Afghanistan - Kabul

Germany - Berlin (Berlin)

Guyana - Georgetown

Morocco - Rabat

Pakistan - Islamabad

Trinidad - Port of Spain

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Saudi Arabia - Makkah

Saudi Arabia - Medina

Monday, May 31, 2010

“Bullets Were Falling Like Rain” The Andijan Massacre, May 13, 2005

This month (13 May 2010), marked five years since Uzbek security troops killed hundreds of anti-government protesters in the city of Andijan. People were protesting against harsh socio-economic environment and repressive politics in the region. The government decided to take strong measures at the very early stage of the protests. That day in 2005 has come to be known as the “Andijan Massacre.”
On that day, government troops shot and killed civilian protesters on the orders of President Islam Karimov. According to the official data, the death toll was 187. However, witnesses and experts say much more people, including women and children, were killed there and the estimated number ranges from several hundreds to nearly 1,000.
From the very beginning Uzbekistan authorities made it clear that it is their internal issue and the coverage of the massacre in Western and local media was not welcomed. As a result, Karimov’s regime booted foreign broadcasters out of the country and purged the remnants of the local independent press by jailing and intimidating reporters.
Even after 5 years of the massacre almost no one in Uzbekistan is talking about it, local bloggers and journalists living in fear of Uzbek regime are silent, only those staying abroad are brave enough to remember that brutality.

EU foreign ministers gave up all demands set for the Uzbek government connected to the killings of hundreds of people in Andijan in May 2005 and lifted a weapons embargo from the country on 27 October.

Four years after the EU imposed sanctions on the Uzbek government for the Andijan massacre, the EU foreign ministers gave in to Tashkent’s stubbornness and abolished the last sanction.

Despite the embargo being a rather symbolic measure (Uzbekistan is happy with Russian-made weapons),
Uzbekistan can now feel that it has been acquitted for its crimes of mass killings in Andijan.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Media Release: A Warning to the New Government of Trinidad and Tobago

