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Monday, March 20, 2017

The Apartheid State of Israel – Should We Remain Silent?

The Apartheid State of Israel – Should We Remain Silent?


As a people we understand the key functions of the Attorney General and the government as it relates to National Security and adhering to international laws and agreements. However, there seems to be the need to remind these entities of another role and function, i.e. to condemn in the strongest possible terms the atrocities and the anti-democratic practices perpetrated against the world innocents in countries such as Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Burma, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and most importantly Palestine. The latter is of paramount importance, as Israel is now being accused of having established "an apartheid regime.

This according to a UN report on Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid. This report was commissioned and published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. The publication comes amid renewed debate about whether, through its settlement policy and rejection of Palestinian self-determination, the Israeli government is creating - or even has already created - a de facto "one-state".

The report continues on to give a "detailed analysis of Israeli legislation, policies and practices" that highlights how Israel "operates an apartheid regime", including through "demographic engineering".

It urges governments to "support boycott, divestment and sanctions activities and respond positively to calls for such initiatives".

As well as urging governments to back BDS, the report recommends that the UN and its member states should "revive the Special Committee against Apartheid, and the United Nations Centre against Apartheid (1976-1991)", which would then "report authoritatively on Israeli practices and policies relating to the crime of apartheid".

David Keane, associate professor in law at Middlesex University, said the new report differs from previous ones on the subject because it "expressly attaches the apartheid label".

Following mounting pressure from Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to withdraw the landmark report, Rima Khalaf the head of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) which published the report has resigned. She was reported to have said "I will not conceal a clear crime, and I stand by all the conclusions of the report".
In light of this, the AG, the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister should collectively condemn Israel and America for their non-compliance to International law and should they support boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel’s activities.
Over 400 resolutions were brought against Israel and America vetoed more than 75 percent. America continues to fund Israel $3.15 billion every year - more than what they give in aid to the whole of Africa.
The conflicts throughout the Middle East and the rise of Islamophobia throughout the world has its seat in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. If our government refuses to publicly condemn Israel and America for what is now being labelled as “Apartheid” - institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination - Should we continue to have an objective view of the government in so far as it relates their policies on religion and human rights?

Wouldn’t this silence indicate our government’s real policy position as regards the sanctity of religion and the promotor of human rights? Or should we just remain silent as well?


Umar Abdullah

Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253


Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Apartheid State of Israel – Should We Remain Silent?

The Apartheid State of Israel – Should We Remain Silent?

As a people we understand the key functions of the Attorney General and the government as it relates to National Security and adhering to international laws and agreements. However, there seems to be the need to remind these entities of another role and function, i.e. to condemn in the strongest possible terms the atrocities and the anti-democratic practices perpetrated against the world innocents in countries such as Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Burma, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and most importantly Palestine. The latter is of paramount importance, as Israel is now being accused of having established "an apartheid regime.

This according to a UN report on Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid. This report was commissioned and published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. The publication comes amid renewed debate about whether, through its settlement policy and rejection of Palestinian self-determination, the Israeli government is creating - or even has already created - a de facto "one-state".

The report continues on to give a "detailed analysis of Israeli legislation, policies and practices" that highlights how Israel "operates an apartheid regime", including through "demographic engineering".

It urges governments to "support boycott, divestment and sanctions activities and respond positively to calls for such initiatives".

As well as urging governments to back BDS, the report recommends that the UN and its member states should "revive the Special Committee against Apartheid, and the United Nations Centre against Apartheid (1976-1991)", which would then "report authoritatively on Israeli practices and policies relating to the crime of apartheid".

David Keane, associate professor in law at Middlesex University, said the new report differs from previous ones on the subject because it "expressly attaches the apartheid label".

In light of this, the AG, the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister should collectively condemn Israel and America for their non-compliance to International law and should they support boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel’s activities.

Over 400 resolutions were brought against Israel and America vetoed more than 75 percent. America continues to fund Israel $3.15 billion every year - more than what they give in aid to the whole of Africa.

The conflicts throughout the Middle East and the rise of Islamophobia throughout the world has its seat in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. If our government refuses to publicly condemn Israel and America for what is now being labelled as “Apartheid” - institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination - Should we continue to have an objective view of the government in so far as it relates their policies on religion and human rights?

Wouldn’t this silence indicate our government’s real policy position as regards the sanctity of religion and the promotor of human rights? Or should we just remain silent as well?


Umar Abdullah

Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253


A Recipe for Total Annihilation

Trinidad Express Newspapers: News | Judges must declare assets

“Members of the public must have confidence in the integrity of the justice system. They should not perceive the system to be unfair and corrupt. It need not be a perfect system for mistakes could honestly be made. But it is critical that the justice system be perceived by the public to be a fair one, and not one in which its members twirl to the seductive rustling of bank notes promised or given as an inducement or reward for a particular decision,” - Senior Counsel Pamela Elder.

May I remind Senior Counsel Pamela Elder that this is not a game of sorts where the losers can recover quickly by just throwing a dice. This is not just a "fender bender". This is a human life we are talking about; "mistakes could honestly be made"??? "that the justice system be perceived by the public to be a fair one"???. There should never be no mistakes! And the justice system must be fair and justified! Let us not be oblivious of the fact that an entire family would also be affected by this and by extension the home, the society. This will come back and haunt us in ways we can never imagine. Already the system we have; where there are so many checks and balances, puts innocent persons behind bars. Could one imagine a system where there are no checks and balances? This is a recipe for total annihilation.
