Afghanistan - Kabul

Germany - Berlin (Berlin)

Guyana - Georgetown

Morocco - Rabat

Pakistan - Islamabad

Trinidad - Port of Spain

U.K - London (England)

U.S.A - Washington DC (District of Columbia)

Saudi Arabia - Makkah

Saudi Arabia - Medina

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The recent arrest of Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for allegedly trying to blow up a passenger jet in Detroit, Michigan.


The recent arrest of Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for allegedly trying to blow up a passenger jet in Detroit, Michigan.

The recent arrest of Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for allegedly trying to blow up a passenger jet in Detroit, Michigan, on December 25 shows clearly whose side America is on and the endless length it would go to fight Islam and frame Muslims.

The U.S. government has become either a good disciple of Israel or she has become her colony and obeys orders. On October 3, 2001 then Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon declared to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio: "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

During the last fifty-five years the Israelis committed numerous terrorist acts but framed Arabs and Muslims to give them the bad reputation of being terrorists (e.g. Levon Affair). Once the false perception of Arabs being terrorists was established, Israel received more economic and military help from the West led by the U.S. and the green light to kill more Arabs - young and old, women and children - demolish more homes and create more destruction under the pretext of self defense and security and supported all of it without investigation. Palestinians requested the U.N. numerous times to investigate false charges of terrorism and station U.N observers but

to no avail. The U.S. vetoed all such resolutions. After nearly sixty years of patience (from early 1930s to late1980s) the Palestinians began responding but at a high price of their own lives. Israel had the best of technology of heavy military hardware and software, tanks, helicopter gun ships, rockets, missiles and bombers paid for by the American taxpayers whereas the Palestinians had only primitive guns, homemade bombs and rocks to throw at the Israeli tanks - no match. Israel is waging the war of terrorism against the Palestinians with murder, plunder and destruction with impunity due to the support of the American regimes and the taxpayers.

The U.S. with the help of her teacher, Israel, committed terror at the World Trade Center in 1993 and again in September 2001 and framed the Arabs in both incidences, committed terror in Oklahoma City and are still trying to frame Muslims for the terror at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Darussalam. The net result was that Arabs and Muslims were accepted to be terrorist, albeit falsely, and the ground was set for invasion. Israel was able to initiate four wars against Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1982 causing a lot of destruction of lives and properties while the West led by the U.S. either helped actively or looked the other way. The U.S. following her professor of terrorism, Israel, invaded Iraq in 1991 and again in 2003, invaded Afghanistan in 2001 under the false pretext given to her by the Israelis and the neo-cons.

American governments have learned very well from their teachers, the Israelis, the art of terrorism and have been carrying it out in all third world countries, particularly in the Muslim majority countries. John Negroponte, once U.S. representative to the U.N., ambassador to

Iraq and Director of National Intelligence, earned a reputation as head of the murder squads helping pro-America terrorists in Central America (Honduras and her neighbours). It seems that Negraponte’s new assignment is to run murder squads in Iraq killing freedom fighters, their friends, relatives, women and children. American murderers have adopted the Israeli policy that killing women is good in the long run because it eliminates women who may give birth to children who may grow to become freedom fighters (terrorists in the American jargon) and killing children is cheaper than killing him when he becomes an adult fighter. These people are worse than Pharaohs who killed only newborn boys of Israelites and allowed girls, women and adult men to live. These new state terrorists of Israel, America and Britain are enemies of mankind including their own people who oppose their government’s anti-human policies.

There is no doubt in our minds that Umar Abdulmutallab was framed in order to further the Israeli/American agenda across the globe

.Facing growing concern that Yemen is becoming a new haven for Al Qaeda operatives ‘Israelamerica’ needed further justification for the series of resent air strikes on Al Qaeda hideouts in Yemen targeting the radical cleric who was associated with alleged Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Apart from the father of Abdulmutallab informing ‘Israelamerica’ about his son, Umar Abdulmutallab reportedly told investigators he had obtained explosive chemicals and a syringe from Al-Qaeda in Yemen – at least this is what he was made to believe. The question is how did he manage to hoodwink airport security. A bomb was found in the sole of a man’s shoe in recent times, so how difficult it would have been to detect an explosive device on a man’s body?

So on assuming that Abdulmutallab was allowed to pass through Airport security undetected would indicate that who supplied him with the device knew it will not explode to cause any major harm and to make certain ‘Israelamerica’ would be the one to charge and prosecute Abdulmutallab and take the investigative lead, the attempt to detonated will take place over ‘Israelamerica’ soil.

‘Israelamerica’ would now be well poised to attack Yemen, which will inevitably impress upon Pakistan and Somalia also suspected for being safe havens for Al Qaeda to comply or face the same fate.

Shifting attention away from America’s crumbling economy and the very embarrassing recent breaches of security both at the White House andFort Hood is just part of a wider conspiracy to see that an Islamic state does not raise its head especially with the emergence of one world government and one world currency.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah warns that if ‘Israelamerica’ continues with her rampage against Islam and Muslims they will not only destroy good relations with the Islamic World but will also destroy all barriers preventing an unprecedented resistance from the Muslim world.

