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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our Christian Brothers...

Our Christian brothers should know as a fact that while both Muslims and Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah and Savior, the Zionist Jews of the world deny him and are still awaiting their savior... A great question you should ask yourself is this... In the modern day Bible, who murdered Jesus? The corrupted Jews and Romans. Who later spread the religion of Jesus? The corrupt Jews and the Romans. How can you trust the murderers of Jesus, with the very same message they murdered him for in the first place? Obviously politics had to of infiltrated the book and religion of Jesus. And who's been ruling the world ever since? The Jews and the Holy Roman Empire, "The Vatican"! Do you want to know what their plans are? Do you want to know who is ushering in the satanic one-eyed "Sun God"? Both the Vatican and the Zionist establishment. I am not being anti-christian; I am fighting those who have hijacked this great faith and used the story of its Prophet, for their own gain. Only the truth can set you free! Can you overcome the lies, to focus on the truth? Can you understand that we all worship one and only one God? Lets unite under the message of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (pbuh), for any wise person will realize the common ground we all share. Our religions have been purposely infiltrated to keep us divided! While the elite carry out their sinister plans on our behalf. The difference between us and you is no thicker than a line drawn in the sand.

1 comment:

  1. No one murdered Nabi Isa alayhi salam and the christians are enemies not our brothers. do not speak falsehood to invite the kufaar to Islam.