Media Release:
A Warning to the New Government of Trinidad and Tobago
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah would like to inform the Nation that at no point in time did we ever support any Political Party in the 2010 General Elections. We voted for no one. We see this act of voting in Democratic Elections as Haram which is a violation of our God given rights and obligations.
So the question is asked why are Muslims being encouraged towards voting in general elections in the west is it because of Fear or some interests? And those who have been encouraged to vote for their interests what did they get in return? 
In America they got:
·         The invasion and destruction Iraq.
·         The Invasion and destruction of Afghanistan.
·         The occupation of Palestine
·         Guantanamo. 
·         An American control Pakistan.
·         The banning of Hijabs in schools 
In the UK they got:
·         The rogue state of Israel.
·         Traitors
·         Two million dead in Iraq.
·         An attack on Islamic values and rules.
In France they got:
·         The banning of the Hijab and Burka
In Belgium they got:
·         The Banning of the Burka
In Switzerland they got:
·         The banning of the Minarets
Muhammad reminded Muslims that “The believer is not bitten from the same hole twice.” How many more times do we need to be bitten before we realise?  Even those that have tried to get involved and participated have been tossed aside as they hadn’t abandoned Islam enough and those that changed aim to change Islam.
Political parties contradict Islam and also give legislative authority to man besides Allah. Muslims should secure their Islamic interest politically but politically within the means that Islam allows. Islam does not permit Muslims to vote in none Islamic based elections.
Whilst elections and voting for a political leader is committed in Islam it is only permitted for an Islamic leadership and within the Islamic System, no such system exists today this is the burning problem and vital issue for the Muslims globally. 
·         For those that bring Yusuf as proof for voting in an un-Islamic election, it should be known that “the laws of the previous prophets are not applicable today.  Even if it were accepted, it must not contradict the laws that Muhammad came with. 
·         For those that use the example of the Muslims that immigrated to Abyssinia; the Muslims never participated in the political process or voted for Najashi.
·         For those that vote on the basis of the lesser of two evils.  This is linked to necessity at the point of life and death and not simply hardship or its presumption. 
How can Muslims vote for local or national interest at the expense of the interests of their global ummah? 
How Muslims can votes for a manifesto that contradicts Islam and compromises Allah’s’ sovereignty? 
Muslims must be political upon Islam, forging unity and self-reliance.  This would give us Muslims the means to engage, while at the same time retaining the Islamic values and dignity and avoid exploitation and humiliation both in this world and the next.
It is against this backdrop that we make the following statement:
Waajihatul Islammiyyah (The Islamic Front) will monitor the New People’s Partnership Government in light of their promises made to the people of this nation; keeping in mind promises made by previous Governments before were never fulfilled. Remember the promises made by the PNM? And to date, Manning have the longest list of broken promises of any leader in the Caribbean. In its 2007 election manifesto, titled ’Journey with us to the next level’, the People’s National Movement (PNM) made about 200 promises of which only 25 per cent materialised. However, in its 2010 manifesto (’Caring about you today and tomorrow’), there are no concrete promises until page 29 of the 35-page document.
We demand that these promises made by the New People’s Partnership Government, be fulfilled in the time set out in your Manifesto. Failure to do so will be met with stiff resistance. Having said that, we will also be looking very closely at your policies as it relates to the following:
·         Gay Rights and Abortion
·         Human Rights and Prison Reform
·         Sustainable development  and  the Preservation of the Environment and eco systems
·         Accessing Information and Education reform that will balance the scale of intellectual perception.
·         Public consultation and participation
·         Health and safety
·         Crime and Socioeconomic ills.
·         Emergency and disaster relief
·         The continued granting of licence to sell spirituous liquors.
·         Interest Free Housing and Medical care for Muslims especially Muslim Sisters
·         Islamic Banking and the Setting up of an Islamic Court
·         Facilitating Muslims wanting to perform Haj by forging new diplomatic and travel relations with the Saudi Government
·         The God given right of every citizen to bear arms to defend themselves.
·         Your foreign and local policy as regards laws affecting our Muslim Brothers and Sisters such as laws forbidding Muslim women to wear the Hijab and the Burka, laws forbidding the building of Minarets, and whole Body scans at our nation’s airports and check-in Points in other countries etc. and equally important your relationship with the Rogue State of Israel.
These are the policies that will stand on the threshold between your Government and Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front). These are the policies that will determine our relationship in the coming months. These are the policies that will either make or break your Government.

For Immediate Release:
24 May 2010

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253
Fax: 1 (868) 631-8595

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Scholars cannot permit what Allah has forbidden

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
In Response to an Article Published In the Trinidad Express 17th May 2010, Entitled 'StayAway From The Polls' Pt. 2.

Scholars cannot permit what Allah has forbidden

One of the main excuses some people use today in attempt to justify the evil act of voting for a person to make law on one’s behalf is that the majority of Muslim scholars say it is allowed to vote, and some even go further saying it is a religious duty.
This, like every other so-called argument used to justify voting for man to play the role of God and make law, is entirely flawed and can never be used as an excuse to associate partners with Allah by choosing a lawmaker besides Him. There are many places in the Qur’aan in which Allah (SWT) informs us of individuals in the past who were favoured by Him and were given knowledge, yet they abused the knowledge they were given, started to follow their own desires and misled the people.

For example, the Jews and Christians (People of the Book) were accused by Allah of worshipping their rabbis and priests by obeying and following their religious edicts which clearly went against the commands of Allah. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’aan:

“They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah (by obeying them in things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires without being ordered by Allah).” (EMQ at-Tawbah, 9:31)

‘Uday bin Haatim used to be a Christian. When he heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) recite the above verse he tried to deny this and responded: “We did not worship them (rabbis and priests).” The Prophet (SAW) replied: “Did they (rabbis and priests) not forbid what Allah permitted and hence you forbade it; and they permitted what Allah forbade and thus you permitted it?” ‘Uday replied “Yes.” The Prophet (SAW) said, “That is how you worshipped them.” After this incident ‘Uday (RA) embraced Islam.

