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Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Underlying Disease: Democracy...

Headaches, Body aches, sores, fevers are all but just symptoms of an underlying disease and by taking medicines for these symptoms would not cure the disease but rather make it appear to disappear and this would only compound the situation since the disease would go unchecked and fester and eventually kill the entire body. .. My dear citizenry of this twin island state, all these problems; Crime, Corruption, the plight of Chinese workers, H1N1, UDECOTT, the smelters etc. that plague our country are just the symptoms of an underlying disease… That disease is democracy or the system - if you may – under which we are forced to live. If we destroy the disease we’ll free ourselves of all symptoms, not just one but all… And that my dear people are what should be the basis of our efforts… "Nothing is dearer to God Almighty than two drops and two marks: A drop of tear shed out of fear for Him and a drop of blood shed in His Path…" Be with Him and He will be with you…

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