forces manipulated situations to engage responses from other countries and the UN. The August 21st chemical attack has all the writings of a well orchestrated false flag operation.

Certainly the US is guilty of fabricating various false flag operations; the battleship Maine incident in Havana in 1898, the Gulf of Tonkin episode in 1964, the Kuwait incubator event in 1990, the weapons of Mass Destruction myth in Iraq in 2003 to name a few; All in an effort to undermine ‘the enemy’.

And how hypocritical! When it comes to the use of chemical weapons, the US contradicts itself; who used Agent Orange in Vietnam which lead to the death of thousands? Who supplied mustard gas to Saddam Hussein in his aggression against Iran in 1988 killing 5000 defenseless people? And what about the depleted Uranium used in the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003? Hundreds of babies continue to be born deformed as a result of this. The US has no moral authority to talk about chemical weapons.

This so called act of morality is a cover to what can also be viewed as an assertion of power against Russia in light of their strained relations. Through the Syrian conflict, the US would have the opportunity to show President Vladimir Putin that the US is still the world’s only superpower and should not be taken for granted.

This conflict raises yet another question of morality and power. The US and its allies, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel, are funding, arming, providing intelligence and offering logistical assistance to groups totally committed to violence and terror as a method of achieving their goal of ousting the Bashar government. On the one hand, the US and the others proclaim that they are all opposed to violence and terrorism and yet on the other hand they unscrupulously use terror outfits in pursuit of their power.

This Syrian conflict has also reinforced longstanding sectarian and tribal divisions in West Asia and North Africa. Actors within and outside are exploiting the Sunni-Shia split in particular as a way of playing the majority sect in Islam against the minority with the aim of weakening Muslim solidarity. Sectarian violence is now rearing its ugly head not just in Syria but also and for a much longer while in Lebanon, Bahrain and Iraq.

These sectarian clashes in West Asia and North Africa benefit Israel’s goal of remaining the dominant force in the region. The ability of Israel to perpetuate its dominance is a prerequisite for the security of the state which is their primary obsession. Taking military action against Syria with the objective of overthrowing Bashar is what Israel wants because Bashar is an important link in the axis of resistance to Israeli dominance which includes Iran and Hezbollah. Israel has conducted three air strikes within Syria in the last six months and its commandos have been training segments of the armed opposition. It is believed that the so-called ‘independent’ intelligence on the 21 August chemical weapons incident that is being spread around by the US and Britain is actually from Israel. In this regard, it is worth reiterating that Israel is the hidden hand in much of the politics of other states such as Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Sudan.

This military action against Syria partly on the advice of Israel; the US will bring nothing but misery and suffering to the people. The classic example is of course Iraq; 10 years after its conquest by the US and Britain, Iraq is a totally devastated nation, wrecked by perpetual sectarian violence, first ignited by the invasion itself in 2003. There is the other tragic case of Afghanistan which 12 years after the US-NATO occupation is still mired in the agony of chaos. Why should Syria be any different?

Instead of travelling further down the military route, Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the American Ambassador Deputy Chief of Mission, Margaret B. Diop to communicate this release to the US House of Representatives and the Senate advising them to urge President Obama to lend his weight to the proposed US-Russia meeting on Syria and to allow all the other regional and international actors connected to the Syrian conflict to attend. Securing an immediate ceasefire should be the meeting’s principal goal. The US and its allies should cease providing military, monetary and all other forms of assistance to the armed opposition on the ground. When this is done, so too would Bashar’s Russian and Iranian supporters. The ceasefire should be supervised by the UN and would set the stage for the establishment of an interim national unity government comprising representatives from Bashar’s Baath Party, the legitimate Syrian opposition and independent individuals. The unity government should then draft a new constitution which will provide for a parliamentary election to be followed immediately by a presidential election. Both elections, and the referendum on the constitution, should be conducted and monitored by the UN.

For Immediate Release:
September 9, 2013
Umar Abdullah Head of: Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
Fax: 1 (868) 631-8597

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