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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Message to People of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Message to People of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago:

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmat Ullaah Wa Barakaatuh; Peace and Guidance be Upon You, Greetings, Good Morning;

I am sure you can sense the evil that is spreading ruthlessly upon the souls of the people of this nation. I have no hidden agendas or personal interests, I don't plan to manipulate, trick or deceive you. I merely hope to enlighten you towards the truth.

We live at a time when people of this country are being set upon a false path, one that corrupts their minds with sin and disbelief, we are becoming vile and cruel while some commit minor sins others are causing children to be orphaned, putting them through poverty and starvation, as they hide behind titles, but they are all to blame. Equally those who are committing minuscule sins are following blindly, they listen and never question, follow and never think, they encourage violence to cause bloodshed and crisis without even considering a solution.

How many families have buried their young? How many lives have we lost to extreme violence? Is it not enough?

Immoral relationships have ruin our families, shattered our homes and allowed crime to parent our children. Simple mistakes have infected our bodies with fatal diseases and have killed our infants before they even came to life. Greed has made 100,000 fellow Trinbagonians go to bed hungry every night and search for creative ways to deal with their discomfort, while 260,000 others live on under TT$6.71 a day.

Evil is hunting down more and more people as you are reading this right now. It is like a hungry beast that feeds on dragging us to pain, misery and suffering. But we need to ask ourselves who is it to blame? if you think all of this is happening because of our leaders, then remember those leaders exist because we are allowing them to.

The problem doesn't lie with them but it lies deep inside us. We are the ones responsible for every tear, every scream and every pain.

God Almighty created each one of us as a unique individual, He blessed us with hearts to feel His presence, eyes to see His magnificent creations and ears to hear His message but overwhelmed by the temptations of this materialistic world we turn our backs on our creator and betrayed the purpose of our existence, instead we use our eyes to look at what takes us away from Him, our hearts love what the God Almighty hates, our ears listen to what goes against His beautiful teachings. We use the blessings of our creator to satisfy our own selfish desires. We have become experts in material goods and worldly affairs but completely ignorant in matters of the hereafter, this has caused our souls to suffer a slow death.

We have become heedless, our heedlessness about God Almighty has torn us apart rather than being filled with love and kindness, we become sources of evil and hate. Arrogance has divided us into labels, colors and categories, ignoring the fact that we are all humans. We observe injustice and conform to it, we follow tyranny, rather than oppose it. Heedlessness is a disease that does not only harm you as an individual but it also spreads its pain to your fellow man.

In the name of our governments' brand of democracy, this country have been destroyed. In the name of peace our youths are being jailed and killed. In the name of God, innocence have been oppressed. You might not carry the gun but being heedless about the crime still makes you guilty, so I am sorry, in the way to God I will not provide you with weapons but I will arm you with knowledge that can set your souls and the souls of others free.

You need to ask yourself, has your time not yet come? isn't this the perfect moment to strive towards God and repent your sins? To you who can hear, I encourage you to listen to the voice of your screaming soul, yearning for a glimpse of salvation, it is telling you that this is the perfect moment to strive towards God Alighty, it is the perfect moment to repent for your sins, this is the time for change.

The Holy Qur'an in Chapter 13 verse 11 says: " Indeed God Almighty will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves".

Let us all unite to stop the attacks we are launching against each other and begin the attack against the real enemy, the enemy within. Let us all start a national battle against our evil habits, evil sins and evil traits, let us purify our souls and illuminate Trinidad and Tobago with our divine light. It doesn't matter what your skin color is or how much wealth you have, the way to goodness can unite us all under the One who created us all, so let us strive together, work together and fight together to be the change we want to see in this country. Let us repent our sins, enjoy our life, change this Nation and finally heaven will be your abode. this is the way to the Almighty God. Enter in peace.

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253

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