For Immediate Release:

28 December 2009

Umar Abdullah

Head of:

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: 787-0765/365-6253

Fax: 631-8597 (Please address to Umar Abdullah)


Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Banning of Minarets in Switzerland.

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.

Abu Tufail 'Amir b. Withila reported: I was in the company of 'Ali b. Abi Talib, when a person came to him, and said: "What was it that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) told you in secret?" Thereupon he (Hadrat 'Ali) was enraged and said: "Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) did not tell me anything in secret that he hid from people, except that he told me four things. He said: Commander of Faithful, what are these? He said: Allah cursed him who cursed his father; Allah cursed him who sacrificed for anyone besides Allah; and Allah cursed him who accommodates an innovator (in religion) ; and Allah cursed him who changed the MINARETs (the boundary lines) of the land. [Book 22. Sacrifices.
Hadith 4876. (Shahi Muslim)]

To Whom it May Concern;
If ever you want to destroy a people you first take away their culture and their way of life.

The announcement by your country Switzerland to ban the constructionof minarets on masjids came as no surprise for we are told by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) “that a time would come when the whole world would gather around to plan the destruction of the Muslims as if they were gathered around a table to take part in a meal.”

It is evidently clear that the entire democratic world is bent on
destroying Islam and Muslims. It appears as though when Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of the ruling Islamist party and current Prime Minister of Turkey, in 1989 said: "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers..." it struck fear in the hearts of those who sit in power but for a country with just about 400,000 Muslims whose
population is just under eight million, with only four Masjids having
minarets; you have to be real cowards.

You have done nothing more than fan the flames of discord between Islam and the Godless Democratic world.

Our message to you is; you can ban the construction of Minarets, and even destroy all the Masjids in the world you will never be able to destroy the pure heart of a believer. He that fuels us is Allah
through the Quran and the way of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This course of action will serve you no good as you would seek to harm none other than your citizens and your country.


Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253

My Detention for CHOGM 2009

Assalaamu ‘Alaiykum; Peace and Guidance to all;

Sorry for being away for so long. This was all due to my detention
during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2009, held in Trinidad and Tobago. I was deemed a security threat to the meeting and more so to the French President Nicholas Sarkozy.

I was detained while attempting to board the inter-island ferry to Trinidad on Eid ul Adha. I was at the time helping a man carry his luggage – he too was detained. We were both escorted back to the port where our persons and luggage were searched by Special Branch Officers. We were then taken to the Scarborough Police Station for further questioning. The man I was assisting was subsequently released after his story was checked out.

All the while I was seated in an open room area with other officers. I was offered refreshments and a meal which I refused at the time; I was later given bottled water and allowed two phone calls to two of my wives, upon request. While in this area I was questioned by an officer about National Security issues, sometime later there were reports of two robberies in the Scarborough area which they attended to and because of a lack of man power I was placed in a holding cell for a short period, Whilst here, very surprisingly, I was offered a prayer mat which I accepted in the form of a large plastic bag I was also asked at what time I had to perform my prayer and so I was given a reminder when it was time. They indicated to me it was not their intention to place me in the holding cell but due to a lack of man power as I stated before they had no choice. They made sure I was comfortable and even put the air condition on and was told if at any time I felt too cold they would adjust the temperature. I was questioned at length while I was in the holding cell about matters relating to Islam, the Middle East and South East Asia – The Red Mosque in particular – and my Organisation.

Later that evening, Muslim brothers was allowed to visit and purchase a meal for me. At this time, I was taken out of the holding cell and returned to the open room area where the brothers came and had a short conversation with me I was allowed to greet them in the traditional way by shaking hands when they left.

A short time after I was informed that my home and business will be searched for guns and ammunition, later that night I was shown two warrants bearing my name with my home and business address. I was escorted by two marked police vehicles and a party of police Officers including one female officer. I requested of them to respect my home and business and in particular my wife to which they agreed. They made every effort not to alert my neighbours where I live and the residents around my business.

During the search my place was not ransacked as items was replaced in their original places and most important my wife was not disrespected in any way. Certain documents relating to my organisation and Islam were photographed at my office. Nothing illegal was found so I was taken back to the Scarborough Police Station where I was briefed as to why I was detained.

I was told I was considered a threat to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2009 in particular French President Nicholas Sarkozy which was made evident by a published document bearing my organisation name sent to the French Consulate and Sarkozy which was in response to his stance on the Muslim Sisters wearing of the Burka in France. I was subsequently released later that morning.

During my detention I was at no time placed in handcuffs, nor
disrespected in any way.