So it can be argued that any Muslim who blindly follows a scholar when he permits what Allah forbids has taken him as a lord and false god besides Allah. Any matter which is clearly forbidden by Allah – such as alcohol, committing shirk (in this case, voting for man to make law), adultery, interest (ribaa), and so forth – cannot be made lawful by scholars. Moreover, one cannot claim on the Day of Judgement that they were merely following their scholars or the majority of people and therefore cannot be blamed for their actions. Allah (SWT) says:

“And those who followed (blindly) will say: “If only we had one more chance to return (to the worldly life), we would disown (declare ourselves as innocent from) them as they have disowned (declared themselves as innocent from) us.” Thus Allah will show them their deeds as regrets for them. And they will never get out of the Fire.” (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2:167)

Furthermore, it is reported in the Sunan of Ibn Maajah that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: “Verily, what I fear most for my Ummah is misguided Imaams.” There can be no doubt that the misguided Imaams (or scholars) of today are those who allow voting for man-made law by twisting the verses of Allah and Shari’ah principles in order to achieve popularity, maintain their career and please the masses, tyrannical governments and disbelievers.

What makes someone an ‘aalim?

What makes someone an ‘aalim is not the level of knowledge they have, the length of their beard or their credentials. The Sahaabah, for example, did not study at a “renowned” institution and nor did they achieve any certificates, credentials, degrees, PhDs, and so forth. Despite this, they were the greatest ‘ulamaa (scholars) the Ummah has ever seen.

What makes someone an ‘aalim, besides having knowledge, is when they engage in the duties of the Anbiyaa (Prophets). Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “The ‘ulamaa are the inheritors of the Prophets.” Therefore, in order for one to be considered an ‘aalim, they must engage in the duties of the Prophets. The mission of the previous Prophets was to call people away from shirk (associating partners with Allah) and taaghout (false gods, such as lawmakers or MPs). They called society to Tawheed and to reject man-made laws as well as kufr (un-Islamic) ideals, ways of life and values such as freedom, democracy, liberalism and so forth.

It is for the above reasons that the previous Messengers and Prophets were attacked by the disbelievers, vilified, ridiculed, boycotted, imprisoned and some were even murdered or assassinated. This is how we recognise the people of truth: they are tested by Allah and vilified by the disbelievers. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was labelled a lunatic; Ibraaheem (or Abraham) was thrown into fire; Yoosuf (Joseph) was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit; the disbelievers plotted to crucify ‘Eesa (Jesus); Shu’aib (AS) was threatened with extradition; Nooh (Noah) was ridiculed; and the list goes on.

Allah (SWT) has destined, as part of His Almighty Traditions (Sunnatullah), that any person who desires to be with the Prophets, Messengers and their Companions in the Hereafter must struggle in this life the way they did and endure the tests they were made to endure. Allah (SWT) says:

“Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, “When (will come) the Help of Allah?” Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!” (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2:214)

In what way have those so-called scholars (who try to justify voting for kufr law) suffered for the sake of Allah and the Deen of Islam? Rather than calling people away from shirk and to shun taaghout (false gods), we find them calling us to commit shirk for their personal interests and benefit (maslahah) and to obey taaghout (those who rule by other than what Allah has revealed). What excuse do these sad individuals (particularly in Trinidad and Tobago) have for not speaking out against this great evil? Unlike scholars in the Middle East, they are not being threatened with torture, imprisonment or death yet they are still afraid of upsetting the masses, gaining notoriety or being labelled an extremist.

There is a famous principle in Islam: “The haq (truth) is known by the daleel (divine evidence), not by men.” Therefore, the haq is not established by the number of people that agree with it or the number of “renowned” or celebrity-like scholars who state it. Rather, the haq is known by the daleel (Qur’aan and Sunnah, by the understanding of the Sahaabah). But if it is names you are after and not daleel, below is a brief list (in no particular order) of scholars from across the world that say democracy opposes Islam and that voting and participating in democratic elections is forbidden (haraam):

