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Friday, June 15, 2018

Eid Message and Greetings 2018

Eid Message and Greetings.

Assalaamu 'Alaiykum; Peace and Guidance, Greetings;

All praise is for Allaah, Lord of all the Worlds, who ordered us to follow His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and to call to His Way, and may Allah send praises and blessings of peace upon our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and upon his family, his Companions, and those who truly follow them until the Day of Judgment.

We implore Allah, the Most High, to make this Eid a moment of joy for everyone. May this Eid bring peace and prosperity to all.

Indeed, Eid is the day of blessings and great reward by Almighty Allah for good observance of virtuous deeds, fasting and Salaah, thus we need to express our gratitude to Allah, Who has enabled us to observe virtues, deeds, and at the same time, granted us Abundant provisions during this holy month.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah ( The Islamic Front ) sees Eid as a day of joy, cooperation, solidarity and brotherhood. However this does not represent the actions of some members of our Muslim community. These members are head strong on diminishing the relevance of Islam and Muslims in this country. In particular Muslim aid organisations on account of their policy - A policy that does not represent the way of our beloved Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) - don't render assistance to the much needy cases that come to them:

A single mother whose child is sick often times and because of where she lives would have to wheelbarrow her child a distance of one and 3/4 mile out off a dirt road in order to get a taxi to take her child to the health-center, was refused the assistance she desperately needed to repair an old vehicle which she owned or help her with a down-payment on a vehicle, this from an organisation that always boast of their ability to assist others over seas.

A father's son who is in danger of being killed in another county and is seeking asylum here was refused financial help to purchase his son's travel ticket by many who was approached on the issue, while they continue to enjoy life, comforted with the fact that their children are safe and taken care off.

Many cases of women and single mothers are left to fend for themselves because their husbands were given frame cases by the police and placed on approval bail - a difficult bail - costing nothing less than $20,000.00 which does not include attorney fees. One can only imagine the pain and hardship of these sisters.

Women in abusive and oppressive relationships are not treated with the urgency required to bring their husbands to account.

The neglect and plight of Muslim prisoners continues unabated Abu Dawud mentions the hadith narrated by Abu Talha Al-Ansari and Jabir Bin Abdullah, that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “No man forsakes a Muslim when his rights are being violated or his honour is being belittled except that Allah will forsake him at a place in which he would love to have His help. And no man helps a Muslim at a time when his honour is being belittled or his rights violated except that Allah will help him at a place in which he loves to have His help”

Contrary to Islamic teachings a popular Muslim TV host would go on air and Boasts of his wealth and achievements, back-bite and slander other Muslims, brag about his charity, all the while acting in the most shameful and despicable manner.

Muslim men and women, living lives not in keeping with traditions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and so by their actions bring shame and disgrace to this most powerful and beautiful religion. Criminals, gangsters, gang affiliation, drugs, dismissiveness, unlawful killing, unruly behavior, abusive and offensive language, lying, back-biting, slander, homosexuality, religious intolerance, partisanship, all, has no place in Islam. This is the behavior of ourselves and our state of affairs and we wonder why we are in the predicament we are in today. How can we expect to be victorious when our sins are the same as the unbelievers?

Never the less, Eid ul Fitr is a time to think of others as well as repenting for past sins and looking to the future. Eid ul Fitr Is the Eid of giving, and joy, may Allah bless us with the same in, all circles of life, and help all among us, who are helpless, worried and waiting for His mercy. May Allah accept our good deeds, Forgive our transgressions and ease, the suffering of all peoples around the globe. Aameen.

Taqaballaahu Minna Wa Minkum‘ (may Allaah accept it (i.e. good deeds) from us and you).


Umar Abdullah
Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18687870765 or +18683656253

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