Following is a list of links relating to the story and the alleged
published documents:,111711.html

Links to the alleged published documents:[fb]sent&page=4&tid=1200714745124

Umar Abdullah

Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)

Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

German Consulate's Response to Press Release

Peace and Guidance to all;

Early today I was informed by the German Consulate of the sentence handed down by the German court on Alex A. Veinz via the following email:

Dear Mr. Abdullah,
I just received the information that Alex W., who attacked and killed Marwa El-Sherbini and severely injured her husband, was today sentenced to life imprisonment. The court decided further that a premature release because of good conduct is ruled out. The court therewith followed the call of the prosecution. It was the hardest sentence possible.
Kind regards,
Christoph Peleikis

Ständiger Vertreter / Deputy Head of Mission and Consul
Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
7-9 Marli Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad W.I.
Tel.: (+1 868) 628-1630-2 Ext. 24; Fax: (+1 868) 628-5278

I immediately responded by issuing a Press Release indicating our dissatisfaction a copy of which you would have gotten earlier. I then later received a correspondence from the German Consulate indicating the following:

Dear Mr. Abdullah,
unfortunately, I have no idea what the monitory equivalent of 100 camels is. However, please be advised that Mrs. El-Sherbini's husband as well as her son already received compensation by the Federal Republic of Germany, further support is currently under examination. Furthermore, husband and son will receive a monthly widower's pension and orphan's pension respectively. At the same time, we all know that this cannot bring back their wife and mother, who died through this horrible crime.
Kind regards,
Christoph Peleikis

This new bit of information did make a lot of difference so I responded with the following:

Peace and Guidance Mr. Peleikis;
If only you had mentioned these things to me before... Anyways PLEASE be advised I will make every effort to inform all Muslims in Trinidad and Tobago of this commendable effort by your Government. I apologise for any scar I may have caused you with my Press Release. As I have mentioned to you before my word is my honour. PLEASE disregard my Press Release and may God Almighty continue to guide us all and mend our differences for the better of all humanity... Ameen. By-the-way 100 Camels is equivalent to approx. $500,000.00 TT Dollars...
Peace and Guidance
Umar Abdullah

N.B.: Next time I travel to Trinidad I will be paying you a courtesy visit that is if you don't mind.

They then responded by the following:

Dear Mr. Abdullah,
thank you very much for your kind email and for the information. I thought you would be living in Trinidad. Is this not the case?
Kind regards,
Christoph Peleikis

Ständiger Vertreter / Deputy Head of Mission and Consul
Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
7-9 Marli Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad W.I.
Tel.: (+1 868) 628-1630-2 Ext. 24; Fax: (+1 868) 628-5278

It is with great enthusiasm and concern I Share this chain of communication with you all. PLEASE convey the same to the rest of your community. Thank You....
Peace and Guidance
Umar Abdullah

Response to the Sentence Given To Man Guilty of Murdering Marwa Sherbini in Dresden, Germany.


Response to the Sentence Given To Man Guilty of Murdering Marwa Sherbini in
Dresden, Germany.

Waajihatul Islaamiyyah does not and would not accept the life sentence given by the German court to the man - Alex W. Veinz - found guilty of murdering the Muslim Sister Marwa El-Sherbini, bearing in mind where and how this gruesome act took place.

We would accept nothing less than the death penalty or in addition to the life sentence without the possibility of release, that the family of the murdered sister be compensated by him – Alex A. - or the German Government on His behalf the monitory amount equivalent of 100 camels each for the Muslim Sister and her unborn child.

If this is not done, I will refer to my initial response and state categorically we will not be able to

guarantee the safety of any German national within the borders of our twin-island state, Trinidad and Tobago.

For Immediate Release:
11 November 2009

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

DHUL HIJJAH 1430 (AH) - Next Month

DHUL HIJJAH 1430 (AH) - Next Month

The 29th of Dhul Qa'dah is Tuesday 17th November, 2009.

Sighting should be done after sunset of this day.

The new moon (crescent) will be born on Monday 16th November, 2009 at 3:14 pm. Sunset on Tuesday 17th November, 2009 will be at 5:48 pm. At sunset of this day, the moon will be about 26 1/2 hours old and Muslims are reminded to look for the crescent to commence the month of Dhul Hijjah 1430 AH.

If the moon is sighted then Eid ul Adhaa (10th Dhul Hijjah) will be on Friday 27th November, 2009.

If the moon is not sighted then Dhul Qa'dah will complete 30 days and Eid ul Adhaa (10th Dhul Hijjah) would be on Saturday 28th November, 2009.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Top Cop Tells Saudi Diplomat ‘Sorry’

Shame and disgrace on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago… No communication between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Security? Is this the same Government to host The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting?...

PRESS RELEASE: New National Flag Erected at Hasely Crawford Stadium


No flag - regardless of its size and grandeur or how high it flies - could satiate the hungry or secure the life of the weak and innocent. It’s amazing how the government can find 2 million dollars to erect a peace of cloth - an act by all human standards that is insignificant at this time - and further find close to half a million dollars over the next 10 years depending on inflation to continue to sustain this baseless rationale.

This is an indication of the vile disrespect and utter disregard this Government has for the citizens of this country. It is because of this shameful behavior on the part of the Manning Administration that we deny any guarantee to the safety of this monstrosity.