·        Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (Jordan)
·        Sheikh Feiz Mohammad (lived in Australia, originally Lebanon)
·        Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki (lived in USA, originally Yemen)
·        Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Misri (UK, originally Egypt)
·        Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (USA, originally Egypt)
·        Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal (lived in UK, originally Jamaica)
·        Sheikh Abdul-Qaadir bin Abdil-Azeez (Egypt)
·        Sheikh Naasir al-Fahd (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Ahmad Fadeel an-Nazal al-Khalayleh (Jordan)
·        Sheikh Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Ayman Muhammad Rabee’ al-Zawaahiri (Egypt)
·        Sheikh Sayyid Qutb (Egypt)
·        Sheikh Humood bin Uqla Ash-Shu’aibi (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Ali bin al-Khudayr (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani (Saudi Arabia, originally Albania)
·        Sheikh Muhammad Ameen al-Shanqeeti (Saudi Arabia, originally Mauritania)
·        Sheikh Ahmad Hamood al-Khaalidi (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Yusuf al-Uyayri (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Abdullah al-Ghunaymaan (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Muhammad al-Fazaazy (Morocco)
·        Sheikh Hani al-Siba’i (UK, originally Egypt)
·        Sheikh Saalih al-Awfi (Saudi Arabia)
·        Sheikh Ziyaad Qattaan (UAE)
·        Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad (lived in UK, Lebanon)
·        Sheikh Abu Qataadah al-Filasteeni (UK, originally Palestine)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In Response to an Article Published In The Trinidad Express 17th May 2010, Entitled 'Stay Away From The Polls'

Assalaamu ‘Alaiykum to all my dear Brothers and Sisters;

Please allow me to respond using the ‘tawkeel’ argument.

Voting in the Trinidad and Tobago General Election is an act of delegation (tawkeel) where a delegator (muwakkil) appoints a delegate (wakeel) to act on one’s behalf.
Tawkeel (delegation) is a legitimate Islamic contract and is used in cases such as representing someone for marriage or for the guardianship of minors.

Tawkeel, as an Islamic contract, has to proceed according to the rules of Islam.

One pillar of tawkeel is that the delegator (muwakkil) can only delegate that which the Shari’ah deems permissible since the delegate (wakeel) acts on behalf of the delegator (muwakkil). So what is halaal for the delegator (muwakkil) can be delegated and what is haraam for the delegator (muwakkil) cannot be delegated.

For example it is halaal (permissible) for me to delegate another to buy me a pint of milk as it is halaal for me to buy a pint of milk. It is haraam (forbidden) for me to delegate another to rob my neighbours since it is haraam for me to rob my neighbours. This is known as Ghiyaab ul-Mawaani Ash-Shari’ah (the absence of any divine prohibition).

Returning to the fiqh al-mas’alah (or specific reality) of voting in the Trinidad and Tobago General Election we face an insurmountable obstacle. The problem is that this is a delegation for someone to represent them, according to manifesto of the delegate (wakeel), in a legislative chamber – in this case the Trinidad and Tobago Parliament as an MP.

Worse still, the delegator (muwakkil) cannot specify or hold the delegate (wakeel), in this case the MP, to only act on their behalf on certain matters e.g. against Israel or against foreign invasions such as of Iraq and Afghanistan. The MP will generally legislate, vote on legislation, debate legislation, help to draft legislation, amend legislation, propose legislation and defend legislation on behalf of the delegator (muwakkil).

Here we have to ask if it is halaal (permissible) for a Muslim to do any of the things that the delegate (wakeel), in this case the MP, will do.

It is a matter of ‘aqeedah that a Muslim does not have a say when it comes to legislation:

“It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision” (Translated Meaning of Al-Qur’an [TMQ] 33:36)

This is because the right of legislation is only for Allaah SWT (c.f. TMQ 12:40).

Muslims should look to the Shari’ah for all matters:

“But no, by your Lord, they can have no (real) faith until they make you judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest submission” (TMQ 4:65)

Not to man-made legislation, which is Taghut (an authority other than Allaah SWT):

“Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which has been sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgment (in their disputes) to the Taghut while they have been ordered to reject them?” (TMQ 4:60)

So I disagree with the comment that “Voting and participating in the electoral process is not tantamount to legislating against Islam” because voting in the Trinidad and Tobago General Election and delegating an MP to act on your behalf is getting involved in legislation without doubt.

