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Saturday, August 22, 2009


A Facebook friend at the start of Ramadaan 2009 made the following comment and I quote:

“The Prophet Muhammad (uwbp) said that the greatest of jihad is that for the conquest of self and this must be one of the guiding principles of fasting.”

On seeing this I immediately commented on his statement by indicating the following:

The meaning of jihad in Arabic is the exertion of one’s effort and capability. In Islam, the meaning of jihad is the exerting of one's total effort and strength in repelling the enemies of Islam and fighting them directly or by aiding those who fight them directly with wealth or other means. This is the meaning of jihad and fiy sabeel Allah when used in the Qur'an and the hadith. This is the direct meaning although there are a few instances where it is used allegorically to apply to other things.

Jihad against the self (jihad an-nafs):

The struggle against the "self" - i.e., the self which calls to evil (an-nafs al-ammaaratun bi as-suu') by denying it anything which it desires which Allah has forbidden, taking on aspects of good character and leaving the ways of foolishness and perservering in obedience to Allah even if it is difficult. This is NOT the greatest jihad and the popular hadith which says so is not authentic. It is nonetheless a vital aspect of every Muslim's practice.

Allah said: {And as for the one who fears the standing before his Lord and forbids his self its desires * Surely, paradise is his shelter} An-Naazi'aat: 40-41
But, this overcoming of the lower desires is not accomplished by our efforts, but only by the grace and mercy of Allah. When we turn to Allah in belief and obedience, He blesses us with a shield or a protection against the evil inclinations within.

Allah said: {Those who prepared the abode and the faith before them love those who migrated to them and find no need in their hearts for what they have been given and the put others before themselves even if they are in need. And whoever is protected from the avarice of his own self is surely among the successful.} Al-Hashr: 9

Further to this I expanded a bit more on the subject and sent him a message (See full text of message below).

We cannot afford to allow individuals to make statements such as these as this could have a devastating effect on how we live and practice Islam.
Never should we allow this!
We are all part of what we can say is an extension of an ideology left behind by a man [Prophet Muhammad (s)] who was the greatest to have ever walked the earth. This ideology was the light that guided the world out of the abyss of the dark ages. This ideology will reshape this country and eventually the world. This ideology carries with it the blue print that will once more break loose the shackles around us and raise the flags of true freedom. This ideology will announce the birth of a new era of leadership and governance in this twin island state of ours.
Anything we say or do can affect this either in a positive way or a negative way. Let us prayer it is never the latter…

Following is the full text of message sent:

Jihad (Struggle)

The meaning of jihad in Arabic is the exertion of one’s effort and capability. In Islam, the meaning of jihad is the exerting of one's total effort and strength in repelling the enemies of Islam and fighting them directly or by aiding those who fight them directly with wealth or other means. This is the meaning of jihad and fiy sabeel Allah when used in the Qur'an and the hadith. This is the direct meaning although there are a few instances where it is used allegorically to apply to other things.

Types of Jihad:
Jihad against the self (jihad an-nafs)
The struggle against the "self" - i.e., the self which calls to evil (an-nafs al-ammaaratun bi as-suu') by denying it anything which it desires which Allah has forbidden, taking on aspects of good character and leaving the ways of foolishness and perservering in obedience to Allah even if it is difficult. This is NOT the greatest jihad and the popular hadith which says so is not authentic. It is nonetheless a vital aspect of every Muslim's practice.

Allah said: {And as for the one who fears the standing before his Lord and forbids his self its desires * Surely, paradise is his shelter} An-Naazi'aat: 40-41
But, this overcoming of the lower desires is not accomplished by our efforts, but only by the grace and mercy of Allah. When we turn to Allah in belief and obedience, He blesses us with a shield or a protection against the evil inclinations within.

Allah said: {Those who prepared the abode and the faith before them love those who migrated to them and find no need in their hearts for what they have been given and the put others before themselves even if they are in need. And whoever is protected from the avarice of his own self is surely among the successful.} Al-Hashr: 9

Jihad against Shaitaan (jihad ash-shaitaan)
By opposing and repelling both the desires and the intellectual confusion with which Shaitaan tempts Allah's slaves. This jihad is even more difficult than the jihad against the kuffar since at least we can see them and assess their strengths and weaknesses. Shaitan can see us while we cannot see him and his experience at leading astray goes back thousands of years to the creation of Adam.

Allah said: {O you who believe, do not follow the steps of Shaitaan. Whoever follows the steps of Shaitaan [will find that] he commands obscenity and sin. If it were not for the grace of Allah upon you and His mercy none of you could ever have kept clean. But Allah purifies who He wishes and Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.} An-Nur: 21

Jihad against the disbelievers (jihad al-kuffar)
This is to be physically fighting them under a righteous Muslim Khalifa either by direct participation in combat or by donations of wealth or other methods of supporting the struggle - including idealogical struggle. This is the greatest jihad. The Prophet (sas) said: "Fight the polytheists with your property, your lives and your tongues." Allah mentions the greatness of fighting in the path of Allah in very many places in the Qur'an. Generally, these are all references to this type of Jihad.

Jihad against the hypocrites (jihad al-munafiqeen)
This is by establishing the proofs against them and calling the Muslims to adhering to the daleel - proofs from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, educating the Muslims to protect them against such fitan and opposing their mischief in every way. It should be noted that only Allah knows the identity of the hypocrites - we only have signs. Nonetheless, we must oppose distortions of Islam by all the means mentioned.

Allah said: {O Prophet fight the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh to them. There abode is hell-fire and what an evil abode.} At-Tahreem: 9

Jihad against corrupt Muslims (jihad al-faasiqeen)
This jihad is by physical means (the "hand"), the tongue and the heart. The Prophet (sas) said: "Whoever among you witnesses wrongdoing, let him correct it with his hand. If he is unable, then with his tongue. If he is unable, then with his heart and that is the weakest of faith."

Allah said: {And fight in the path of Allah [against] those who fight you and do not transgress, surely, Allah does not love the transgressors.} Al-Baqarah: 190
{Prepare against them all forms of strength of which you are capable and ranks of horses with which you strike fear [in the hearts of] Allah's enemy, your enemy and others besides those. You do not know them, but Allah knows them. And whatever you spend in the path of Allah will be fully repaid to you and you will not be oppressed [in the least].} Al-Anfaal: 60
"Others besides those" in this verse is a reference to the internal enemy of this nation - i.e., the hypocrites, those who appear to be Muslim and practicing Islam externally but in whose hearts there is kufr and in whose actions there is mischief and destructiveness. The Muslim Ummah must be a strong and cohesive entity capable of meeting any military or other threat. This strength and unity based on the sound foundation of the Qur'an and Sunnah reflects inwardly and outwardly. It holds both the external and the internal enemy at bay and puts fear in their hearts. Without this strength, unity and means, we will continue to be afflicted by both the external enemy and the internal enemy.


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