We call on all right-thinking citizens of our twin-island state to demand that the Government take down that flag and publicly apologise to the poor people of this country for this unfortunate act of wanton excess.

We call on all to demand that the Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the Sports Minister Gary Hunt to be stripped of one million dollars each in order to replace the taxpayer dollars spent in the erection of this flag.

We call on all to demand that sum carded to replace the flag every 4 to 6 months be placed in a health care fund especially for children.

No Government administration should be allowed to get away with misappropriations that allow the underprivileged and destitute to suffer as a result.

For Immediate Release:
November 5, 2009

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajiahtul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Italian judge convicts 23 in CIA kidnapping of Muslim cleric

Italian judge convicts 23 in CIA kidnapping of Muslim cleric

US Troops Outnumber Taliban 12-1?

Umar ibn al-Khatab once said if a Muslim army numbers 12,000 solders and more they will never be defeated provided that they are not committing any sins or transgression. I prayer that the Taliban continues on the straight path and not go astray and may He Allah make it easy for them to do the right and not commit any wrong. May He Allah continue to bless them and Guide them and crush the enemies beneath their feet… Ameen…

Phony War Hero Gets 18 Months Jail Time

P A T H E T I C...

Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

The Bush Administration carries with it a TERRIBLE BURDEN... Woe be to them all...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Champions League Twenty20 Cricket


Champions League Twenty20 Cricket

The recently concluded Champions League Twenty20 Cricket Series in Hyderabad has taught us many lessons, the most important of which is that unity - even in small numbers - can make a huge difference. All had one goal, the goal of winning… standing up to all those big teams took more than just skills and years of training. It took great courage and perseverance all bundled together under the greatest resolve - unity.

This Series showed us as a people how strong we really are and how much we can make a difference if we can unite on one common ground. What is that common ground? It is peace and security for our people and the eradication of poverty.

You people of this country, our success in India is more than just an
achievement, and it is more than just winning. It is a trial and a
lesson for those of us who can see and a responsibility to act upon
those lessons. Its time for a new resolve… the resolve of unity. Let
us unite as one people and bring this evil of crime and corruption to
its knees. One thought… One Voice… One Fight…

For Immediate Release:
October 23, 2009

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Cell: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253

Police Killing of Three (3) Kidnappers


Police Killing of Three (3) Kidnappers

With the help of God Almighty, the intuitive thinking of a good brother and the prompt action of the police in pursuant of their role
as responsible officers, leaves no doubt in our minds regarding how the police handled this matter of the three kidnappers and they must be commended for it.

However we’ll also use this opportunity to state there are times when the police behave in a manner not befitting their roles as law enforcement officers as in recent cases of when they invaded Laventille, the Beetham and especially this week's raid at the Jamaat-al-Muslimeen compound.

Their motto “Protect and Serve (with Pride)” also includes – as they ought to know – the protection of people’s rights and privileges, which means in their execution of their duties as law enforcement officers, must be preserved at all cost.

Again thumbs-up for a job well done and keep up the good work.

For Immediate Release:
October 29, 2009

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Tel: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kuwait lawmaker wants to scrap Sharia rules

Rula Dashti, who does not wear the hijab, challenges the requirement that women must comply with Sharia rules to exercise their political rights. Women’s head covers stir up debate among Islamic scholars...

Four years ago when that parliament voted to grant women full political rights was when they made their first mistake and by extension we all share in that mistake… They are now plagued with an evil that would have naturally followed and by extension we are all plagued with this evil... They should all be killed for their wrong doing…

Champions League Twenty20 Cricket


Champions League Twenty20 Cricket

The recently concluded Champions League Twenty20 Cricket Series in Hyderabad has taught us many lessons, the most important of which is that unity - even in small numbers - can make a huge difference. All had one goal, the goal of winning… standing up to all those big teams took more than just skills and years of training. It took great courage and perseverance all bundled together under the greatest resolve - unity. This Series showed us as a people how strong we really are and how much we can make a difference if we can unite on one common ground. What is that common ground? It is peace and security for our people and the eradication of poverty.

You people of this country, our success in India is more than just an achievement, and it is more than just winning. It is a trial and a
lesson for those of us who can see and a responsibility to act upon
those lessons. Its time for a new resolve… the resolve of unity. Let
us unite as one people and bring this evil of crime and corruption to
its knees. One thought… One Voice… One Fight…

For Immediate Release:
October 23, 2009

Umar Abdullah
Head of Waajihatul Islaamiyyah (The Islamic Front)
Cell: 1 (868) 787-0765/365-6253

Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Underlying Disease: Democracy...

Headaches, Body aches, sores, fevers are all but just symptoms of an underlying disease and by taking medicines for these symptoms would not cure the disease but rather make it appear to disappear and this would only compound the situation since the disease would go unchecked and fester and eventually kill the entire body. .. My dear citizenry of this twin island state, all these problems; Crime, Corruption, the plight of Chinese workers, H1N1, UDECOTT, the smelters etc. that plague our country are just the symptoms of an underlying disease… That disease is democracy or the system - if you may – under which we are forced to live. If we destroy the disease we’ll free ourselves of all symptoms, not just one but all… And that my dear people are what should be the basis of our efforts… "Nothing is dearer to God Almighty than two drops and two marks: A drop of tear shed out of fear for Him and a drop of blood shed in His Path…" Be with Him and He will be with you…

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Take a Lesson From The Dead!