As Muslims we should stay with the halaal regardless of our desire (hawah) for any perceived benefits:

“Have you (O Muhammad SAW) seen him who has taken as his ilah (god) his own desire (hawah)? Would you then be a wakeel (delegate) over him? Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle; nay, they are even farther astray from the Path.” (TMQ 25:43-44)

You are right that we face difficult times and you are right to call the Ummah to action and for that I applaud you but legislating by man-made law, in violation of the Islamic ‘aqeedah, is a line we cannot consider crossing. We should instead have tawakkul (trust/reliance) in Allaah SWT:

“Do they then seek the judgment of (the Days of) Ignorance (Jahiliyyah)? And who is better in judgment than Allah for a people who have firm belief?” [TMQ 5:50]

Wa- Salaam
Umar Abdullah

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I will NOT be Voting...

Get Out But DON'T VOTE!


Assalaamu ‘Alaiykum Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakathu;

Hypocrisy is a state of the heart, which is expressed by double-faced actions:

1. They have a discrepancy in what they have in their heart & what is on their lips
2. Munafiq means “double faced”
3. They hide the truth
4. They are untruthful to others (Mumins) and to themselves
5. They create fasaad, by saying one thing to one person and another to another person, neither of them being the truth
6. When they are questioned about their actions that are causing fasaad they say we are just reforming society/people, we are doing this for the good of society.
7. When they are asked to believe, have imaan, they say, “Do I look stupid”?
8. In front of the mumin they say they are with them, but when they are with the Shaiyateen (with people like themselves or their leaders), they say we were just joking privately, we are not really with the Mumins.
9. Their words and actions do not match
10. They are without wisdom and without understanding of reality and truth (Shaoor)
11. Hypocrites are present in all times
12. Though hypocrites say verbally that they believe in God, Allah disqualifies their imaan as they are only saying it only with their tongue, and not with their hearts they do this only to fool others.
13. In their privacy they make fun of the Mumin
14. They prefer to keep their eyes closed rather than see the truth and see the right path.
15. Allah has given them rope to do what they want and they choose to stray further and further away from the right path.
16. They are restless and without peace even in this world and try to entertain themselves with worldly things
17. They live in a world of self-deception
18. Due to their actions they create fasaad in the world and do not have the understanding that their words and actions are the cause of the fasaad.
19. When they are asked to have imaan they say are we stupid that we become stupid like the mumin who lose everything (worldly) because of their imaan.



One word summary: They lie!


1. Allah will make fun of them
2. Blindness of the heart: Allah has given them rope, (leave) and they are taking advantage of it and their hearts are blinded and they are straying further in their wrong path, and Allah is watching them.
3. Allah will deny them guidance (al Hudda) they have exchanged the right path for the wrong path, this will be a huge disadvantageous for them. They are unable to get guidance as they are not asking for it, nor wanting it.
4. There are seven levels of Hellfire and they will be in the bottom most part of the hellfire. why? Because they base their life on lies.
5. Those who have the characteristics of hypocrisy Allah will not give them guidance.

Hadith Sahih Bukhari

How to recognize a hypocrite; four characteristics:

1. When given a trust he betrays it.
2. When he speaks he lies.
3. When he promises he breaks it.
4. When he argues he is unjust
5. Irrespective of whether he prays, fasts and claims that he is a Muslim then he or she is a pure munafiq.

Steps To get out of Hypocrisy (surah Nisa) and join the mumins:

Make Taubah.
Conduct Self-correction.
Establish a Strong connection with Allah.
Make ones deen khalis (do the good works for Allah and not to show people).
Be thankful of every Naimah with kasarat.
Decrease complaints of what we did not get in this world.


Monday, May 10, 2010


If politicians work and act as much as they talk… Our country would be the most envious the world over... None of what is being offered to us by both the Government and the Opposition forces is going to work... Read my book ‘Vote at Your Own Risk!’
