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Monday, October 21, 2019

Media Release: Shutting Down of TTT Limited.

Media Release:

Re: Shutting Down of TTT Limited. 

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to shut the doors of state owned TV station; TTT Limited. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) understands apart from the company operating at a loss, it is compounded by the fact, TTT Limited, is in breach of all labour laws in this country, as they don't pay overtime to workers, rather they utilise the "Compensatory Time Off System" (CTO). This bugs the question; why the move to implement such a draconian policy to employees already experiencing late salary payments, since 2018.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is calling on the Minister of Communications Senator, Donna Cox to clarify this information and state to the country, if TTT is breaking Labour Laws, and show proof to the citizens of this country, that this isn't so. Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) is also concerned about a "clique" at the state owned media house who seems to be acting as Judge and Jury. This "clique" of Managers some of whom have no background in media and the creative Industry are also the ones championing draconian policies in the company, much to the distress of workers. Can the Communications minister also clarify this? And by extension the honorable Prime Minister? 

Responding to a letter written by Indera Sagewan, published in the Guardian on Monday, August 28, 2017 under the headline: ‘Another debacle: CNMG to TTT’. The then Minister of Public Administration and Communications; Honourable Maxie Cuffie, Member of Parliament for La Horquetta/Talparo, said "... is not simply a cosmetic name change... the closure of CNMG goes beyond re-branding and restructuring..."

The then Communications Minister Stuart Young in an article written by Camille Hunte published in the Express Newspaper July 6th 2018, said “I will fight hard to make sure jobs are maintained and let us turn this around.”

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) reminds the country that this state enterprise is one which was used as the source of corruption in 2015 which saw huge and exorbitant salaries being paid to former managers of the TV Station. This is the same TTT who has a perrenial problem of changing managers every so often, and a failure to increase viewers or attract viable, sustainable sales to generate revenue. It is clear, by these revelation, TTT, described on its Website as an" "Enterprise providing broadcast, production and transmission services for audiences within Trinidad and Tobago and beyond." has strayed from it's mandate. 

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front) in an attempt to address these issues sent messages and made numerous calls to the line Minister, Senator the Honourable Donna Cox, to no avail. Imagine that! The Communications Minister, does not know how to communicate. We are therefore calling on the  the Prime Minister, Dr. The Honourable Keith Christopher Rowley to shut down the and liquidate this "debacle" according to, Indera Sagewan-Alli in 2017.

For Immediate Release:
Date: October 21st, 2019

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: +18683656253 or +18687870765

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