From God Almighty we come and unto him is our final return... Someday you too will lay in that position and you'll have to account for all that you have done in this world... May God Almighty have mercy on you...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Obama Chooses Woman as US Ambassador to T&T

Beatrice Wilkinson Welters:
New US Ambassador to T&T.

In her quest for high office let’s hope her passion to reach out to the underprivileged and underserved youths against the backdrop of the AnBryce and the Vincent Wilkinson Foundations were not compromised and will never be compromised….

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Message To Patrick Manning...

A Message to the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago The Dishonorable Patrick Manning: All long rope does have an end...

Italy’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday overturned a law granting immunity from prosecution to the country’s prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and other top officials... The ruling was a stunning blow for Mr. Berlusconi, who has been dogged for decades by legal problems surrounding his vast business empire of media and real estate holdings. The ruling reopens his involvement in three cases now in the courts, including one in which Mr. Berlusconi’s tax lawyer was found guilty of taking a bribe to protect the prime minister...

American Muslims Should Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks?

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.

Forty-eight percent (48%) of Americans nationwide believe that it is the responsibility of American Muslims to speak out against terrorist attacks on the United States. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 27% do not think American Muslims have that responsibility. Twenty-six percent (26%) of adults are not sure.

This is the message we and the Muslims in America (We should not say American Muslims) aught to be giving the disbelievers:

“We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined others in worship with Allâh, for which He had sent no authority; their abode will be the Fire and how evil is the abode of the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong doers).” [Quran: 003:151]

“(Remember) when your Lord revealed to the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes." [Quran: 008:012]

Narrated By Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with TERROR (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them). [Vol 4, Book 52, Hadith 220. (Shahi Bukhari)]

Ali ® once said: “I am the one whose mother named him Haidar, (And am) like a lion of the forest with a TERROR-striking countenance. I give my opponents the measure of sandara in exchange for sa” (i.e. return the attack with one that is much more fierce). [Book 19, Hadith 4450. (Shahi Muslim)]

Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I have been given superiority over the other prophets in six respects: I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; I have been helped by TERROR (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to me: the earth has been made for me clean and a place of worship; I have been sent to all mankind and the line of prophets is closed with me. [Book 4. Prayer, Hadith 1062. (Shahi Muslim)]

And Generally... This applies to both the disbelievers and the Muslims

Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that he had heard that Abdullah ibn Abbas said, "Stealing from the spoils does not appear in a people but that TERROR is cast into their hearts. Fornication does not spread in a people but that there is much death among them. A people do not lessen the measure and weight but that provision is cut off from them. A people do not judge without right but that blood spreads among them. A people do not betray the pledge but that Allah gives their enemies power over them."
[Book 21. Jihad, Hadith 026. (Maliks Muwatta)]

May Allah continue to guide and protect us all and grant us victory over the disbelievers... Ameen.

Monday, September 28, 2009

15 Tips to Earn Rewards from Allah

1- Avoid Things that Allah has forbidden, including the great sins as well as continually performing the lesser sins, and perform what Allah orders us to perform: The prophet peace be upon him said: "Allah has recorded the good deeds and the evil deeds. Then he made them clear: He who has intended a good deed and does not do it, Allah writes it down with Him as a performed good deed; but if he intends it and does perform it; Allah records for him from ten good deeds to seven hundred times that or more than that. If he intends to do an evil deed and does not do it, then Allah writes it down as a good deed; but if he intends an evil deed and performs it, Allah records it as one evil deed" (Sahih Al-Jami)
2- Reciting the Quran and pondering over it's meanings: The Prophet peace be upon him said, "Whoever recites one word from the Book of Allah will be rewarded for a good deed and ten more like it; and I don't say that Alif Lam Mim is a word but Alif is a word and Lam is a word and Mim is a word" (Alif Lam Mim is 3 Arabic Characters.)

3- Guiding people to righteous deeds: The prophet peace be upon him said, "Whoever guides one to a good thing will get the same reward as the person who performs the deed" (Sahih Al-Jami)

4- Enjoining good and eradicating evil: This is one of the obligatory duties that many people fail to perform today. Due to this reason, sins are being committed openly and without shame and no one is saying anything about them. The prophet peace be upon him said, "If the people see an evil deed and they do not change it, then Allah may inflict them all with a punishment". Allah says in the Quran: "And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends of one another, they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong .. "

