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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Media Release: A Warning to the New Government of Trinidad and Tobago

Media Release:
A Warning to the New Government of Trinidad and Tobago
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah would like to inform the Nation that at no point in time did we ever support any Political Party in the 2010 General Elections. We voted for no one. We see this act of voting in Democratic Elections as Haram which is a violation of our God given rights and obligations.
So the question is asked why are Muslims being encouraged towards voting in general elections in the west is it because of Fear or some interests? And those who have been encouraged to vote for their interests what did they get in return? 
In America they got:
·         The invasion and destruction Iraq.
·         The Invasion and destruction of Afghanistan.
·         The occupation of Palestine
·         Guantanamo. 
·         An American control Pakistan.
·         The banning of Hijabs in schools 
In the UK they got:
·         The rogue state of Israel.
·         Traitors
·         Two million dead in Iraq.
·         An attack on Islamic values and rules.
In France they got:
·         The banning of the Hijab and Burka
In Belgium they got:
·         The Banning of the Burka
In Switzerland they got:
·         The banning of the Minarets
Muhammad reminded Muslims that “The believer is not bitten from the same hole twice.” How many more times do we need to be bitten before we realise?  Even those that have tried to get involved and participated have been tossed aside as they hadn’t abandoned Islam enough and those that changed aim to change Islam.
Political parties contradict Islam and also give legislative authority to man besides Allah. Muslims should secure their Islamic interest politically but politically within the means that Islam allows. Islam does not permit Muslims to vote in none Islamic based elections.
Whilst elections and voting for a political leader is committed in Islam it is only permitted for an Islamic leadership and within the Islamic System, no such system exists today this is the burning problem and vital issue for the Muslims globally. 
·         For those that bring Yusuf as proof for voting in an un-Islamic election, it should be known that “the laws of the previous prophets are not applicable today.  Even if it were accepted, it must not contradict the laws that Muhammad came with. 
·         For those that use the example of the Muslims that immigrated to Abyssinia; the Muslims never participated in the political process or voted for Najashi.
·         For those that vote on the basis of the lesser of two evils.  This is linked to necessity at the point of life and death and not simply hardship or its presumption. 
How can Muslims vote for local or national interest at the expense of the interests of their global ummah? 
How Muslims can votes for a manifesto that contradicts Islam and compromises Allah’s’ sovereignty? 
Muslims must be political upon Islam, forging unity and self-reliance.  This would give us Muslims the means to engage, while at the same time retaining the Islamic values and dignity and avoid exploitation and humiliation both in this world and the next.
It is against this backdrop that we make the following statement:
Waajihatul Islammiyyah (The Islamic Front) will monitor the New People’s Partnership Government in light of their promises made to the people of this nation; keeping in mind promises made by previous Governments before were never fulfilled. Remember the promises made by the PNM? And to date, Manning have the longest list of broken promises of any leader in the Caribbean. In its 2007 election manifesto, titled ’Journey with us to the next level’, the People’s National Movement (PNM) made about 200 promises of which only 25 per cent materialised. However, in its 2010 manifesto (’Caring about you today and tomorrow’), there are no concrete promises until page 29 of the 35-page document.
We demand that these promises made by the New People’s Partnership Government, be fulfilled in the time set out in your Manifesto. Failure to do so will be met with stiff resistance. Having said that, we will also be looking very closely at your policies as it relates to the following:
·         Gay Rights and Abortion
·         Human Rights and Prison Reform
·         Sustainable development  and  the Preservation of the Environment and eco systems
·         Accessing Information and Education reform that will balance the scale of intellectual perception.
·         Public consultation and participation
·         Health and safety
·         Crime and Socioeconomic ills.
·         Emergency and disaster relief
·         The continued granting of licence to sell spirituous liquors.
·         Interest Free Housing and Medical care for Muslims especially Muslim Sisters
·         Islamic Banking and the Setting up of an Islamic Court
·         Facilitating Muslims wanting to perform Haj by forging new diplomatic and travel relations with the Saudi Government
·         The God given right of every citizen to bear arms to defend themselves.
·         Your foreign and local policy as regards laws affecting our Muslim Brothers and Sisters such as laws forbidding Muslim women to wear the Hijab and the Burka, laws forbidding the building of Minarets, and whole Body scans at our nation’s airports and check-in Points in other countries etc. and equally important your relationship with the Rogue State of Israel.
These are the policies that will stand on the threshold between your Government and Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front). These are the policies that will determine our relationship in the coming months. These are the policies that will either make or break your Government.

For Immediate Release:
24 May 2010

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
Fax: 1 (868) 631-8595

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