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Monday, July 3, 2017

Media Release: On The Issue of Crime and Our Daunting Social Challenges

Media Release: 

On The Issue of Crime and Our Daunting Social Challenges

255 Murders in 182 days. As these numbers show and with the Increase in crime and public uneasiness, crime, in all its different forms has become a major threat to societal and individual security. There has been less discussion on the role and response of national security mechanisms. Hence, most of the methods used to fight against crime have backfired and fall short of meeting such a challenge. The failure of the Western methods of combating crime and the Increase in impunity of criminals leads one to suggest a solution, which treats criminal activity not piecemeal but in the total scheme of life. 

The Islamic concept of security is a very comprehensive one, more comprehensive than any of the other existing systems. It looks at humankind in relation to the universe and the factors influencing it. It encompasses physical, mental, psychological and spiritual domains as integral parts of an overall societal security system.

Islamic teachings do not merely provide solutions to exceptional instances of criminal behavior, but emphatically focus on measures that halt their existence. In other words, Islam executes as many means as possible to avert temptation. While modern societies flaunt temptation – liquor, pornography, violence, etc. – before the people, a true Islamic society removes the sources of these temptations, and when the need for correction emerges, the punishment is serious and effective. If crimes are not countered with serious punishments, then our society will be in grave danger.

Crime has prospered in modern societies because a completely contradictory approach is followed to controlling it.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is therefore calling the government to stamp out all forms of temptation that are prevalent and easily accessible and when the time comes for correction or punishment of a crime, the justice system should not be lenient and should be serious. Sentencing should not be biased and protective of the criminal's rights over those of the victim.

Government must take into consideration the changing circumstances of our society as well as the constancy and permanence of the nature of our countrymen.

Waajihatul Islamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is prepared to seek legal injunctions aimed at achieving human welfare, which can all be referred back to universal principles which are necessary for the well-being and security of our citizens. These universal principles are:

1.    The preservation of life.
2.    The preservation of religion.
3.    The preservation of reason.
4.    The preservation of lineage.
5.    The preservation of property.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is working with an objective that would seek to protect our society from the dangers of crime by advocating fairness, equality and justice, also prison and prisoner reform. However, we must bear in mind, the punishment is a recompense for the crime.  It is undesirable to treat a criminal lightly who threatens the security of society with danger. 

For Immediate Release: 
Date: 3rd July 2017

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) 
Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253

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