5- Supplications to Allah: It's the best act of worship as the Prophet peace be upon him said, "The most virtuous act of worship is supplication" (Sahih Al-Jami). It's very important to be certain that Allah will answer your supplication, the Prophet peace be upon him said: "There is no Muslim on this earth who supplicates to Allah except that Allah will give him what he asked or He will remove some evil from him, as long as he does not supplicate for something evil or as long as he does not supplicate for cutting of the ties of kinship and as long as he does not become impatient and say, 'I supplicated and supplicated and I was not responded to'"

6- Marrying religious women: The prophet peace be upon him said, "A woman is married for her religion, wealth or beauty; marry the religious women and you will prosper". He also said, "A thankful heart, a tongue that remembers Allah and a pious wife that helps you in your worldly and religious matters, is better than what the people are amassing" (Sahih Al-Jami)

7- Bringing up pious children and training them to have good Islamic character: The prophet peace be upon him said, "A man will be raised some degrees in Paradise and he will say, 'For what reason am I receiving this ?' He will be told, 'Because of your son asking forgiveness for you'"

8- Having good manners and character: The prophet peace be upon him said, "The most beloved of you to me and the closest of you to me in the Hereafter are those of you who have the best manners; the most hated of you to me and farthest from me in the Hereafter are those of you who have the worst manners, those who speak and do not even care about what they are saying" (Sahih Al-Jami), and he also said, "The person of good manners will get the same reward as the person who prays during the night and fasts during the day" (Sahih Al-Jami).

9- Performing many voluntary prayers: This is particularly beneficial during the last third of the night in which the gates of the heavens are opened and the supplications are responded to. The prophet peace be upon him said, "Allah waits until one half or two-thirds of the night has passed and He says, 'My slaves, shall ask from no one except Me. Whoever asks from Me, I shall respond to him. Whoever asks Me for something, I will give it to him. Whoever asks for my forgiveness, I shall forgive him. And this continues until the dawn" (Sahih Al-Jami). Similarly, performing the Sunnah prayers, is also a way of gaining Allah's pleasure and reward. These Sunnah prayers are two rakats before the dawn obligatory prayer, four before the noon obligatory prayer and four after it, two after the sunset prayer and two after the night prayer and the witr prayer.

10- Being obedient and respectful to one's parents: This is one of the greatest ways to attain Allah's pleasure and reward. Allah mentions worshipping Him together with obeying one's parents. Allah says in the Quran, "Your Lord has decreed that you worship none save Him, and that you show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain to old age with you, say not 'File' unto them nor repulse them, but speak unto them a gracious word. And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy and say, 'My Lord, have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little'" (Al-Isra)

11- Jihad in the way of Allah: A hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him says, "Being on guard in the way of Allah for one month is better than perpetual fasting for a year. Whoever dies while guarding in the way of Allah will be safe from the great frightening. And he will be provided his provisions, and smell the scent from paradise, and receive the reward of the one who guards until Allah resurrects him" (Sahih Al-Jami)

12- Remembering Allah at all times: The prophet peace be upon him stated that Allah said, "I am as My slave thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself. I make mention of him to Myself and if me makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it." (Al-Bukhari).

13- Speaking the truth and not fearing punishment of anyone: The prophet peace be upon him said, "The leader of the martyrs is Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib and a person who faces an unjust ruler and advises him to do good and he is killed because of his speech" (Sahih Al-Jami)

14- Giving charity and spending in the way of Allah: Allah says in the Quran, "Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, verily their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve" (Al-Baqara 274). And Allah also says, "And spend of that which We have provided you before death comes to one of you and he says, 'My Lord if only You would reprieve me for a little while, then I would give alms and be among the righteous.' But Allah reprieves no soul when its term comes, and Allah is aware of what you do" (Al-Munafiqoon).

15- Learning the beneficial knowledge: One should learn that knowledge that will benefit him in the Hereafter and act by it in order to be a good example for others. The authentic knowledge is the one that is based on Quran and Sunnah.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the Problem Science has with GOD, the ALMIGHTY. He asked one of his New Students to stand and . ..

Professor : You are a believer in God, aren't you, son ?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor : So, you Believe in GOD ?

Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD Good ?

Student : Sure.

Professor : Is GOD ALL -POWERFUL ?

Student : Yes.

Professor : My Brother died of Cancer even though he Prayed to GOD to Heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn't. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent )

Professor : You can't answer, can you ? Let's start again, Young Fella. Is GOD Good?

Student : Yes.

Professor : Is Satan good ?

Student : No.

Professor : Where does Satan come from ?

Student : From . . GOD . ...

Professor : That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this World?

Student : Yes.

Professor : Evil is everywhere, isn't it ? And GOD did make everything.Correct?

Student : Yes.

Professor : So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer)

Professor : Is there Sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the World, don't they?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor : So, who Created them ?

(Student had no answer)

Professor : Science says you have 5 Senses you use to Identify and Observe the World around you. Tell me, son . .. Have you ever Seen GOD?

Student : No, sir.

Professor : Tell us if you have ever Heard your GOD?

Student : No , sir.

Professor : Have you ever Felt your GOD,Tasted your GOD, Smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any Sensory Perception of GOD for that matter?

