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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Calling Out President Donald J Trump as Co-Conspirator Along Side Brenton Tarrant

Media Release:

Re: Calling Out President Donald J Trump as Co-Conspirator Along Side Brenton Tarrant For The Gruesome Murder of 49 Innocent Worshippers and The Wounding of 48 Others.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago not to be cowards and call out President Donald J Trump for what he is and the part he played in the Christchurch's terrorist attack, which amounted to the brutal murder of 49 Innocent Worshippers and the Wounding of 48 Others. According to the words of our Prime Minister in his statement in the aftermath of this horrific attack he said “we who live by the doc­trine that every creed and race have an equal place in our na­tion, un­re­served­ly con­demn all words and deeds from what­so­ev­er source, that would have the ef­fect of ini­ti­at­ing, en­cour­ag­ing or sus­tain­ing ha­tred in any and all its man­i­fes­ta­tions.” Who is this "source" he is referring to? He went on further to state; “We call for the widest pos­si­ble con­dem­na­tion of this de­bas­ing of hu­man­i­ty by those who fail to ac­cept the one­ness of the hu­man race.”

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) agrees that this is a manifestation of a growing and globalized ideology of white right-wing extremist hate, racism, nationalism and supremacy, that must be addressed at its source, which includes the mainstream politicians and media personalities who nurture, promote and excuse it.

The gunman’s 74-page manifesto  by all accounts was inspired by the ideology that radicalizes persons to save “Western civilization” from a foreign “invasion.”

We see a resemblance in similar acts of terrorism outlined in the manifesto of the Norwegian Anders Breivik who killed 77 people in 2011. Breivik wanted to punish Europe because she had opened her doors to Muslim immigrants. His manifesto and attacks was inspired by the white nationalist Christopher Hasson, who was arrested for stockpiling weapons with the desire to commit mass murder, against Muslims.

When President Donald J Trump was putting forward arguments for his wall, he spoke of  “Middle Easterners” being part of a “caravan” coming into the US. On Trump's visit to Britain he warned Theresa May  that Britain was losing its “culture” and that immigration had “changed the fabric of Europe and unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was.”

Trump's travel ban was aimed at mostly Muslim countries. Trump's rhetoric spewed hate and violence, some of which included - “I think Islam hates us,” Trump's nod of approval when a supporter exclaimed - “we have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims.”  the supporter then asked -  “when can we get rid of them?” In response, Trump said: “We’re going to be looking at a lot of different things.”  Trump was praised in Brenton Tarrant's manifesto as “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

As news of the attack was unfolding, President Trump tweeted a link to Breitbart; a far-right “news” site. Known for its vile anti-Muslim hatred, It’s a site where Muslim-hating white supremacists like, Brenton Tarrant  would find writers who would give them rhetorical ammunition for their ideologies of hate. (Trump has since deleted the tweet.)

Trump is an Islamophobic bigot. As president, his words matter. He is using them to spread hatred and to influence violence. And these people have been inspired by those words to target the very people that Trump targets in his speeches and his tweets. Since his coming into power, "hate crimes" has risen to a record high.  

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling out President Donald J Trump, a Co-Conspirator in this ghastly attack and is calling Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and his government to do the same. It's time to put a stop to this bigotry and call to account the actions of those responsible.

For Immediate Release:
Date: March 16th, 2019

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765

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