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Sunday, September 19, 2010

In The Hearts Of Green Birds

Narrated Masruq: We asked Abdullah bin Masud about this verse: 

"Think not of those who have been killed in the way of Allah as dead; rather they are alive with their Lord being provided with sustenance.(3:169) 

He Abdullah bin Masud said: We asked the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa salaam) the meaning of this verse. So he explained it like this: 

Their souls are in insides some green-birds beside lanterns suspended from the divine throne roaming freely in the Paradise where ever they like. Then they take shelter at those lanterns. Once their Lord looked at them and said: Do you want anything else? They said: What more shall we want? We roam freely in Paradise as we like. Allah asked them the same question three times. When they felt that they would not be spared from being asked, they said: O Lord! We like you to put back our souls into our bodies so that we may be killed in Your way once again. As Allah saw that they had no wish. they would be let for joy in heaven. 

(This Hadith is sound and related by Al-Bukhari.) 

5th April 1992, war broke out in the Balkans. Many people shouted and screamed. A few actually went to the aid of the Bosnian Muslims. Different organisations came. Much is still talked about the help given by these people.

There was however, another group of individuals who also went to Bosnia. No mention was made of them. They came from near and far, young and old, rich and poor, and they travelled to Bosnia. These people were the foreign Mujahideen (volunteer Islamic fighters).

Between 1992-95, hundreds came and went. A handful never returned: the Shuhadaa’ – those killed in the way of Allah.

With true sincerity to Allah (Allah knows best) and an undying commitment to the Deen of Islam, the Shuhadaa of Bosnia managed, insha’Allah to attain the ultimate objective of a Muslim – the Pleasure of Allah, followed by the reward which awaits in Paradise on High, and Eternal Bliss is unfolded to enjoy.

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