Student : No, sir.I'm afraid I haven't.

Professor : Yet you still Believe in HIM?

Student : Yes.

Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student : Nothing. I only have my Faith.

Professor : Yes, Faith. And that is the Problem Science has.

Student : Professor, is there such a thing as Heat?

Professor : Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as Cold?

Professor : Yes.

Student : No, sir. There isn't.

(The Lecture Theatre became very quiet with this turn of events )

Student : Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat,White Heat, a Little Heat or No Heat. But we don't have anything called Cold. We can hit 458 Degrees below Zero which is No Heat, but we can't go any further afterthat. There is no such thing as Cold. Cold is only a Word we use to describe the Absence of Heat. We cannot Measure Cold. Heat is Energy. Cold is Not the Opposite of Heat, sir, just the Absence of it.

(There was Pin-Drop Silence in the Lecture Theatre)

Student : What about Darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as Darkness?

Professor : Yes. What is Night if there isn't Darkness?

Student : You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the Absence of Something. You can have Low Light, Normal Light, Bright Light, Flashing Light . . . But if you have No Light constantly, you have nothing and its called Darkness, isn't it? In reality, Darkness isn't.
If it is, were you would be able to make Darkness Darker, wouldn't you?

Professor : So what is the point you are making, Young Man ?

Student : Sir, my point is your Philosophical Premise is flawed.

Professor : Flawed ? Can you explain how?

Student : Sir, you are working on the Premise of Duality. You argue there is Life and then there is Death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD.
You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can't even explain a Thought. It uses Electricity and Magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view Death as the Opposite of Life is to be ignorant of the fact that Death cannot exist as a Substantive Thing. Death is Not the Opposite of Life: just the Absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your Students that they evolved from a Monkey?

Professor : If you are referring to the Natural Evolutionary Process, yes, of course,I do.

Student : Have you ever observed Evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a Smile,beginning to realize where the Argument was going )

Student : Since no one has ever observed the Process of Evolution at work and Cannot even prove that this Process is an On-Going Endeavor, Are you not teaching your Opinion, sir? Are you not a Scientist but a Preacher?

(The Class was in Uproar )

Student : Is there anyone in the Class who has ever seen the Professor's Brain?

(The Class broke out into Laughter )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's Brain, Felt it,touched or Smelt it? . . . No one appears to have done so. So, according to the Established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that You have No Brain, sir...
With all due respect, sir, how do we then Trust your Lectures, sir?

(The Room was Silent. The Professor stared at the Student, his face unfathomable)

Professor : I guess you'll have to take them on Faith, son.

Student : That is it sir . . . Exactly ! The Link between Man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that Keeps Things Alive and Moving..

NB: I believe you have enjoyed the Conversation . . . and if so . .
You'll probably want your Friends /Colleagues to enjoy the same . . . won't you? Forward them to Increase their Knowledge. . . or FAITH.

By the way, that student was Albert Einstein.

A 'Unique' Prime Minister...

"THE rising crime that is currently affecting Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean region has been caused by the loss of preferential markets for the export of bananas and sugar"?... I wonder which hat he pulled this one out from? Allow me to introduce the only Prime Minister in the world who is not in tuned at what is happening with his own people nor what is happening in his own Country...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

GIs' Afghan Guards Clash With Afghan Troops

"He has power to send torment on you from above you or from under your feet, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, and make you to taste the violence of one another." [Quran: 006:065]

McChrystal: Send More Troops or Fail

"Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions (in keeping our duties to You), establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk." [Quran: 003:147]

“Fight against them so that Allâh will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people.” [Quran: 009:014]

“And there is no victory except from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.” [Quran: 003:126]

“And Allâh supports with His Victory whom He wills.” [Quran: 003:013]

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Wasteful Amongst Us...

A stark contrast: Hunger and the wasteful...
The photos on the top right depict the starving children of the world. What wrong have they done? The photos on the below left represent the haughty wicked, evil and wasteful amongst us. What is their crime? Their crime is a history of violent attacks and disrespect against God and his people. Whom do you think would earn the displeasure and wrath of God?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Last Ten Days of Ramadaan

The virtue of the last ten days of Ramadaan and Laylat al-Qadr

Allaah forgives the previous sins of the one who stays up and prays during this night out of faith and in hope of earning the reward from Him. (Nawawi, 8/57).

It was reported in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever fasts the month of Ramadaan out of faith and in the hope of earning reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven, and whoever stays up during Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of earning reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Agreed upon).

The phrase “out of faith and in the hope of earning reward” means, believing in Allaah’s promise of reward for this, and seeking the reward, with no other aim or purpose, such as showing off etc. (Fath al-Baari, 4/251).

Allaah has revealed a surah concerning this night which will be recited until the Day of Resurrection, in which He mentions the honour and great value of this night. This is the surah in which He says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, We have sent it (this Qur’aan) down in the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree). And what will make you know what the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? The Night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allaah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months). Therein descend the angels and the Rooh [Jibreel] by Allaah’s Permission with all Decrees, (All that night), there is peace (and goodness from Allaah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn.” [al-Qadr 97:1-5]

The phrase and what will make you know what the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? Serves to draw attention to the importance and great significance of this night.

The Night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months means, it is better than over eighty three years, as we have already mentioned. This is a great virtue, the value of which no one can fully understand except the Lord of the Worlds, may He be blessed and exalted. This encourages the Muslim to spend this night in prayer and to seek the Face of Allaah by doing so.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to seek this night, hoping to gain some good from it, and he is the example for this Ummah. It is mustahabb to seek it during Ramadaan, especially in the last ten nights of the month. It was reported in Saheeh Muslim that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did I’tikaaf during the first ten days of Ramadaan, then he did I’tikaaf during the middle ten days in a Turkish tent [the word qubbah, translated here as “tent”, refers to a tent or any circular structure] in which a mat was placed. He said: so he took the mat in his hand and put it at the side of the tent, then he raised his head to speak to the people, so they came closer to him. He said: “I did I’tikaaf during the first ten days, seeking this night, then I did I’tikaaf during the middle ten days. Then someone came to me and told me that it is in the last ten days, so whoever among you wants to do I’tikaaf, let him do so.” So the people did I’tikaaf with him. He said: “I was shown an odd-numbered night, in the morning of which I was prostrating in mud and water”. Then in the morning of the twenty-first, he got up to pray Subh and it was raining; the roof of the mosque leaked, and there was mud and water. He came out when he had finished praying, and there was mud and water on his forehead and nose. That was the morning of the twenty-first, one of the last ten days. (Saheeh Muslim, 1167).

In a report, Abu Sa’eed said: “It rained on the night of the twenty-first, and the roof of the mosque leaked over the place where the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was praying. I looked at him, when he had finished praying Salaat al-Subh, and his face was wet with mud and water.” (Agreed upon).

Muslim narrated a hadeeth from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Unays (may Allaah be pleased with him) that was similar to the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed, except that he said, “it rained on the night of the twenty-third.” According to a hadeeth narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Seek it in the last ten days of Ramadaan, when there are nine days left, and seven days left, and five days left.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4/260).

Laylat al-Qadr is in the last ten days of Ramadaan, as stated in the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed quoted above, and as stated in the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah, and in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar who said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Seek Laylat al-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadaan.” (The hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah was narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4/259; the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar was narrated by Muslim, 2/823. This wording is that of the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah).

It is more likely to be one of the odd-numbered nights, because of the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Seek Laylat al-Qadr in the odd-numbered nights of the last ten nights.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4/259)

We should seek it especially in the odd-numbered nights, i.e., on the twenty-first, the twenty-third, the twenty-fifth, the twenty-seventh and the twenty-ninth. It was reported in al-Saheehayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Seek it in the last ten nights, on the odd-numbered nights.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1912, see also, 1913. Also narrated by Muslim, 1167, see also 1165).

According to the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Seek it in the last ten nights of Ramadaan, when there are nine left, when there are seven left, when there are five left.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1917-1918). So it is more likely to be one of the odd-numbered nights. In Saheeh al-Bukhaari it was narrated that ‘Ubaadah ibn al-Saamit said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came out to tell us when Laylat al-Qadr was, and two of the Muslims were arguing. He said: “I came out to tell you when Laylat al-Qadr was, and So and so and So and so were arguing, so it [the knowledge of when Laylat al-Qadr was] was taken away from me. Perhaps this is better for you. So seek it on the ninth and the seventh and the fifth” (al-Bukhaari, 1919), i.e., on the odd-numbered nights.

This hadeeth indicates how bad it is to argue and fight, especially with regard to matters of religion, and that this is a cause of goodness being taken away or concealed. Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyah said: “But odd-numbers have to do with what is past [i.e., when one starts counting from the beginning of the month], so it should be sought on the twenty-first, the twenty-third, the twenty-seventh or the twenty-ninth; or it may be with regard to what is left, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘when there are nine left, or seven left, or five left, or three left.’ On this basis, if the month has thirty days, these will be even-numbered nights, so on the twenty-second there will be nine days left, on the twenty-fourth there will be seven days left. This is how it was explained by Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri in the saheeh hadeeth, and this is how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed qiyaam during this month. If this is the case, then the believer should seek it in all of the last ten days.” (al-Fataawaa, 25/284, 285).

Laylat al-Qadr is more likely to be in the last seven days. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that a man among the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was shown Laytal al-Qadr in a dream, and that it was one of the last seven nights. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It seems that your dreams agreed that it is one of the last seven nights, so whoever wants to seek it, let him seek it in the last seven nights.” (narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1911; Muslim, 1165).

Muslim reported: “Seek it in the last ten nights, and if any of you are weak or unable to do that, then let him not miss the last seven.” It is most likely to be on the night of the twenty-seventh. It was reported, in a hadeeth narrated by Ahmad from Ibn ‘Umar, and a hadeeth narrated by Abu Daud.
